iOS 5.1 Beta Hints at Siri Dictation For iPad And iPod Touch

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imageiOS 5.1 Beta Hints at Siri Dictation For iPad And iPod Touch

9 to 5 Mac has discovered something interesting in iOS 5.1 beta 3 that was seeded just a few hours back.

They've discovered a new section in the keyboard menu  called “About Privacy and Dictation", which suggests that Apple is working on bringing Siri to iPad and possibly even iPod touch.

9 to 5 Mac reports:

When opened, as shown above, the iPad provides the user with the standard legal literature and feature information for Siri Dictation.

Read the full story here


  • j4nuS
    j4nuS Posts: 10
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  • me!
    me! Posts: 16
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    I want Siri on my 4!!!!!
  • Freddieboy
    Freddieboy Posts: 45
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    I wouldn't fret about it I have it, never use it, gave up as it NEVER gets what I am saying 100% right
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    If the iPod touch is getting it, Apple better get it to my iPhone 4!
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Amen to that. I used it a couple of times the first few days and like every other speech recognition program, just gave up. I really thought Apple would pull this off as much as they were promoting it, but I find the feature worthless.
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    I bet they don't put it on the older devices but all the new devices will get it. Bet. So anyone who wants the feature will have to buy the new device, wether it be a phone, iPod or iPad. But what do I know.
  • Marc henn
    Marc henn Posts: 5
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    They are really starting to treating the iPhone4 likes its a 2g now
  • DarkmanTu
    DarkmanTu Posts: 6
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    Siri is sh*te. And the 4s doesn't have an option to turn off 3G and thus drains your battery like mad. If you're based outside US Siri can't tell you your location.It never gets what you're saying. If you have a 4 don't bother upgrading. Wait for iPhone 5.
  • I hope Apple goes ahead and does it for you guys, but honestly SIRI is not that special... Sure you play with it a couple days but in the end you figure out it is easier just to do it manually.... Speech recognition:As a native speaking white American I can say its speech recognition is aweful... Good luck getting it to call friends with slightly unusual or ethnic names, "Call Mike" works but "Call Latifia" does not... But you can give Latifia a vulgar nickname (Call my H* or B* or even F*buddy) and it will call her everytime... Furthermore it does not recognize "masters voice" so anyone can go "mail my wife, I want a divorce" or my favorite; "Siri, call me -Vulgarname-" "Do you want me to call you -Vulgarname- from now on?" "yes"...Location based reminders:It is also too stupid to remember places by GPS location for reminders, it needs to find an address... Plenty of places do not have addresses (or addresses SIRI can find and place correctly). When it is wrong you cannot even move the pin to the correct location... Examples:1) you have a long driveway (1/16 mile+) SIRI will think you are not home if you are not at the mailbox2) you travel to any country besides the 3 or 4 supported ones it will not remember your hotel3) you work at a fairly large business or jobsite (if accounting is in building 3 shouldn't SIRI be able to remind you to hand in receipts when you leave building 1?)4) you want a reminder when you get to the fountain in the park (maybe have SIRI propose to your girlfriend, IDK)5) geocaching locations6) a farmer wants a reminder to "check on XYZ cow when I get to barn 3" but SIRI needs an address7) you need a reminder when you get to the subway station exit 4 or the bus stop8) maybe you saw wildlife somewhere and you want SIRI to remind you to look again next time, also for hunters...9) remind me when I get to the car...This way of dealing with location is so frustrationing with SIRI saying "I cannot find an address for this location" and me saying "Just remember this F*ing coordinates" "I am sorry I don't understand what you mean by that"... Ahhh... Isn't it easier just to remember the GPS coordinates rather than converting addresses back and forth? Summary:Very beta software at best with the same voice of Dr Sabatso (artificial intelligence that came with some Sound Blaster cards) from 1992....
  • vd
    vd Posts: 1
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    if we are being honest here apple itself mentions it is a beta so....
  • Digitalstereo
    Digitalstereo Posts: 1
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    Well. I've never actually tried Siri but I think it's worth a shot. AT least I can brag to my friends about it