Imagination Technologies Unveils Next Generation GPU For iOS Devices; 20 Times More Powerful And 5 T

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imageImagination Technologies Unveils Next Generation GPU For iOS Devices; 20 Times More Powerful And 5 Times More Efficient

UK based Imagination Technologies, the maker of graphics processing unit has unveiled their next generation GPU - PowerVR Series 6 at CES 2012.

The Verge reports that Imagination claims that the sixth generation of its GPU's will provide 20 times or more performance improvements, while also being 5 times more efficient.

The Verge reports:

Read the full story here


  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
    via Wordpress
    Even if it's true that these chips are 5 times more efficient, at 20 times more powerful, logically they'll still sap 4 times more power than current chips. Think I'd rather stick with my current battery life. How much rendering power do you really need on a handheld device anyway?
  • WikoSiko
    WikoSiko Posts: 19
    via Wordpress
    I NEED TERAFLOPS XD All in all it's good to see a massive step to the future but yeah I have a Phone not a gaming system in my pocket ;) Just saying. I would still buy an iPhone with that much power, Just cause it sounds cool to say to people xD
  • Victor
    Victor Posts: 54
    via Wordpress
    iPhone 5 this year? Lol.It would be nice to see these on future gen iDevices.
  • Paradox
    Paradox Posts: 327
    via Wordpress
    I don't know about you... but on an iPhone .. can't say I would need it, but having PS3/Xbox 360 quality rendering on the iPad ... I'm all for it. Not saying this would reach that level, maybe it could maybe it couldn't, but still .. If I play games on a macbookpro with a 6 hour battery life .. whats wrong with doing it on an iPad with a 10 hour battery life?
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    Yes! This year (2012 October)
  • John M
    John M Posts: 4
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    Your logic makes zero sense. The article did not say, it is 20x more powerful and 5 times more efficient than if you had overclocked your original iphone to the 20x power. It is five times more efficient than current models, REGARDLESS of how much more powerful it is. If it it 5 times more efficient, it will use 20% of the existing GPU's power levels.
  • Azures
    Azures Posts: 22
    via Wordpress
    Waiting patiently for iPad 3.