NY Philharmonic Interrupted By iPhone Ringtone

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageNY Philharmonic Interrupted By iPhone Ringtone

During the final measures of Mahler's Symphony No. 9, Alan Gilbert, conductor of the New York Philharmonic orchestra, did something very rare during live performances of this sort: he stopped conducting. The cause was the iconic Marimba ringtone of an iPhone.

Read the full story here


  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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  • RB
    RB Posts: 10
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    no good news to report!how did this old news ended up on this website!
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    we dont care about the orchestra! give us 4S jailbreak nao!!!!!!
  • Fad
    Fad Posts: 6
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  • Ricky Messham
    Ricky Messham Posts: 1
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    Lol who gives a ****?
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    wow, out of all the ringtones in the world .... Ai Marumba
  • Kimk69
    Kimk69 Posts: 213
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    What the hell. It's a funny article and iPhone Hacks has nothing to do with When the jailbreak is released. Why do people ask iPhone Hacks for a jailbreak?
  • Bonedude
    Bonedude Posts: 22
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    I care about the orchestra. I also care about one of the greatest pieces ever written being played by one of the greatest orchestras. Try to get some class, jack hole! ...and be patient.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    This is really funny and pointless too.
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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  • Slick
    Slick Posts: 45
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    all he needed to do was press a buttom on the second or third "durum dun durum dun dun dum...."i dont understand why some people would just ignore the ring or sound even if they dont want to pick up ?? especially in a concert :(press something please... pressing anything would be acceptableeven if ur slow start reacting on the second or third ring?I couldn't forgive , Me plus conductor "new phone a day befo concert" **** yo excuse !!should of left that **** in da car !!!any sound during symphony unacceptable anyone with 7 non stop phone rings should be banned for life or 7 months sorry sounds annoys me specially phone ring tones
  • KR
    KR Posts: 41
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    babbling idiots annoy me!
  • Bonedude
    Bonedude Posts: 22
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    Looks like we have another turd with noclass.
  • Maxtor182
    Maxtor182 Posts: 46
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    Orchestras are fucking lame and so is Bonedude. Someone needs to backhand that little fagot and shut him up
  • ken78
    ken78 Posts: 3
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    This happened to me too. I was attending a play, sitting in the front row, when my phone started ringing, I was so nervous. My brain went blank and I forgot how to do anything. Finally one of the actors, who is my personal hero, came over and took my phone. He thought that he fixed the problem and put the phone in his pocket as a joke, I guess. But he had only hit snooze. Ten minutes later it started to happen again! He was so angry that he broke my lovely new iPhone 4s. Everyone was looking at me for being such a tool. After the show he apologized for losing his temper. I apologized for annoying the crowd. My wife said that he should have broke the phone over my head because that would teach people who don't know how to use their phones that ignorance is no excuse.P.S. The actor did replace my phone along with a fake book called "Turing off your @&$#%€ before you addend a concert"! Because I was able to meet my personal hero, I am grateful that I didn't know how to use my phone. We have became pretty good friends too. All though he will never let me live down the mistake I made. Every time we attend any public event, my wonderful annoying wife always reminds me to leave my phone in the car.
  • ken78
    ken78 Posts: 3
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    I am a public speaker and this has happened at many of my shows. I usually harass the offending person until they feel enough shame and stop the offending action. However there have been a nu bet of occasions where the person not only had the nerve to interrupt my speech, but they accepted the phone call. One person had an argument with his wife for 15 minutes about how he couldn't talk on the phone because he was at an event. After he finished his phone call the crowd turned nasty. They started calling him every racist name you can think of (this was in China, so it was even more harsh than the USA would have been) until he came up on the stage and begged the people to forgive him. Trying to calm everyone down I said that it was okay. The crowd, however, wasn't so easily appeased. They demanded he be taken from the show for insulting China in front of a foreign guest. He finally left, and while he was walking out the door somebody else's phone started to ring! This was hands down one of my favorite shows. This is why my wife will never let me live down my alarm ringing during my last post. I have lightened up a lot since it happened to me. If the crowd starts to harass somebody too much, you know demanding that they leave, my wife always calls my phone during my show while I am scolding the offender. This usually calms things down. Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to share my related stories with you all. If this or something similar has happened to you in the past, please share your story. I would love to know that I'm not the only one this has happened to. If you would like to advise me on how to handle this situation in the future, please do so. I'm always eager to hear how other public speakers solve this problem.I always ask everyone to turn off their phone. Then I remind them that their alarm may ring even if their phone is turned off. Fifteen minutes into my show, I have an annoying Nokia ringtone played over the speakers. Then I remind people again. This works about 3.14159 % (really about 80%) of the time. I would like to find a solution that would work 100% of the time. Again I am sorry to post such a long comment, but this is a problem close to my heart. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Slick
    Slick Posts: 45
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    I am sure u know by now, without taking peoples electronic devices , there is no 100% solution. Even by confiscating it someone will sneak one through.Not sure why a lot humans are so ...disrespectful and ignorant.For me persnally When I go "just" to watch a movie my phone would be on vibrate, such a easy thing to do why don't people do it???? why ? The fact that u mention how u remind people to silence their devices and it still goes off , I have also witness that few times,Only solution is if there was a more strict rule maybe people would be a little bit more aware. When i say strict i mean not allowed to bring in or confiscate temporally or you can bring it in but if it rings u don't get to keep that :(Okay fine 2 rings the most if u can't silence it then say GOODByE to ur phone !!!man....that would be nice !!
  • Slick
    Slick Posts: 45
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    I don't always agree with what people in China does, but kicking that person out for being rude seem right. Nice of you to stick up for him