Why Are Android Based Smartphones Bigger Than The iPhone?

^_^ Posts: 4,429
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageWhy Are Android Based Smartphones Bigger Than The iPhone?

Since Android's introduction in the smartphone market, Google touted "choice" as Android's big advantage over other mobile platforms. Choice of carriers, choice of manufacturers and choice of handsets. 

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  • zlo
    zlo Posts: 9
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    IPhone for kids and android for adults .And when you are older you need big screen :)
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    I bet yr dad is younger than u. Lol
  • Austin
    Austin Posts: 30
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    My friend has a droid. I hate everything about it. My iPhone is 1000X faster and better at just about anything. And it's even a 3GS! Not a 4! (Oh how I wish it was a 4...)
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    Apple need to make the next gen iphone with bigger screen size.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    Well i had both first a andriod it was sweet and awsome. Recently i got an iphone 4s and trust me when i say ANDRIOD BLOWS. If you dont have a iphone you basically dont have a phone. Sure theres fanboys and will say andriod is better. Im just saying i had both and iphone deffinitly wins. Andriod is cheaper in price thats why people stick to andriods.APPLE > ANDRIOD
  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    not possible and a stupid comment. FAIL....
  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    price is the least of people's decisions. if people want something bad enough, they'll make it happen.there are things about the android that are better than the iphone and vice versa. i will admit, the overall home layout of the android appears better to me. i say appears, because i have yet to mess with one. just have friends that pull theirs out. i like the home screen look - and i'd rather not have to use a jailbroken app just to get that effect. as far as the size thing goes, if it still fits in the back pocket, the size is justifiable. how many people are gonna carry their phone in the front pocket ? (not counting subway travelers or any other place where pick-pocketing is a threat). i find it more uncomfortable in the front, but will place it there when i'm in a loud area and i need to feel the vibration on my leg for a text / phone call.
  • g-funk
    g-funk Posts: 2
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    The size is why I switched to the iPhone. I don't want a huge phone. We got rid of those in the 90s with the StarTac! I had an OG Droid and it was wonderful. There are a few things I truly miss about android - namely the openness, the search function, and the contextual menu. But there are plenty of positives to the iPhone - it seems to respond to touch better, "feels" quick, and is reliable. It would have been a very tough choice if the Galaxy nexus was 3.5"
  • Les
    Les Posts: 3
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    I was wondering why they were so big, now I know why. I love my iPhone's size, and I thought it was a little big at first, I have small hands so the other cell phones are huge, anyway, the iPhone is a perfect size for me.And thanks for the article! :o)
  • Yuse 2 b ripped off
    via Wordpress
    I have both and I think they're both good in theire own rights
  • Fuck you
    Fuck you Posts: 47
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    I Have both too and there both great. With all do respect why do people say android s*cks? I mean there are reasons why some one would say that, and i respect their opinions but ANDROID BL*WS is not a reason. Same goes for the iphone.
  • Hmmm?
    Hmmm? Posts: 59
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    So what happens when the screen size of the iPhone increases to 4'?
  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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    LOL Didn't sensor your name. Why bother sensoring your comment?
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    lol...cuz u can't argue with stupid, can't fix stupid either lol
  • Posts: 15
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    An I the only one wants a bigger screen? Ya the chip and ui arguments may have some waight but serousaly 3.5 is small if you have big hands, want to watch a movie have bad eyes. I can personally hold my iPhone 4 in one hand and easily touch the entire glass face plate make it bigger. Bigger bigger screen and alot bigger battery. What you do hear people complaining about more that there phone died or that their phone is a half an ounce too heavy
  • Posts: 15
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    Just want to point out the if you measure iPhone apps running on the iPad that they are bigger then the iPhone screen
  • Blaque
    Blaque Posts: 0
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    Why do android users always use the adult/child relationship to combat any negative feedback about their devices or device platform? It's not a question of who should be using the device. Android just has some problem solving to do. Wake up and stop denying it...
  • dice
    dice Posts: 94
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    my ladys biggest complaint is the size of her driod, she has little hands and hates tge fact she cannot use one hand to use her phone. However there is a positive side to thier size!, they make awsome door stoppers, beer can coasters, ect... >=]]
  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    Because its a Droid, Samsung Rules the Air!!!!!
  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    The app called Ice Stream for android alone makes the iPhone look like a childs toy!
  • Pete
    Pete Posts: 92
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    Gruber clearly knows nothing about Nokia.The Lumia 800 was only ever meant to be a temporary "flagship phone".The fact that their current flagship phone, the Lumia 900 is bigger is because customers were asking for a bigger screen. Simple as that. Its size has very little to do with LTE. I would be at all surprised to see an even larger screened (about 4.8 inches) Lumia later in the year.
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    no sense of humor, too serious. not good for life...
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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  • mohgui
    mohgui Posts: 25
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    there will be a day where the line between the mobile phone and tablet will cease to exist as mobile phones grow bigger in size and tablets the reverse...
  • Fuck you
    Fuck you Posts: 47
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    the site corrected my comment. As for -x- thanks for proving my point cuz!!!!
  • Android
    Android Posts: 11
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    i had an iphone 3g and 4, but moved to a galaxy note. Its a tiny bit heavier but battery last the same as an iphone 4. I prefer this phone for its size and control android gives me over the phone. But both have their adv and disadvantages.
  • Zang
    Zang Posts: 153
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    I moved from Apple to Galaxy S2 and love it :)I'm like Woz, I love my Android and there are things like kernel manipulation I would miss as well as custom OS... But I would always point people to the iPhone as it's much more user friendly if your not technologically minded.Sorry but with right kernel software, undervolting and overclocking the device... And also the programming aspects.. I love it... obviously though about 90% of users don't know how to program and some likely wont even know what I'm talking about, those 90% should have gone with iPhone as for their use, it would be superior.
  • ypiwafe
    ypiwafe Posts: 0
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    People here seem to forget that iPhone 4's has 960×640 because Apple took the easy and lazy approach of simply doubling from iPhone 3's 480×320. It was simple to just double the size of every UI elements: icons, fonts ... than to think hard of better ways to take advantage of higher screen resolution.
  • TeeDee
    TeeDee Posts: 1
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    Actually it's the other way round. I see most adults using iPhones and child using android. Please get your facts right :)
  • sentence
    sentence Posts: 0
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