Why Does Apple Manufacture iPhone in Asia?



  • I am chinese
    I am chinese Posts: 1
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    So!!The whole world would fall apart if they made china a full first world country or even a second world country like the USA has become.No one would be able to afford anything and there wouldn't be enough people that have to work as hard as they all do to get as skilled as so many of them are
  • emily
    emily Posts: 12
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    We in the United States are spoiled by the unrealistic economy and artifically inflated lifestyles inflicted by Trickle-Down Economics from the mid-eighties. Are economic "woes" and subprime mortgage disasters are just a manifestation of such unsustainable lifestyles. The economy will never "be the same," it is simply the reality of the matter. As a result, a sharper divide between the rich and poor will be seen... and "middle class" harder to define. We have become a country of money-handlers, entertainers, and ideas. When it comes down to getting our hands dirty, the reply is usually... "Why me?" Until we get over ourselves, until we adopt to the new reality of our economy... we will remain a country of whiny bitches
  • Greg
    Greg Posts: 106
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    It's easy to only buy vegetables and fruits that are in season. I just today purchased 2 heads of celery in Virginia that were grown in California. Two weeks ago I got strawberries from Florida. There are PLENTY of veggies grown year round in the US. In addition. If the workers were in the US, and got say 12.00 / hr. They would pay taxes, and then purchase other goods with their salary. And then the taxes would pave roads, build schools and pay for other infrastructure expenses. The workers would then buy houses, apartments, food, appliances from other persons and those persons would get paid and buy goods and services, and so on and so on. In addition think about how taxes actually work . I buy something for 100.00. 7% of that is tax. leaving 93.00. The person I buy the item from spends 93.00 and 7% is tax leaving 86.50. this cycles for 11 transactions then the money is completely consumed by taxes. Then government takes that tax money and buys goods and services from private companies and pays employees. The cycle begins again. There is your economics lesson for the day.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    What a bunch of ignorant comments, especially those who promote protectionism and buy local. Learn a little about the economy work before spewing out absurd diatribe.And for those who said they are willing to pay 30% more for their phones so that it is made in the USA. Guess what, electronics are not only sold to US Consumers. It's also precisely this egocentric view that makes Americans look like morons to the rest of the world.The truth is, Apple pays Foxcoon less than 15 bucks to assemble an Ipad or Iphone. If you want the workers to be treated better, tell Apple to make $385 instead of $400 on every Iphone they sell..
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    Apple is in business to make money, not to help the American economy, or to help anyone but Apple. You cant make money if you cant make the product that your customers want. In technology if youre late to the game, youre out of the game. Their decision makes complete sense to me. Some people can be really blind when it comes to the whole issue of China. The thing that Apple does better than most companies that "buy from china" is quality control. There isn't any quality control on commodities that come from China. Hence the cliché of "its Chinese build crap".
  • Derrick
    Derrick Posts: 11
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    it's about more then cheap labor. it's cheap labor and an abundance of mechanical and electrical engineers. They need well over a thousand engineers on site to deal with manufacturing problems that arise. And politicians in American have little interest in educating fellow americans in areas of engineering. They won't fund education or at least Republicans really have no interest in it.
  • Jaya_on
    Jaya_on Posts: 4
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    They don't have to take the job. And as I recall, there are 3000 aplicants eagerly awaiting employment with the company. Libs can be so stupid.
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    Nice!...straight and direct to the point all in 1 semtence...unlike Dumbo above...
  • DaePrice
    DaePrice Posts: 4
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    Actually, if you make more than 30k a year, your in the worlds top ONE percent, not ten. if you make over 120k a year, you are in the worlds top .3 percent, and if you make over 250k, you are in the top .01 percent. Its easy for ANY american to become self rightious about the fact that the rest of the world is willing to work more for less, because most americans have had everything handed to them from the generations of sacrifice and genius before them.
  • DaePrice
    DaePrice Posts: 4
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    Actually, the absolute root of the problem is the devaluation of the US dollar. A hundred years ago, the US out produced the rest of the world combined, thus, the dollar was accepted world wide as the reserve currency. One american could produce what 100 forigners could produce. Its where the slogan "made in america" came from. But as our gov. grew, and our socialised, aka Warfare/welfare spending exploded, the government began to devalue the currency by over printing. Americans were incentivised to NOT save, as they had done for generations before them. We were sold on this idea that an expanding monitary supply would cause people to consume more, thus stimulating production. Over time, there was no more savings in any accounts, thus, no more investment capitol. Instead, we sell the last bit of capitol we have to china via bonds and bailouts, so they can be agile and build factories to meet demand of american companies, thus leaving americans to suffer their own demise. Americans can't compeat, because they sold their souls and the souls of their children to the Federal reserve for this utopian idea that there would be no more poverty ever again in america. Now its time to pay the piper. Don't blame apple for investing wisely, blame the government and the federal reserve for forcing our own companies to have to look elswere because our own industrialization is simply a figment of the distant past.
  • DaePrice
    DaePrice Posts: 4
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    I think you will find it interesting that around two thirds of the world food is produced in america.....
  • Pete
    Pete Posts: 92
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    engineers how smart you need to be 2 put a f....k cover over and iphone or assemble and iphone