Jailbreaking Your iPhone May Become Illegal If DMCA Exemption Expires

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageJailbreaking Your iPhone May Become Illegal If DMCA Exemption Expires

If you love jailbreaking your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch then you should read this post and take action.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) reports that it has asked the U.S. Copyright Office to declare that jailbreaking does not violate the DMCA. 

You may remember that back in 2010, EFF had won critical exemption to the DMCA, which made it legal for users  in the US to jailbreak their iPhone.

Read the full story here



  • iOS5
    iOS5 Posts: 73
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    I jailbreaked before it was deemed legal and i will jailbreak again and again and again no matter what happens. And before you say it. YES, i pirate too.. ha ha ha ha ha
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Ok, I do not pirate and do not condone piracy. That being said, I don't understand how Jailbreaking would be illegal, even if the exemption does expire.It technically wasn't illegal before the exemption, the exemption simplified clarified that it was indeed legal.
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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  • Dan Bradley
    Dan Bradley Posts: 81
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    Ridiculous. I will jailbreak my phone as long as the resources are out there. If the FBI wants to look into it, come and get me, I'll be the one with the cool icons on his iPhone.
  • iOS5
    iOS5 Posts: 73
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  • iOS5
    iOS5 Posts: 73
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  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    EFF is requesting users to submit comments online at this link. EFF has also provided a list of questions on their website that you should address in the comments.Please note that comments are due by February 5th at 5PM Eastern time, so don’t waste anytime and head over to the link provided above and submit your comments.
  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    Recording a T.V show with a VHS, or audio from the radio with a cassette is illegal. Will jailbreaking your iphone fit into the same 'who gives the slightest s**t' section of the law as they do? I believe so... and very nicely too :)
  • axe
    axe Posts: 185
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    To make jailbreaking illegal is very hard to control but making distributing jailbreak tools illegal easier if exemption expires. Something like the SOPA n PIPA case.
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    This is a richmans world, n it's getting old
  • high horse
    high horse Posts: 11
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    Get off your high horse. You know you've downloaded mp3's from the internet. Guess what? That means you pirate. I hate how everyone thinks that its only pirating when it comes to software, but then their ethics fly out the window when it comes to music. Everyone pirates, and if you say you don't, you're lying. You don't need to convince us. It seems more like you're trying to convince yourself.
  • high horse
    high horse Posts: 11
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    thank you for being honest. we all pirate. the people who say they don't just want attention
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    If it becomes illegal to jailbreak than I believe Apple will have problems. I personally will stop buying apple products as some others may do the same eventually creating a boycott costing apple millions. Why can't these a-holes just leave things alone and make their billions? Damn control freaks.
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    I 2nd that. They make thousands off of apps that don't even work! Like scales n so many more, n a refund ya right
  • ilove
    ilove Posts: 19
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    Gross! Who wants anything stock!
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    How do you get your music?
  • unreal
    unreal Posts: 51
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    i don't. and you don't know me or anything even vaguely resembling a statistically valid sample of people. therefore you statements of "we all pirate" and "the people who say they don't just want attention" are wrong.i do crack the DRM off all media and devices i have, in order to use my legally purchased items as i see fit. i am both a consumer and producer of content, commercial and otherwise. i have been a victim of "IP" theft - a (CC) piece of my original art was being used on cigarette lighters, of all things, being made in china and sold on ebay. All they had to do was ask. it was in the CC notice.the vast bulk of my content is from owned and ripped CDs and DVDs. thousands of them (since i prefer high def). the few bits of mp3 and mpeg4 were legally downloaded.in the idevice case, though, copyright is being horribly abused. it is intended to prevent property theft, in an environment where property is less tangible. if you crack your iphone, how are you stealing from apple? how do they lose a sale? (in fact, they gain a sale - the devices usefulness expands). i've already switched to a nexus phone (after 3 generations of iphone). my next tablet will probably be droid as well. i just get tired of the "game", with apple.
  • Boe
    Boe Posts: 1
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    Copying music, Brooks, vidéo, software for free is pirating i figure. Modifying a car, a DVD player, a shirt is not. We purchase software and phones and waive warranty when we make any mod. Want to make changing an Armani suit illegal too? You alter the design. Ridiculous. I converted 110% from Apple but have difficulties with their marketing philosophy. B
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Thats a bit like the saying 83% of people masturbate, the other 17% are liars!
  • stu
    stu Posts: 48
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  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    When the iphone was first released it was 'illegal' to jailbreak, but it never stopped people. And it won't stop people in the future.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    haha same here, if you want me bad enough, just call my jailbroken phone.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Actually, no I haven't downloaded illegal mp3s off the internet through any illegal means. I have used iTunes, eMusic, etc. that I pay for or downloaded free songs that are being given away by the artists/record labels.Honestly, it is cheap enough to get the music through legitimate means, why should I steal from those the artists?To say that everyone pirates is a gross exaggeration, there are some that do and overall the vast majority don't.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Actually, that falls under fair use.What is illegal is to then sell that tape for a profit (you could ask for them to pay for your actual costs. i.e. the amount of electricity it took to make it, the physical media itself, the % of the cost of your cable bill, etc.)
  • Wite Boy
    Wite Boy Posts: 77
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    i love how when some needs to defend themselves, they right an essay
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    I actually think that the manufacturer still would have to honor the warranty. Afterall, if I buy a car and put a non-oem radio in it, then the engine stops running, the car manufacturer is not allowed to say "You put in a new radio, so we will not honor your warranty!" That is a violation of the laws that protect consumers, I fail to see how this is any different.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    i do not wank. nore do i pirate. pmsfl
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    In addition to the methods that I mentioned above, most actually come from CDs (yes physical CDs) that I buy from the store (most these days are from thrift stores, but that is perfectly legal).
  • Symph
    Symph Posts: 14
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    Poor analogy... But the issue hear seems to be copyright infringement. No part of the iPhone is being re-sold or altered unethically. For the most part software is created and installed on a device. You do the same thing on your PC. Buy software and install it. There is no company determining wether the software is "approved" or not. You use at your discretion. Now apple has every right to have the App Store and filter out programs that they deem to be unnecceasary..., .... Like someone else said most of us have jailbreaked before this and we will definitely continue.
  • LoganExplosion
    LoganExplosion Posts: 45
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    unless we're going to start renting iphones from carriers or apple.. Don't really see how JB is illegal.I put a K&N air filter on my car. is that illegal??