Book Claims That Apple Makes New employees to Work On Fake Products Until They Can be Trusted

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imageBook Claims That Apple Makes New employees to Work On Fake Products Until They Can be Trusted

Apple's obsession with secrecy is well known. Adam Lashinsky's new book Inside Apple offers some interesting details into the company's practices to ensure secrecy.

According to conversations he had with Apple employees, the company puts fresh recruits on dummy projects for a while to test their how trustworthy they are:

Read the full story here


  • Wedding Cake Topper Dude
    via Wordpress
    Doesn't surprise me one bit.
  • Amsterpelli
    Amsterpelli Posts: 28
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    As long as you are getting paid and don't mind the work .. who cares? The money spends the same...
  • Kao Saephan
    Kao Saephan Posts: 41
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    Apple isn't the only company to do this. They're not necessarily fake products, but rather experimental products that may never see the light of day. Either way, the employees are being paid just as usual and if any leaks are found, they're easily traced to the trial employees.
  • AT&T rapes me
    AT&T rapes me Posts: 29
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    Now only if they could catch the guy who keeps loosing the prototype iPhone in bars...
  • MatTtTE
    MatTtTE Posts: 5
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    So the loser made a book? Who cares. That set is tacky and I'm sure the book dose not fall far from the tree.
  • MatTtTEE
    MatTtTEE Posts: 3
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    Linked In?????? Already looks like bull sh!??.,
  • Jesse
    Jesse Posts: 38
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    This article, most notably the title, is full of terrible grammar and poor sentence structure.
  • Rod
    Rod Posts: 33
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  • Marcello
    Marcello Posts: 19
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    i don't think ! i just don't buy that, after weeks or months of interviews & being under pressure when tested on reaction attitude & on straight FWD thinking , i bet nobody would ever screw up on their first day or week. even a competitor sending engineers & post-graduated to Apple for unlawful activity, would take several months b4 being taken into project design & therefore working on a whole pile of cleaning tasks for others' initially , all about bits & pieces hardly making sense for it is impossible to understand the project. employees introducing & taking into Apple their mates wouldn't even think stop watching their back & beside that, most projects design (the engineering part) are not even at apple's premises but outsourced at some other company. in a way it's like directing a orchestra, musicians do already know what to do & the best skill required is the ability to fit in. (university education). the real threat is in connection with cleaners, maintenance, security guards who might just get the chance to access technical documents for someone forgetting to log out their computer. marc
  • Marcello
    Marcello Posts: 19
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    i don't think ! i just don't buy that story. after weeks or months of interviews & under pressure when tested on reaction attitude & on straight FWD thinking , i bet nobody would ever screw up on their first day or week. even a competitor sending engineers & post-graduated to Apple for unlawful activity, would take several months b4 being taken into project design anyway & therefore working on a whole pile of "cleaning" tasks for others' initially ,( all about bits & pieces hardly making sense for it is impossible to understand the project). employees introducing & taking into Apple their mates wouldn't even think stop watching their back & beside that, most projects design (the engineering part) are not even at apple's premises but outsourced at some other company. in a way it's like directing a orchestra, musicians do already know what to do & the essential skill required is the ability to fit in. (university education). the real threat is in connection with cleaners, maintenance, security guards who might just get the chance to access technical documents for someone forgetting to log out their computer. marc
  • Marcello
    Marcello Posts: 19
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    i don't think ! i just don't buy that story. after weeks or months of interviews & under pressure when tested on reaction attitude & on straight FWD thinking , i bet nobody would ever screw up on their first day or week. even a competitor sending engineers & post-graduated to Apple for unlawful activity, would take several months b4 being taken into project design anyway & therefore working on a whole pile of "cleaning" tasks for others' initially ,( all about bits & pieces hardly making sense for it is impossible to understand the project). employees introducing & taking into Apple their mates wouldn't even think stop watching their back & beside that, most projects design (the engineering part) are not even at apple's premises but outsourced at some other company. in a way it's like directing a orchestra, musicians do already know what to do & the essential skill required is the ability to fit in. (university education). marc
  • Marcello
    Marcello Posts: 19
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    i DO NOT think ! i just don't buy the story for weeks or months of interviews & kept under pressure when tested on reaction attitude & on straight FWD thinking , nobody would ever screw up on their first day or week. even a competitor sending engineers & post-graduated to Apple for unlawful purpose, would take several months b4 actually start seeing real project design & therefore working on a whole pile of "cleaning" tasks for others initially.( all about bits & pieces hardly making sense for it is impossible to understand the project by looking at parts). employees introducing & taking into Apple their mates then, wouldn't even think stop watching their back & again, most projects design (the engineering part) are not even at apple's premises but outsourced at some other company then reviewed at apple. in a way it's like directing a orchestra, musicians do already know what to do & the essential skill required is the ability to fit in. (university education). marc
  • marc
    marc Posts: 103
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    i DO NOT think & i don't buy the story. after weeks or months of interviews & after being under pressure when tested on reaction attitude & on straight FWD thinking, nobody would ever screw up on their first day or week. cleaners or maintenance or security guards are more likely to be the ones who could access copyrighted info & data when someone doesn't log out their computer.a competitor sending engineers & post-graduated to Apple for unlawful purpose would take several months b4 actually start seeing real project design & therefore working on a whole pile of "cleaning" tasks for others initially.( all about bits & pieces hardly making sense for it is impossible to understand the project by looking at parts). most projects design then (the engineering part) are outsourced at some other company then reviewed at apple. in a way it's like directing a orchestra, musicians do already know what to do & the essential skill required is the ability to fit in. (university education). marc
  • marc
    marc Posts: 103
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    i DO NOT think & i don't buy the story. after weeks or months of interviews & after taking the pressure when tested on reaction attitude & on straight FWD thinking why scr*wing up on their first day or week. cleaners or maintenance or security guards are more likely to be the ones who can access copyrighted info & data when someone doesn't log out their computer.competitors sending engineers & post-graduated to Apple for unlawful purpose , would take several months b4 actually start seeing real project design & therefore working on a whole pile of "cleaning" tasks for others initially.(all about bits & pieces hardly making sense for it is impossible to understand the project by looking at parts). most projects design (the engineering part) are likely to be outsourced at some other company then reviewed at apple. it's like directing a orchestra, musicians do already know what to do & the essential skill required is the ability to fit in. (university education). marc
  • marc
    marc Posts: 103
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    i don't think & i just don't buy that story. marc
  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
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    Apple is just looking out for it's interests. Might seem extreme but very much needed. Never know if a spy from samsung tries to infiltrate!
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    Ya, maybe more of the "lab" kinda product.