Why iPhone 4 Users Won't Officially Get Siri



  • Brandon Zgadzaj
    Brandon Zgadzaj Posts: 2
    via Wordpress
    I have spire on my iPod touch 4gen and it works amazing no need for external mic or anything I use it with a wep 480 Bluetooth mono earpiece and sometimes the apple earphones with the remote and mic but no matter how I use it it works flawlessly
  • Brandon Zgadzaj
    Brandon Zgadzaj Posts: 2
    via Wordpress
    I have spire on my iPod touch 4gen and it works amazing no need for external mic or anything I use it with Bluetooth mono earpiece and sometimes the apple earphones with the remote and mic but no matter how I use it it works flawlessly
  • zootzee
    zootzee Posts: 6
    via Wordpress
    I've tried that. But I don't know how to get a Siri proxy. I have access to a friends iPhone 4s but I don't know how to get it.
  • zootzee
    zootzee Posts: 6
    via Wordpress
    I've given up. October I'll get the 5
  • CheeseEater
    CheeseEater Posts: 40
    via Wordpress
    i had the official SIRI app on my iphone4, and it worked OK, but it was disabled when the 4s phone came out and doesn't work anymore. It still sits on my hard drive, waiting, hoping to one day be useful again, but it's not, not at all, not ever again...
  • ctrev0
    ctrev0 Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    This is a stupid article. The one and only reason is cause apple released a halfa$$ over hyped phone that's main selling point was siri. And to get as many people to waste there money on it it makes sense to make it proprietary and say some bs that its beta or other phones can't handle it.
  • chris trev
    chris trev Posts: 1
    via Wordpress
    This is a stupid article. The one and only reason is cause apple released a halfa$$ over hyped phone that's main selling point was siri. And to get as many people to waste there money on it it makes sense to make it proprietary and say some bs that its beta or other phones can't handle it.
  • Christrev
    Christrev Posts: 3
    via Wordpress
    This is a stupid article. The one and only reason is cause apple released a halfarse over hyped phone that's main selling point was siri. And to get as many people to waste there money on it it makes sense to make it proprietary and say some bs that its beta or other phones can't handle it.
  • Christrev
    Christrev Posts: 3
    via Wordpress
    This is a stupid article. The one and only reason is cause apple released a halfe over hyped phone that's main selling point was siri. And to get as many people to waste there money on it it makes sense to make it proprietary and say some bs that its beta or other phones can't handle it.
  • CTREV08
    CTREV08 Posts: 74
    via Wordpress
    Sorry for the multiple post it kept saying the publication failed check comment and I kept trting to edit it but I guess it didn't fail.