Apple Asks EU Body to Set Rules on FRAND Licensing Of Essential Patents

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imageApple Asks EU Body to Set Rules on FRAND Licensing Of Essential Patents

The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple filed a letter with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, asking for governing rules on the FRAND (fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory) licensing of patents essential to manufacture a mobile phone.

Read the full story here


  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    It appears crApple doesn't like the taste of it's own medicine. That'll teach the greedy f@#ks. Like I said when Apple started all this "patent" legal crap. I'm not sure if it was on here or on one of the forums I'm a member of. "Laptops all follow a similar design format. Netbooks even more so, yet there have been no companies laying claim (to design patents) and seeking damages for infringement from other manufacturers of laptops/netbooks that I'm aware of.Why should Apple suddenly care what it costs? The expense will be bourne by the consumer purchasing the product. Surely you can afford the hit on previous devices considering your massive mark-up on your products (iphone 4s cost £130 sells at £499)Is it right to infer from this article that Apple have neglected (purely by administrative oversight) to pay royalties for the technologies deployed. Tut tut Apple naughty naughty! Leagal team too busy screwing other companies to notice the oversight were they?"Generally royalties are levied in terms of percentage. For example, Motorola had demanded a 2.25% royalty on all of Apple's 3G capable products." Paying this would still leave you with a handsome profit per device. You're just being greedy.Motorola is entitled to demand that as compensation. Personally I'd ask for backdated interest as well. It might have cost Apple less if they'd paid upfront. A synical individual might infer Apple prefered to keep the money for themselves. If only I could find a synical individual. (oh look a mirror)Is it possible that Apple executives have their heads so far up their own asses that they believe only Apple should be allowed the privelidge of charging royalties and issuing lawsuits etc.If you'd like that to be the case Apple executives you should try bribing (oops freudian slip there) I mean lobbying the respective law makers or... failing that add a new clause to your user agreement stating that "by using this Apple device the user agrees to pay a part of any legal expense / fine / royalties incurred by Apple in their day to day quest to own/rule everything.That would keep your profits safe.In closing.If I were the individual at the European Telecommunications Standards Institute who recieved your letter I'd wipe my ass with it and send it back by return post.Time you learnt a lesson Apple. You won't get any sympathy from me. Unless you add a clause to the user agreement forcing it out of me.
  • duhh
    duhh Posts: 18
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    Next time you decide to 'pen' a rambling diatribe; spell check, grammar check, grab a dictionary and spare us your ignorance.
  • Okk
    Okk Posts: 0
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  • DJScope
    DJScope Posts: 38
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  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
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    so the bist yoo can do is have a goe ot mi spilling orrors grimmer and doction on whit a wroted?I look forward to reading your grammatically correct and correctly spelt (or is that spelled. Neither throw word into a frenzy of green squiggles. Help!) oppositional diatribe.Oh and by the way… The grammatical and spelling errors may just have been (UN) intentional.I love it when folks attack the spelling/grammatical errors. It suggests they have nothing better to comment on. Thanks for biting the hook. Toodles (that means goodbye and is correctly spelt/spelled)My "bads" I'm just toying with you now. It's been a quiet day. I'm bored
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    This game is endless.