Apple Launches '25 Billion App Countdown’ Promotion; Winner To Get $10,000 App Store Gift Card

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Launches '25 Billion App Countdown’ Promotion; Winner To Get $10,000 App Store Gift Card

When Apple launched the App Store on July 10th, 2008, even they would not have thought in their wildest imaginations that it would end up becoming such a huge success.

The success of the App Store was clear when one billion apps were downloaded in just 9 months. Fast forward to today and the App Store is about to hit the magical 25 billion app download mark.

Read the full story here


  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
    via Wordpress
    var isCountdownShowing = false;var downloadCounter = new DownloadCounter("/autopush/us/itunes/includes/"),maxCount = 24999999990,setup = function() {var currentCount = this.currentCount(),billionApps = $('billion-apps'),thanks = $('thanks');if (currentCount >= maxCount) {billionApps.hide();downloadCounter.stop();if(thanks) {;}} else {if(thanks) {thanks.hide();}billionApps.hide();downloadCounter.setElement($('downloadCounter'));}$('swap-container').style.visibility = 'visible';};downloadCounter.setMaxCount(maxCount);downloadCounter.setDigitImageAnimationCount(6);downloadCounter.setDigitImageHeight(103);downloadCounter.setDelegate({counterDidReachValue: function(downloadCounter, currentCount) {if(currentCount >= maxCount) {downloadCounter.stop();new Effect.Fade('billion-apps', {afterFinish: function() {$('billion-apps').hide();new Effect.Appear('thanks', {duration:0.8});}});} else {if(!isCountdownShowing && !isNaN(downloadCounter.currentCount())){$('billion-apps').show();isCountdownShowing = true;}}},didLoadData: function() {Event.onDOMReady(setup.bind(this));}});
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
    via Wordpress
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
    via Wordpress
    so that's the script. is it genuine or just a bog standard countdown script?
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
    via Wordpress
    Too fast its moving.
  • Mr. Sense-Guy
    Mr. Sense-Guy Posts: 6
    via Wordpress
    I just skimmed through the script (I didn't feel like doing any investigating into anything right now), but it looks like it's just increasing by one every few milliseconds. The variable "maxCount" is set to 24,999,999,990, so that's when the count stops. Plus, my browser's not showing any Network activity once the page loads.So, geek-talk aside, I'd say that you're right and it's just a countdown (well, count-up).
  • Mr. Sense-Guy
    Mr. Sense-Guy Posts: 6
    via Wordpress
    Oh, and I guess the fact that, on my computer, it's reporting about ~24,293,900,000 (and the picture above from earlier is ~24,296,000,000) is probably another giveaway that the counter probably isn't accurate.
  • macdaddy
    macdaddy Posts: 16
    via Wordpress
    Yeah whats up with that the number is lower now than on the picture and before the first set of number was stuck and didt move at all
  • Mr. Sense-Guy
    Mr. Sense-Guy Posts: 6
    via Wordpress
    @macdaddy I'm not sure why that happened (the number is higher than the picture now). All I can think is that their server is counting at the same rate that the JavaScript (the code above) and then it crashed or something and went backwards a little bit.
  • D Money
    D Money Posts: 14
    via Wordpress
    There is no spoon, and there is no counter. Roll a die with 25 million sides on it and that's who is gonna win the prize.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
    via Wordpress
    Yeh guys I had a look at the t&c page and it looks like it is just a count-up to a draw. The text on the web page is a little misleading though."Download the 25 billionth app, and you 'could' win a US$10,000 App Store Gift Card.""Limit 25 entries per person per day. No purchase necessary."Followed later by."Download the twenty-five billionth app and win a US $10,000 App Store Gift Card."When I checked the HTML code I saw this [var downloadCounter = new DownloadCounter(“/autopush/us/itunes/includes/”),] and wasn't sure if the script was actually pulling a variable or an actual value for apps sold.So I thought I'd put it out there and see what others thought.
  • melvarius
    melvarius Posts: 200
    via Wordpress
    Sorry. I meant calling a function that returned a value of apps sold.
  • ElleCee
    ElleCee Posts: 4
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    Who would want a 10,000$ app gift card. that's like winning a brand new car with no tires and no engine and then being told you can't have the keys...completely pointless...unless you can find 10,000 people willing to pay you 99 cents for gifting them an app at the same cost.
  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
    via Wordpress
    Regardless of anything, the odds of anyone winning this are pretty slim.For good luck i recommend you guys get a Rabbit's foot and hang it on your "Cabeza".
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    Who needs $10,000 of apps gift card when u got **** :)
  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 40
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  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 40
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    I no how you could win just buy a 10,000,000,000,00 iTunes gift card that should be enough to buy all the apps and once you do that you might be the winner (note: u will have to own a iPod with lots of GB (hahaha
  • BillYBoy
    BillYBoy Posts: 6
    via Wordpress
    What a joke. 500 billion dollar company offers $10K to one lucky bird. Why not just some gift cards to Wal-Mart or a free set of headphones.