Rumor: Apple Working on Sub $400 iOS Device With 7-Inch Screen

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imageRumor: Apple Working on Sub $400 iOS Device With 7-Inch Screen

M.I.C Gadget had posted the side by side photos of iPad 3 and iPad 2 yesterday, which have provided more evidence that Apple's next generation iPad will be slightly thicker and may feature a more tapered back casing.

In that report, which was essentially a round up of all the iPad 3 rumors, they've claimed that according to their sources, Apple is working on a sub $400 iOS device with 7-inch screen.

Read the full story here


  • HumanCentiPad
    HumanCentiPad Posts: 43
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    Mini me? You complete me!!
  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I have owned the original iPad since it was released, and love it, and will be upgrading to iPad 3 when it is released. Last December, I received a Kindle Fire as a gift. As of now, I have spent maybe an hour or less using it, and that was in December after first receiving it. It's a fine device, but personally I felt the 7 inch size was not very good for browsing web pages. I suppose if Apple put out a 7 inch version of the iPad I would find it better than the Kindle Fire, but I sort of agree with Steve Jobs' prior comment. It's too big to hold comfortably in one hand, (I actually find the iPhone better for one-handed use, even if the screen is much smaller), somewhat heavy for it's size, and the home screen layout is less than optimal, IMO. I don't blame Apple for wanting to reach that segment of the market, but I can't see anyone who owns the 10-inch iPad investing in a 2nd, smaller tablet, most of us use our iPhone's when we want something small in our pockets. I imagine the smaller iPad might take some sales away from the Kindle Fire, because side-by-side I expect the iPad to have a better user experience. Those that bought the Fire when it was released were most likely attracted to the price--I wonder how they feel about the product now?I was underwhelmed by it, and I didn't even pay for mine. I haven't turned it on in over a month.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I wouldn't want t a smaller Ipad unless I was going to try and do something crazy like do a custom in-dash car audio installation:) I like the size of my 10" screen on my Ipad2. I can't wait to upgrade to to the Ipad3 with an evan better screen.
  • steven chow
    steven chow Posts: 13
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    Bs rumor! They never got any rumor right
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    They wont do it, no they wont.
  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    I don't want a 10" iPad, my wife and I have both been waiting for a smaller version before buying one. We don't plan on using it for in dash purposes.
  • Gillian
    Gillian Posts: 9
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    I would totally buy an 8" ipod touch :D
  • mohgui
    mohgui Posts: 25
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    just don't come out with multiple sized iPads... please don't be another Samsung.
  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    Would definitely buy one to replace my much loved but rather clunky Rooted Nookcolor.Bring it on NOW!