5 Tips on How to Sue AT&T For Throttling Your Unlimited Data

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image5 Tips on How to Sue AT&T For Throttling Your Unlimited Data

Few weeks back, we had reported that AT&T was throttling down top 5% of the unlimited data plan subscribers to 2G speeds.

If that was not bad enough, users have reported that they have been downgraded to those pathetic 2G speeds after using less than 2GB of monthly usage.

But things have started looking up after a judge in Californian court awarded an iPhone user $850 because AT&T throttled his download speeds last week.

Read the full story here


  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    They'll probably continue citing their user agreement, where they are permitted to do practically any thing to degrade a user's experience, while on their network.
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    Ha! That's true! My iPhone 4S 64gb went searching for service every 20 seconds, and then would find it. Then went searching again. This went on for five days. During that time, they gave me almost $200 in credit, since I was paying for a service they weren't providing...HOWEVER....they told me that they don't have to do a thing, because it states in their contracts that they NEVER guarantee service anyways! How ridiculous is that???
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    This need to go viral before at&t does something about this on a grand scale. I'm suprized it hasn't as of yet. But I just need unlimited internet.
  • angel
    angel Posts: 81
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    Hi AT&T users, I have just a question, hope you can answer me...In mexico our biggest carrier is Telcel, they provide some "Unlimmited" plans however just as AT&T, when you reach 3GB they down your stream data.I was thinking on apply a sue for Telcel but in our case the contract states that the plan is "Unlimmited" but with "fair data ussage" (the 3GB constrain). The question is: Does your AT&T contract also mention that they are able to cap your data stream speed?Thanks.
  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    It does not mention that in mine.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Join the group "AT&T Unlimited Data Lawsuit" on facebook and help stop AT&T's bullying and unethical practices. YOU have the right and ability to stand up for yourself and what's right.
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    It may mention that they reserve the right to apply limits to your service, however, when they start doing it maliciously as a bully tactic in order to force you off of your unlimited plan.........that's when we've got ourselves a problem. Imagine a cable company telling you that you watch too much television and they're going to take half of the channels away but you still have to pay the same price? What AT&T is doing shouldn't and WON'T be tolerated.
  • angel
    angel Posts: 81
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    You're right Mike,Thank you guys for your info.
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Hey i also di not think of this. Watch it when your up for contract and sign a new 2 year agrreement. I wonder if AT&T is going to slip something different in the agreement that changes how they deal with Data usaage so you don't notice and get taken. i just upgraded to the Galaxy Note but did not check to see if my agreement is different from my last one. BEWARE
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    AT&T is just playing this little pathetic game you all are doing. $850 here $500 there. What are you all thinking? These guys are laughing at you. AT&T is worth billions worldwide. I agree what they are doing is wrong but VZW and TMo are doing the same thing. This will be swept under the carpet pretty quick and you will have accomplished nothing. Class act is the only way and from what I've read they are judgement proof of class act suits. You can't conquer Big Business.
  • wolvie
    wolvie Posts: 9
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    I was under the impression that throttling our data and getting unlimited data was different. I got a text about a week ago saying I was approaching the top 5% and then a day or 2 ago saying I was in the top 5% and my data MAY be throttled. I'm at about 6GB and halfway through my cycle and last month used 10GB. "3) You need to be able to show that you have an unlimited data plan, which means you are entitled to unlimited data. " This is still true, it's just slower. This unlimited argument started months back when AT&T gave us the heads up. I don't see how we have a case but if so I'm going to check it out
  • Barack O
    Barack O Posts: 11
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    Limiting data speed does limit total data avabile it takes some math. Data is measured as a ratio of data to time ie. 5mbs/second. Limiting the speed in a billing cycle limits the total data possable. 60 seconds to minuite 60minuites to hour 24 hours to day 30 days to (average) month that's 60x60x24x30=2,592,000. So now multiply that by how much a in throttled connection is then multiply it by a throttled connection that shows you how much data they are taking away
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Lol, Suing advice, its of no use because AT&T is crazy.
  • David
    David Posts: 225
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    you cant have a class action lawsuit against AT&T. Read your contract.... you have to take them to small claims court and it has to be done one person at a time.
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    Nice try guy, your attempts to get a flood of facebook fans are an epic FAIL since "thou shall not have a class action lawsuit agaisth AT&T" and if you were to do this thing called...READING, you'd read that one can only file a small claims suit, PER INDIVIDUAL.
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    Quit scamming people homo. U can't file a petition as its in the agreement fag. Read it. You can only file a small claims suit as long as you have proof.
  • Contasion
    Contasion Posts: 2
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    Yes but a California court waved that arbitration forced clause and is hearing a class action against AT&T for phantom data charges on iPhones. They have till summer to present their case
  • att customer care
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    hahahaha your happy with those measly $200, thats not even credit because you get billed in advanced!!! you have over pay for att service thats why we throw "credit: at you to shut you up and then get you with more fees!! dumb ass!!!! keep calling 611 we will make you work for credit to the point of begging all of you loser ass customer that cant afford att service!!
  • Yea a.t. And that other t will get whats finally comming to them as sweet justice will pervail soon enough
  • amattei
    amattei Posts: 2
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    i know my case is real but no way i can fight these kind of bad people