Selling Your iPad 2 Ahead Of iPad 3 Launch? Here Are Some Options

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imageSelling Your iPad 2 Ahead Of iPad 3 Launch? Here Are Some Options

The pre-launch lull is probably the best time to sell your soon-to-be-old iPad, so that you can make space for a new one. 

Here are some of the best options to sell your iPad 2:

NextWorth and Gazelle

Read the full story here


  • Dr. Evil
    Dr. Evil Posts: 4
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    So not worth it. Always give it twosome one in the family, it's an education experience!
  • paulg
    paulg Posts: 29
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    Selling on Ebay? Please no. I once sold a factory unlocked iphone 4 on ebay only to have the buyer claim it came with a nick i was never aware of. This is a phone i protected with a speck case since the day i got it.Ebay could careless i sent photos of the phone to the buyer prior to shipping. Before i could even state my case, they had already gone into my bank account and deducted the payment. Worse i am yet to receive the phone back from the buyer. What a scam.
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    what if they already have the iPad? ;P
  • Old Timer
    Old Timer Posts: 15
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    Donate it to a needy school age child. It would really make there day and be a worth while thing to do.
  • Many
    Many Posts: 3
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    Why not sell it on Craigslist now for about 650-700? For the 64gb 3g
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Sold my 16gb 3G ipad2 for $480 on Craigslist two weeks ago.
  • Vwlover69
    Vwlover69 Posts: 9
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    I sold mine on amazon for $425 last week.
  • teenbot
    teenbot Posts: 42
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    trust me, wont work, thats almost like the new price of a ipad2, some people are stupid and dont know the diffrence between an ipad1 and ipad2, and if they are smart, they wont buy it for 600$-700$. when i was selling my ipad1, a buyer thought there was Siri and u could buy a memory card for it, got mad and thought i was selling a fake ipad. haha what ideots!
  • Hemik
    Hemik Posts: 2
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    Sold my ipad2 16gv wifi at the flea-market two weeks ago for 450$ and made extra cash selling other used stuf around.. (alot of people dont know wen the next ipad comes out. they are not cheking rumers like us or keeping up todate :D lol)
  • teenbot
    teenbot Posts: 42
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    i sold a jailbroken ipad 1 16 GB WiFi for 285$ on Craigslist, buyer took the ipad and gave me the money without even checking the ipad, never even press the home button to check if its working!!!he was lucky that my ipad was real and had no problems.
  • JustSayin'
    JustSayin' Posts: 1
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    If you are on the buying side, I would wait. Who knows? may be Apple will reduce the price for you themselves. For the brandnew older models.
  • Looneyhouston
    Looneyhouston Posts: 22
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    I sold my like new iPad 2 16gb on Craigslist Saturday in houston for $440
    ISEEATYPO Posts: 2
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    hey IphoneHacksThere is a typo i though i would let you guys know!found in this sentence the last wordBoth these sites specialize in buying used gadgets from users through their trade-in (((((((((((((proagram))))))))))))
    ISEEATYPO Posts: 2
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    Just send it to me! i am always ready to receive 1 :)
  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    ISEETHERE IS A TYPO IN YOUR VERY FIRST SENTENCE: though or were you trying to spell thought?Careful throwing stones when you live in a glass house.
  • Who
    Who Posts: 19
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    What are you talking about? First, eBay does not have access to your bank account. Second, there is a resolution process that has to be followed within PayPal and it allows you 10 days to respond to the issue before it can be escalated to a claim. Last, if the buyer received the iPhone, the most he could file is a claim that the item is not as described. In that case, a full refund would not be given. Clearly you got scammed because you are too dumb to follow instructions.
  • paulg
    paulg Posts: 29
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    Wow! What an arrogant idiot. Do you have access to my account to figure out what ebay did or didn't do? eBay claimed the reason they deducted the funds from my account is because their policy dictates that once a buyer files a resolution for what ever reason, their system automatically places the funds exchanged from that transaction on hold. Now because i had already transferred the funds into my paypal account prior to the buyer's filing, they had no choice but to go into my account and retrieve the funds.They've also assured me that the buyer won't receive the refund until i there is proof i have received the phone. If the buyer refuses to return the phone, i get back the money.But your ignorant and arrogant brain didn't know that did you? Stupid idiot.
  • Elvis
    Elvis Posts: 39
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    to all you Momas boys that can have anything new at the drop of a hat good morning
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    Its crazy what they are giving for a 1gen iPad...lucky those people whove held off with it to buy ipad 3
  • paulg
    paulg Posts: 29
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    Meant to say "because i had already transferred the funds FROM my paypal account to my bank account"
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Buyers should have sold it before the media invite.
  • Toby
    Toby Posts: 4
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    Sell to me please or preferable just gimme for free :D i stay in Nigeria sure you people would now be scared that im gonna dupe you :(
  • Who
    Who Posts: 19
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    "Ebay could careless i sent photos of the phone to the buyer prior to shipping. Before i could even state my case, they had already gone into my bank account and deducted the payment. Worse i am yet to receive the phone back from the buyer. What a scam."Your words. Not mine. Don't bash eBay and then tell the REAL story.
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
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    Selling my iPad 2 for the favor of getting iPad 3, are you kidding me? I had to wait 8 MONTHS! for the jailbreak to come out for my iPad 2 on iOS 5 (I missed the chance to jailbreak it when iOS 4.3 was possible to be jailbroken). How long do we need to wait this time for a new jailbreak to the iPad 3??? Yeah! Guessed right! Maybe over a year! If jailbreak will even be possible. No man I am out of this big tiiiime!!!
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
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    With iPad 3, dream team is not going to be good enough to jailbreak it. We will need Jesus team instead!!!