Google Assistant - Siri's Competitor Slated For Q4 Launch

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imageGoogle Assistant - Siri's Competitor Slated For Q4 Launch

According to a report at TechCrunch, Google is developing its own version of a virtual assistant, dubbed "Google Assistant,"  to better compete with the iPhone.

Earlier reports indicated that the project was a part of Google X, a secret lab within Google, and was codenamed "Majel." But according to TechCrunch's report, the project is no longer part of Google X, and is instead a part of the Android team.

TechCrunch's Alexia Tsotsis writes:

Read the full story here


  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    Opening this to other devs is probably the biggest threat to Siri. We have to jailbreak to do that, and even then it's incredibly limited. I can't imagine how far it could go within the app. I wonder what kind of issues that bring, though.
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
    via Wordpress
    I love to use Siri with all the jailbreak tools I have bought. Now when driving the phone is connected to the radio in the car. And I just need to say "Siri, (wait for it to respond) Play eminem loose yourself" and it starts to play from Spotify. All without a touch. I think Google should work hard on this technology because to me this is the future of artificiel Intelligence.
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    just FYI Android can do that already too ;)On my Galaxy S2 with the "voice command" software I just say a prompt ("hi Galaxy") then it'll ask what do I want to do (music, navigation, text, call, etc.) and it'll do it without me pressing a button.Anyways, competition is always a good thing :)
  • Ama Almont
    Ama Almont Posts: 2
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    Man where have you Guys been? Android has been doing this way before the iPhone. People just need to learn how to use their phones and try it out. Maybe Google is just making it better now, I sure hope so...
  • Don Dilla
    Don Dilla Posts: 32
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    Yes they have had it for a long time but not telling people on how to use it & also they havent mastered it as good as Apple that's why now they want to compete because now it has taken off well & they want more people to get into it. I've seen a test between the Android & iPhone, for Android having it so long they still havent seem to have figured it out. So it's not about how long a company has had it's about how well it's been mastered to work efficiently.
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    This has been said many times before, but I'll say it again:Siri isn't about voice recognition. (Apple has in fact outsourced this bit of the puzzle to Nuance) It is about AI.What Google actions right now is: is nothing more than a voice recognizer recognizing certain, FIXED commands. Siri's (untapped) potential lies in its AI engine.
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    If all you android owners are so proud of your 'i can already do that' technology, why are you on an iPhone site?
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Thanks for the info :o). Just one more reason to give Android a try again.
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Does anyone knows if Google might buy Evi?A co-worker just told me about it. It looks interesting but as long as it's not intergrated into the OS I don't think it will be a killer app.
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    I doubt they need Evi.
  • Joey JoJo
    Joey JoJo Posts: 10
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    Eminem doesn't have a song called "Loose Yourself"
  • Joey JoJo
    Joey JoJo Posts: 10
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    I use both, but I imagine Android-only users come here just to keep up with what's current. It's very often that cool, new things to do on the iPhone already exist on Android and sometimes with a better implementation. Siri is useless to me especially because you can't extend it. I know at least 25 people with a 4s and I don't know a single person who uses Siri, yet I see more articles about it. I would love to be able to interact with my phone via voice while driving my car to hear and respond to emails and things like that, but the recognition is still garbage so you can't do much more than a basic yes or no response.
  • Theinvid
    Theinvid Posts: 1
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    Of all the voice assistant apps available on Android I find myself using PersonalAssistant the most. I'm not a big fan of its UI but it's functions are fairly impressive.