AT&T Always Had The Provision to Throttle Speeds in Its Terms Of Service

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageAT&T Always Had The Provision to Throttle Speeds in Its Terms Of Service

AT&T's throttling policies have come under a lot of criticism, after it became known that the company was throttling its unlimited plan subscribers for data usage as low as 2GB. 

It later amended this policy to literally remove the "unlimited" in its unlimited plan, by setting a limit of 3GB usage, up till which users would receive 3G speeds. On surpassing this limit, the user's connection speed would be throttled to 256Kbps.

Read the full story here


  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    expect AT&T to disappear within 3 years
  • InlineR
    InlineR Posts: 7
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    If you seriously believe that you're sorely mistaken, AT&T has been one of the top three providers for better than a decade they're not going anywhere
  • ///MPower
    ///MPower Posts: 14
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    AT&T's actions are probably legal, yes... but ethical? Absolutely not. Of course, what big company IS ethical nowadays...
  • BMW 335i
    BMW 335i Posts: 1
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    AT&T sucks and will lose a lot of current customers. As soon as my contract expire I am taking all my 3 lines and switching to Verizon. I was 7 years with AT&T but now it's time to switch !!!
  • DJM
    DJM Posts: 0
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    From my experience AT&T is not interested in any long term relationship with the individual customer. They are more than happy if they get an individual that will be with the company for two to four years (one or two contracts) that then moves on. The only interest that AT&T has is the bottom line and that comes through large corporate sales. Individual sales count toward the bottom line but they are easily replaceable as far AT&T is concerned. I am taking my three line to Verizon at the end of my contract and I left Verizon because I thought no one could be worse in customer service. AT&T proved me wrong.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Now those are the TOS which we all never read.
  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Go to any company you choose but they all work the same as long as they make money that is all that matters to the stock holders people do not matter to big companies just as employees are expendable at any time money money money u leave and someone else switches from Verizon to AT&T cause they were treated bad over there and so on…
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    People said the same about Enron, American airlines, GM, The allmighty dollar. The fact of the matter is NOTHING is gaurenteed when it comes to business and the power of the customer.
  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
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  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    Just like iTunes, right? [whose TOS say that the software isn't supposed to be used for nuclear warfare]
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    It won't take Spring long to realize that it's burning a lot of money by offering a totally unlimited plan, and then follow AT&T's lead.
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    Oops, I meant Sprint.
  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
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  • 1hihum
    1hihum Posts: 15
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    I still think that they can be proven to be in the wrong in court. They have zero reason (either by terms of contract, or by plan) to restrict those with unlimited plans, and not those with tiered plans...period!
  • 1hihum
    1hihum Posts: 15
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    They are still in the wrong. In fact, I think that they are even more in the wrong than they were when they first started this throttling business. They have put it in writing that only those with unlimited plans will be subject to throttling. The only thing they have changed is that they have given a firm number (3gigs) rather than the "top 5%" BS. Even if their TOS POS allows for throttling, they are unfairly targeting one plan, when all plans share the same network, and thereby contribute to said slowdowns! Furthermore, they are making the assumption that anyone on an unlimited plan using more than 3 gigs of data is automatically causing reduced service to anyone else in their area...agin with no actual proof that this is the case at all. I could very well live in an area where there is no such congestion issue at all. And if there is congestion, then what legal reason do they have to limit only those with unlimited plans, whose by very definition mean without bound or limits!
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    First off sprint suck they Internet is hOrrible Thas y it's unlimited. Second for all u nobbs here. Apple's new iPhone 3G chip with he compatible with all carriers sO with that said theres a company called simple mobile $40 unlimited everything. 3G and they use to ole towers. I think Thas the way to go 40 for unlimited everything on a iPhone sounds pretty dam good. And third AT&T is the worse comPany lol, but apple is on our side they r fighting this to they said that it limits the iPhone.
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    Simple Runs on Tmobiles. towers
  • Bigdaddyg09
    Bigdaddyg09 Posts: 1
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    Well. AT&T can now expect my payment in bags of unrolled pennies. I agreed that I would make my payment. But not in 20's and 50's. So AT&T, get ready. Everyone, let's do a penny protest.