iPad 3 Release Date: March 16th?

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imageiPad 3 Release Date: March 16th?

Earlier in the day, we had reported that iPad 3 could be available as early as this week. It was based on the news that Apple had already started shipping iPad 3 units to the U.S.

But 9 to 5 Mac reports that according to their source Apple is gearing up for the iPad 3 launch on March 16th.

Read the full story here


  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    ... but immediately after iPad 3 rumors stop, iPad 4 rumors will begin. It's never ending cycle.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    I think by 14th they will start sales.
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    I agree otherwise, this site wont exist
  • zelahit
    zelahit Posts: 7
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    the ipad 3 is going to dominate the world!thank you apple!
  • Sidenine
    Sidenine Posts: 15
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    They're shipping them to the US now so they can have them stocked at launch. It took months for iPad 2 to be in stock in most places last year on a consistent basis. With more competition this year (Galaxy Tab, Kindle Fire, etc), they need to ensure better availability.
  • C.Lucia
    C.Lucia Posts: 0
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    At Christmas time last year, the prevailing question was, “Do I buy an iPad2 or wait to buy an iPad3”? With the iPad3 launch upon us, that question is still hovering. Once a new product launches the previous generation of the product has a significant drop in price; usually at least 30% and sometimes up to 50%. With an original price of $500.00, iPad2 may drop down to $350.00 or perhaps even $250.00 after the next generation hits the shelves. Rumor has it, the new iPad may be priced around $300.00 to make it more affordable in our current financial climate. If that’s the case, the question of whether to buy an iPad2 or the new iPad3 – with all its grand new upgrades – is moot. Why buy last year’s model at $250.00-$350.00 when the price of the latest model is comparable? March 16th does seem like a realistic release date for iPad3 based on iPad 2's launch schedule. Here’s hoping that Apple launches it a price that’s equitable and makes choosing this generation over the last easy.