What Does The New iPad Tell Us About The Next Generation iPhone

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imageWhat Does The New iPad Tell Us About The Next Generation iPhone

While Apple's obsession with secrecy is well known, there has been an interesting trend since the introduction of iPad in 2010.

Due to the annual product cycle of iOS devices, a new iPad in March, followed by the new iPhone in fall (since last year), the new iPad has given us some interesting clues about what to expect in the next iPhone (and also the other way round).

Read the full story here


  • Empalldroids
    Empalldroids Posts: 5
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    Hmm... My brother works for Verizon and he stated that getting all iPhone users on 4g would slow down the 4g Spectrum.... Not sure what to make of it
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    They will not use same LTE modem in i5(?) because it just can support USA/Canada only. They have to use the new multi band LtE chipset. Battery will be a biggest issue which apple have to find a solution
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    They need to use A5x in iPhone ? For what ? Actually, we need to understand about 'less power', it means this chip will use less power to do same amount of job, it is not means it will use less power to process at same time period. In iPad, they need much higher processing power for the retina display. But, next generation iPhone will have same resoultion.Anyway, I feel thete is no special in iPad, Just some expectable upgrades only. And, Name also very funny, How they call this iPad when they anounce the new version iPad in 2013? Still "the new iPad"?
    EZFiXNY Posts: 19
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    I think Apple is changing they Flagship product policy, let me explain. From iPad 1 Apple had latest and greatest technologies build in to iPad and I think this is about to change. As we can see new iPad will include A5X chip and new GPU when new phones form other companies already have or soon to be released quad core based smartphones. So with that in mind I think next iPhone will include all new A6 quad-core chip-set with latest in everything and with that it will tip technology scale to iPhone and new unit will become and new Flagship device for company. And what that from now on iPhone in future will have latest technology available with iPad following it, then again because of the size it's always much easier to fit new tech in to bigger box then develop smaller version and put it in smaller box without losing anything ... time will tell.
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Uh...yes...they will just keep calling it iPad from here on out...just like they do with computers and iPod touches, and soon to be the same case with the iPhone...you clearly don't pay attention too well.
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    You should be read again ~
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    It says nothing.. Nobody knows until they apple announces it
  • Ken
    Ken Posts: 114
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  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Offer non 4G iPhone 5 as well.
  • Lucius
    Lucius Posts: 1
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    The new iphone. Not iphone 5
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    im a huge apple fan.... just want a bigger screen thats it..... lol please!!!!! if its the same screen size... i might have to jump ship................and i DONT want to do that.....
  • KR
    KR Posts: 41
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    if you can live with 4" screen you wont have to jump ship, cuz thats the max i can see it with iphone
  • ืืnewipadgeek
    via Wordpress
    It's good to know that even Steve jobs is gone but Apple still keeps its standard and gets better
  • jensel
    jensel Posts: 2
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    they should borrow Ironman's battery. No more battery problems :)