AT&T Threatens iPhone User Who Was Awarded $850 in Throttling Case

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imageAT&T Threatens iPhone User Who Was Awarded $850 in Throttling Case

Associated Press reports that AT&T threatened to terminate Matt Spaccarelli's phone service - the iPhone user who was awarded $850 by the small claims court in California because AT&T unfairly reduced his download speeds, if he didn't discuss a settlement.

Associated Press reports:

The phone company doesn't say if the settlement would involve money beyond the $850 award the Simi Valley, Calif., resident won from the company in small claims court on Feb. 24. [..]

Read the full story here


  • iJohn
    iJohn Posts: 41
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    This site claims to be Matt Spaccarelli's web page:
  • Darrell wood
    Darrell wood Posts: 1
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    I have these same issues. I will be doing the same thing. AT&T is the worst.
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    Shooting yourself in the foot.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Even 3gb isn't enough. I think I was cool at the 5gb cap. I've been on 2g speed for the last 5 days and have to wait till the 19th.
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    For me its catch 22. I love their service, verizon come close but no talk and surf which i do ALL the time. Besides if i went to verizon i wouldn't be offered unlimited data. I'm sure at&t knows this loop about its unlimited downloaders and is actually betting that they just quit usuing their phones so much or at least slow down their usuage manually.
  • MattWood
    MattWood Posts: 1
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    Yea, I can't believe AT&T would treat their long loyal customers like this. I've been with them for well over 10 years, and don't plan on changing anytime soon. However this throttling policy has me searching for alternatives. They should AT LEAST give a "thank you" to the loyal unlimited customers. Give them 5gb unlimited for being long time customers... If they HAVE TO throttle, I think that's a reasonable place to start. Not threats after 2GB and Throttling after 3GB... That's RIDICULOUS !!!
  • ez
    ez Posts: 3
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    I have a Verizon iPhone 4 an I can talk and surf
  • ///MPower
    ///MPower Posts: 14
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    Not over their network you cant. The Verizon iPhone 4 is a EV-DO Rev. A antenna. Simultaneous Voice and Data on CDMA iPhones requires a Rev B. (SVDO) antenna. The only way this is possible is if you are connected to wifi for data.
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Not at the same time. On Verizon you can't browse the web while talking on the phone.
  • GD
    GD Posts: 8
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  • Boomerang
    Boomerang Posts: 19
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    AT&T not gonna stop, because we the consumers let them keep getting away with it. So why should they stop treating us like fools, if we just swallow whatever they shove down our throat? AT&T need to see a mass exodus of diversion to an alternate network, and that's the only way the would start to care about consumers concern, instead of just our money.
  • Verizo85
    Verizo85 Posts: 1
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    You can talk and surf the web when connected to 4G on Verizon's network. When on 3g only certain devices allow you to( HTC Thunderbolt & HTC Rezound)
  • Ddpin
    Ddpin Posts: 3
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    AT&T tacked on 767mb on my first day of new cycle. Apparently they have a delay from when u use your data and they record it. After talking to CSR I was able to get $10 credit of my next bill I have the limited unlimited plan
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    To me "Unlimited" means unlimited at the speed that you signed up for NOT at some crappy 2G speed.
  • Samsung Sucks
    Samsung Sucks Posts: 7
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    Since iOS5.1 says "4g" as my carrier service signal, should unlimited data users be obligated to get the 5GB data speeds as opposed to 3GB, according to AT&T's greedy tactics?
  • qunnoir
    qunnoir Posts: 22
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    The only logical reason att will want this guy to be quiet about the situation is because they know what they are doing is wrong. "We will pay you more money but don’t tell." Rape victim didnt keep quiet. "They (unlimited customers) will come after us." The big corporation is scared. Isn’t that something? That’s the only reason they turned around and offered the unlimited customers 3 gigs now. They are trying to shut us up. Once again F*CK YOU ATT!!
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Great point about the 4g getting the 5gb throttle. But in the next year or so, with the iPhone 5, users should easily reach the 5gb threshold with all the content targeting mobile devices.
  • TommyD2
    TommyD2 Posts: 1
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    When you look at the details for my unlimited data feature it states,Data Unlimited for iPhoneData Plan for iPhone includes unlimited data in the U.S. Access rich HTML email and desktop-level web browsing, as well as Visual Voicemail to listen to voicemail messages in any order you choose.Please note: An eligible data plan for iPhone is required. This data plan covers data usage in the United States and does not cover international data usage and charges. If AT&T determines that you are using an iPhone on your account without an eligible data plan, AT&T reserves the right to add an eligible data plan to your account and bill you the appropriate monthly fee.Says nothing about throttling your speed if you go over a certain amount of data.
  • Ddpin
    Ddpin Posts: 3
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    Did you get throttled after 2gb or 3gb
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    3 this month. I received two text last month at 1.4gb and another at 2.2gb but the never throttled
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    What is the use of unlimited, when he gets less than 2GB?
  • Notyourbusiness
    Notyourbusiness Posts: 4
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    When'd i had the first iphone , i paid $20 per month because was an edge network !! When'd i updated to the 3gs they ( AT&T ) toll me that my data plan was going up $10 and when i ask why , it was because it was goi g to be an 3G data plan !!!!! Not less than 2g after 2gb !!!!
  • Notyourbusiness
    Notyourbusiness Posts: 4
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    After 2gb last month !!
  • -X-
    -X- Posts: 64
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    This article is very true. AT&T had the balls to continue to throttle my speeds at the beginning of a new billing cycle. I had just 700mb and my speeds were still being throttled since I was throttled near the end of my previous billing cycle right when I hit 2GB. On this new billing cycle I called them and told them flat out "remove the throttle or I'm filing papers to sue". They said "we do not appreciate threats and we also wanted to remind you that we serve the right to terminate you contract" I told them to go please go ahead and do so. Within the next 5 minutes after hanging up, the throttling stopped.