Get The Ultimate Guide to Coding iPhone Apps [Deals]

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imageGet The Ultimate Guide to Coding iPhone Apps [Deals]

Have a great idea for an app? Want to create an Angry Birds killer? It may be a good idea to start off with these iOS Foundation courses by Mark Lassoff.

We're happy to announce that iOS Foundation courses, which is a combo of 2 courses: C Programming: iOS Development Starts Here! and the Objective C for Beginners is available at our new iPhoneHacks Deals Hub for only $79, which is a savings of $119 (60% off retail).

Read the full story here


  • Symph
    Symph Posts: 14
    via Wordpress
    This may be a dumb question, but do you absolutely need a Mac to make iPhone apps?
  • Symph
    Symph Posts: 14
    via Wordpress
    This may be a dumb question, but do you absolutely need a Mac to make iPhone apps?
  • BiggieSmalls
    BiggieSmalls Posts: 3
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  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
    via Wordpress
    This guide doesn't teach ANYTHING about iOS. It teaches C, which helps lay a foundation to learn how to write iOS apps. The description is confusing. Glad I looked into it.
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
    via Wordpress
    It's two things right? first is the C course and the second, objective C.
  • mato
    mato Posts: 31
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  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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  • Amrit
    Amrit Posts: 4
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    Go to iTunes , enter iTunes U, download free Stanford University lectures on ios application development. Enjoy. Those lectures are actually really good & in depth and probably cover lots more iOS specific topics than this guide, then again, those guides assume you have some programming knowledge prior to this (not necessarily C/Obj-C).Also, if you wish to get into iOS development then currently the way to do it is to get into the developer program (free for personal use, pay for pro dev license if you wish to distribute apps on the app store). The official SDK/Xcode IDE is only available for OS X but some people have had success using other methods. Note, most of all the guides you'll find will be on how to work with the official way (via Xcode) and for the most part, it's a lot easier this way so keep that in mind if you're looking at getting into it.If you just wanna poke your nose into it, also look into potentially just getting OS X Lion via VMWare (find the image on **** sites) and using Xcode via that... lots cheaper than forking out $2k for a Mac to start out with.
  • steven
    steven Posts: 113
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    Amrit, great info. thanks.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    Actually if you dont have any programming knowledge stanford has for free a class called Programming Methodology CS106A which you take to learn basic JAVA. When this done you follow it up with Programming Abstractions CS106B. These two clases are the prerequisits for IOS app development class. Yes you have to go through 3 college classes but they are all available online for Free with iTunes U.
  • NCTalk
    NCTalk Posts: 6
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    Soooo Helpful! Thanks!
  • Kepler
    Kepler Posts: 20
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    visit thenewboston dot org and check the tutorials section. 37 detailed vids for iphone development. FREEEEEE!!!