Should You Upgrade to The New iPad?

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imageShould You Upgrade to The New iPad?

As we noted earlier, the early reviews of the third generation iPad are out.

If you're an original iPad or iPad 2 user and wondering if it is worth upgrading to the new iPad or wait for the next generation iPad then here's what the experts have to say based on their hands-on experience.

MG Siegler of TechCrunch

Read the full story here


  • Ichigo
    Ichigo Posts: 8
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    Im upgrading from an ipad 2 16 gig wiwi that i sold with a smartcover for 400. So just for a 100 bucks getting the new ipad make sense to me. The screen is the main reason why im upgrading. Also if i plan on getting the ipad next year, this one will have more resale value.
  • hovabyte
    hovabyte Posts: 11
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    Until the new Ipad can be jailbroken this is a no brainer to someone with a jailbroken Ipad2.
  • hovabyte
    hovabyte Posts: 11
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    100 bucks plus an ipad 2. I think apple are getting the better deal here.
  • Alfroggy
    Alfroggy Posts: 12
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  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    For me even as a user of the first iPad it's not worth to update, because it's mainly used for surfing a bit the internet at home. But it might be true..... it's better not to see the sharp new display :-)
  • karim
    karim Posts: 13
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    Im another user of first gen iPad and as I live in the UK, 4G won't benefit me. I use it mainly for surfing the web and watching films so don't think I will bother upgrading. Besides, I think iPhones and iPads are only good once they can be jailbroken. Unless my iPad breaks, not worth it for me.
  • Glenn
    Glenn Posts: 8
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    No jailbreak, no buy! I will stick with my iPad 2.
  • Tj
    Tj Posts: 102
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    I think the iPad 2 is just like the iPad 3 don't waste your money is the same thing why upgrade to the same thing that's dumb
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    They need to get new design and double storage, then we are talking.
  • Man Eater.
    Man Eater. Posts: 5
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    I would agree with you, I am rocking the original iPad first gen. I see no point, i have the iPhone 4S for the nice picture taking. and the retina display is a big gimmick, on my iPhone retina is cool, but big deal, just move it away from your face and its retina equivalence.I think the camera is only a 5MP, which is stupid, even though i dont take pictures with my ipad, but why is it less specks then my iphone 4S, it should be same or more. LIke 10MP not a stupid 5MP.
  • Man Eater.
    Man Eater. Posts: 5
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    Watching movies? your a funny guy. unless your using an app like air play, that uses a computer to convert the video, the original iPad is not strong enough to stream videos. Like the app good player is excellent for this, but only if the video is not HD video as the CPU in the iPad is not string enough, Now we are back at Jailbreak-ability. Because we can not Jailbreak its a no deal. What good is this new iPad if i have to pay for every app, and can not customize to my preference.
  • Man Eater.
    Man Eater. Posts: 5
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    I dont care for new design, as long as its a thin glass. But 100% on 128GB of storage. WTF do i need a 64GB storage for a 1080p video camera, and 5MP camera, and all the APPS, plus dont forget the 1GB+ of iOS 5.1. If not more then 1GB for the iOS.Also, all the music i wanna copy on, and videos i will copy on. Nothing is now left for me to record 1080p video.
  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    I'm pretty sure if you have a slow Internet connection like I do, all those retina images are going to takes twice as long to load. I'm sticking with my iPad 2.
  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    I agree with the assessment here.IMO the iPad does everything my iPhone already does, except it's a way better reading, gaming, and movie experience. I've wanted an iPad for awhile, mainly for the larger screen and iBook reader, which is pretty awesome. But when I finally had the money to buy one, I couldn't bring myself to buy it. Having an iPod and different iPhones over the years, every time I picked up an iPad i got bored. iOs is simple, attractive and perfect for a smart phone, but pretty lackluster and boring on a tablet.So I decided to explore the world of Android, and opted to buy a used xoom tablet with more hard drive space, memory, and ports. Quite different, but I still feel good about the purchase (yes, even though it's noticeably heavier than either iPad). I'm always for the best useable product for your needs, not a fanboy of anything. I was a palm pilot user for a few years before the iPhone came and removed the need to carry a phone, pda, and ipod (honestly I had all three devices and wished they could be one, the iPhone was a Godsend). Still want an iPad? Yes I do, but I don't want to pay for one.
  • Vincent
    Vincent Posts: 37
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    Sticking with iPad 2 + JB for now. The camera is not appealing and the iPad 2 does everything the iPad 3 does. The only good thing is the new screen which everyone seems to drool over. Might get iPad 4 next year when the processor is better and there's even more ram and more space in the SSD. Give us 128GB+!