New iPad is Here: Lines From Japan, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, UK, France, Germany, Canada & U

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageNew iPad is Here: Lines From Japan, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, UK, France, Germany, Canada & US

Not surprisingly, lines for the new iPad have started as it goes on sale in 10 countries. In fact, those waiting in the line in Australia have already managed to get their hands on the third generation iPad.

As we mentioned earlier, with shipping estimates for the new iPad slipping to 2-3 weeks, one way to get your hands on Apple's new iPad is to stand in line outside the Apple Store or other third-party retailers.

Read the full story here


  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
    via Wordpress
    The apple craze is indeed awesome.
  • BiggieSmalls
    BiggieSmalls Posts: 3
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    The first I heard of people ever lining up for a product launch was for Dragon Warrior 3 in Japan. Remember as a kid reading it in some Nintendo Power magazine and wondering what on earth can posses people to line for anything. Oddly enough, now it seems expected. Fortunately, I managed to order two and will selling my extra one online tomorrow :).
  • nik
    nik Posts: 18
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    samsung must be very disapponted.. :P
  • Jaymon
    Jaymon Posts: 3
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    I'm outside a Walmart damn one is loneliest number that I've ever seen!!! Where are my apple die hards
  • Dempa
    Dempa Posts: 33
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    Got mine "white 64G/4G" in Frankfurt am Main Apple Store in Germany. Went there lunch time and they had all models in stock! No line...
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    Ha! I remember reading the same Nintendo Power article! Man, we are really showing our age.
  • Ken
    Ken Posts: 114
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    Thats crazy. Went to AT&T store this morning. I was third in line. Only 3 of us! I be damned if Id stand in them long lines.
  • Poor1
    Poor1 Posts: 31
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    No line in Zurich, Switzerland either. I arranged that the concierge of my hotel sent hotel employees to the apple store to purchase a total of 16 NiP's (all 64Gb 4G's) for my family and friends. Im glad my brother drives an Audi Q7 so we have no problems with storage space on the drive back to the netherlands. Tomorrow i expect to be in london and i am planning to visit the kensington applestore at Regent Street. Lets hope they are not already sold out there.