Apple Announces Quarterly Dividend of $2.65 Per Share And $10 Billion Share Repurchase Program

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imageApple Announces Quarterly Dividend of $2.65 Per Share And $10 Billion Share Repurchase Program

Apple has just revealed what it plans to do with its cash surplus. It has announced that it plans to initiate a dividend and a share repurchase program.

Apple has issued the following press release:

Subject to declaration by the Board of Directors, the Company plans to initiate a quarterly dividend of $2.65 per share sometime in the fourth quarter of its fiscal 2012, which begins on July 1, 2012.

Read the full story here


  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    I thought this website was called "iPhone hacks". Not "Apple business digest".
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    If you have been following the site, you would know that we cover everything Apple and not just iPhone Hacks.This is a significant announcement by Apple in our opinion.
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    You can always skip it ... if you're not interested ....Coming back to the topic ... this is good news for Apple shareholders.
  • Codeblue009
    Codeblue009 Posts: 6
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    goes to Walmart. starts complaining that they dont sell walls."i though this place was called 'Wall-Mart'. Not 'sell everything else but walls - Mart'".i think if you click on the "jailbreak" tab on this website, its probably more what you are looking for.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Apple has lost it. The post Steve Jobs era has come and looks like Tim Cook will screw it up. When the stock prices are already rising, there was no need to declare a dividend. Plus that cash could have been used in so many places. Currently Apple's retail stores are really too less (ofcourse other than in countries like US, Canada and UK), because in developing countries (which are the future of Apple's customer base), the amount of Apple stores can be counted on your finger tips.This dividend could have waited, but considering Mr. Cook himself owns a good chunk of AAPL, he would love to get some dividend for himself.
  • rh
    rh Posts: 13
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    You have no idea what you are talking about.
  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    He has plenty of idea of what he's talking about. There was a reason why Steve Jobs didn't allow any dividends. Actually 100 billion reasons. Now Cook and is cronies are going to squander the fortune like a trust baby that's never had a job in his life. This is the beginning of the end for Apple. Can you say 1995? They better start innovating again and come out with a decent iphone 5. From what they've been doing lately it'll be pretty easy to predict what the next iphone is going to be like. Slightly faster processer, 4g lte and a slightly larger screen. Things the competitors have had for over a year now. If that's what they put out in June I certainly won't be "upgrading". They better come out with a kick ass product.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    June? They wont get it before October. They are merely updating products and not launching anything out of the blue. Even with the iPad 3, faster processor, retina and 5 megapixel camera, what is the new thing in it?
  • rh
    rh Posts: 13
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    Wow. What a bunch of crap. Anonymous, unsubstantiated crap.It always surprises me how quickly anonymous posters declare the sky is falling.Having too much money in the bank can make a company lazy, make them rest too much on their nest-egg. Exactly what you idiots are accusing Apple of doing.Using the a very spall percentage of the cash and rewarding the investors is a good thing. Put up your proof that Apple is failing or shutup.Oh, by the way, I am not a fanboy and do not currently own any Apple stock.
  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    We'll see in a few years how well Apple is doing. Where was Apple before jobs? Let's they were giving out a dividend, making shitty products, and going bankrupt. Now that Jobs is gone they've done an about face on the dividend, why? You want evidence look at their product lineup? Nothing has been innovated since the iphone. Let's face it the ipad is a giant iphone without the phone. Nothing new there, just making improvements on an existing design. They haven't designed a new desktop computer for almost 10 years now. YOu know what you call a company that doesn't innovate? You call that company Blackberry. Like I said it's only a matter of time before the fortune is squandered.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    It is Walmart not "wall-mart". It is named after Mr. Walton's family name.
  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    This won't necessarily increase the stock of Apple. Financial analysts will tell you buybacks and increased dividends usually indicate that a company has passed its growth stage and has moved into its maturity stage. This moves signifies that they don't know what to do with their money to sustain this level of growth. Its more of a bad sign.