New iPhone Concept: 4.6-Inch Screen, Retina Displays, Aluminium Back Panel & More

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageNew iPhone Concept: 4.6-Inch Screen, Retina Displays, Aluminium Back Panel & More

Yesterday, a report claimed that the next generation iPhone will sport a 4.6-inch screen.

Though it is hard to believe that Apple would want to add another vector of fragmentation, folks at ADR Studio have gone ahead and created a stunning new iPhone concept with a larger 4.6-inch screen.

ADR Studio had previously developed the iPhone SJ concept inspired by Steve Jobs.  They've described the new iPhone concept on their blog:

Read the full story here



  • First
    First Posts: 8
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  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    Looks like iPhone and android had an ugly baby.
  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    yea its definitely ugly in the back but i would probably still buy this lol
  • ///MPower
    ///MPower Posts: 14
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    WOW, thats pretty ugly. Its too complex and not simple and sexy in the way Apple is known for. The back panel is WAY too busy, putting all the buttons and crap on top is lazy and not user friendly. The virtual home button would be hard to implement. For example, you open an app and what, it is displayed virtually on screen taking up valuable real estate? Or is there some kind of gesture to bring it up? How would that work? Also a 4.6" screen is WAY too big. Apple designed the screen to be 3.5" so that when you're holding it in one hand, it is a comfortable reach when trying to touch all 4 corners of the screen with your thumb. The most they may go is 4 inches. The 3D rendering is very well done... but thats about it.
  • ItsyourBoy
    ItsyourBoy Posts: 83
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    I think it looks good I would buy it and if apple made it people would change thier minds from ugly to they like it, jus like when the iPhone 4 pics 1st came out
  • Dmagic1
    Dmagic1 Posts: 11
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    The back isn't very nice but the front is great. I would love a 4.6" screen. I don't understand why some people are so against change. They act like they would be more than happy to buy a phone that looks like the iphone 4 for the next 5 years. Just as long as they increase the specs. I'm sorry but for all I now do on my phone, that 3.5" screen just isn't cutting it anymore.How does this look like iPhone and android mix? Some ppl say anything. Looks nothing like andriod.
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    Here we go again...!
  • Keith
    Keith Posts: 63
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    Absolutely ridiculous ! I would never buy one. Too big and very ugly !
  • OGT
    OGT Posts: 230
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    iPhoneHacks Don't post this kind of ****..! Make a post about the "Coltan". Is More interested..! iPhones and iPads are made of Coltan, We don't know about it, but when you buy an iPhone or iPad (Computer, TV, Cellphones) We are killing people and animals... Please read more about it:
  • Xay
    Xay Posts: 7
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  • Red
    Red Posts: 10
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  • Sam
    Sam Posts: 218
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    Very nice. And who say its ugly go fu. Ck your slif
  • Mcsteven
    Mcsteven Posts: 24
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    Yeah here we go again.. The new iPhone will looking absolutely nothing like this. They will NEVER go to a 4.6 inch screen. That's way too big and bulky. Remember, Jobs has the iPhone line already picked out for the next few releases. So it's gonna be a Steve Jobs approved iPhone. Not some android apple hybrid like this pic..
  • Anj9686
    Anj9686 Posts: 6
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    Front look beautiful rather than the back
  • Tre
    Tre Posts: 13
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    Ugly bulky takes away from sleek and pretty. Junk android wanna be.
  • juan
    juan Posts: 46
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    Awful I don't like at all
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    It is a just artwork, Impossible to implement it. actually, Professonal industrial disigner make a design which can be implement able. But, it is just idot drawing for looks fun. But, it is hard to day it is good or ugry, because of it is depend on the personal favorites. Anyway, I hope to see kind of REASONABLE drawing or concept.
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    Apple has trapped by "retina"1. To use higher power process and LTE, they must increase the capacity of batter or they need to change the chemistry such alumiul oxide base cell. 2. They can increase the size of screen with the same number of pixel. And they may call as "Still Retina Display Because of more than 300ppi"3. They can not incrase the pixel, because of non-integer ratio interpolation will reduce the sharpeness and they need to give up the major advantage of retina display. 4. Or when running the apps, it will have a ugray black band area similar with iPad with iPhone software.
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    Actually, they are trying the differently such as1. Eliminate SIMCARD or reduce the size, it will make a big trouble in the worldwide. Because of pre-paid user is much more than post paid user in the world. They want to use the standard card not just some specific2. On chip RAM and Other utilities, and give up some functionality such FM tx/rx3. Use the thiner component such as front glass, sensor, and LCD ..... Anyway, i think apple is getting much higher stress than before. We are just looking for their 'different think' Actually, I do not interesting this kind of idiot concept drawing, it makes me disappointed about this website ~~~
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    I told my friend to keep his horny EVO away from my iPhone. What a monstrous baby they made. It's too big. The twin speakers are ok but unless they are Bose it will still sound terrible without headphones.
  • You
    You Posts: 21
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    iPhone users are dumb they don't know what's good anyway.
  • Wiilt
    Wiilt Posts: 104
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    1: More similar to the next HTC.2: Over complex - Not following the "Apple simplicity".3: Too thin - would snap like a twig (not even talking about power).4: Digital home button???5: Bulge In the Back - It will rock back and forth (which it can't afford, since its thinner than an anorexic post-it).6: No SIM card? Sounds like a exploit hotspot.7: 3 displays? Overkill. It would take ALOT more memory (which would probably not fit in this leaf. Not to mention the battery.)3D rendering like that would be nice, but that is not coming any time soon.8: LED edge? I already mentioned BATTERY and SIZE (which both apply to this idea). Whats the point of this?
  • Wiilt
    Wiilt Posts: 104
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    *dumb, theyWhat are you doing here besides acting like an obnoxious and squirmy troll?
  • erod
    erod Posts: 1
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    Sorry guys but it is the worse expectation of what iPhone 5 would be. Plus orrible design. iPhone is iPhone don't dare to make it look like Android TM.....:$
  • Zion
    Zion Posts: 2
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  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    Ugly phone? Not as ugly as the grammar in the article. Bloggers really ought to take ten seconds to run spell and grammar check before publishing their articles.
  • Wiilt
    Wiilt Posts: 104
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    There is poor grammar in your comment, Jim.
  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    Did you mean "to run a spell and grammar check" or "to run spell and grammar checks" Jim?
  • pakaku
    pakaku Posts: 31
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    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAThis is the absolute worst iPhone mock-up I have seen in a really long time.