Next iPhone (iPhone 5,1) Coming Fall 2012 With 4G LTE, 3.5-Inch Screen, "Micro Dock" Connector

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imageNext iPhone (iPhone 5,1) Coming Fall 2012 With 4G LTE, 3.5-Inch Screen, "Micro Dock" Connector

iMore reports that according to their source, the next iPhone (which they're calling iPhone 5,1) will be available later this fall/October will feature the same 3.5-inch screen or very close to it, support 4G LTE networks and come with  a new micro dock connector. 

Rene Ritchie of iMore writes:

So to sum up, iPhone 5,1 is on track for:

* Similar if not same sized screen (currently 3.5-inch but not set in stone)
* 4G LTE radio
* New “micro dock” connector
* Fall/October 2012 release

Read the full story here



  • olavvogelaars
    olavvogelaars Posts: 2
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  • Sidenine
    Sidenine Posts: 15
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    Adapt or die Apple. 3.5" screens are way too small for this day and age, especially when Android phones are 4" and up. I left iPhone a year ago and moved to a 4.3" screen, and can't even comprehend how I ever put up with a 3.5" screen. Anything bigger is a bit too large I think, but 4.3" is perfect and I can still easily use it in one hand. I do love the iPhone though, and would gladly come back if the new iPhone has a bigger screen. Here's hoping.
  • AC
    AC Posts: 43
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    Hmm, so same phone but different look.... need to bo with bigger screen.... after playing with Samsung Galaxy S2, the iPhone looks and feels like a little toy.
  • tang cahyadi
    tang cahyadi Posts: 3
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    If apple do not improve they product . Apple fans/customer will leave them soon . Like new iPad a lot of complaint . Will see what issue for new iPhone . For sure if 3.5 inch screen or not new design people will disappoint
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Same here...I now use a HTC Sensation and like the screen so much better than the iPhone.
  • Yoda
    Yoda Posts: 8
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    Amen! Android has been doing it right with the big screens (4.6 / 5"). I'm going to ditch Apple if they do a cop out of 3.5" again. Total bs!
  • nauip
    nauip Posts: 11
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    Yay! We get to buy all new accessories for the "micro-dock" and put up with the same old 3.5". Remind me again what's wrong with USB connectors?
  • high horse
    high horse Posts: 11
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    the PROBLEM with them is that Apple will lose out on extra revenue. it's Apple's problem, which in turn makes it our problem
  • Hmmm?
    Hmmm? Posts: 59
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    What's the point of these predictions? It's a 50/50 chance for a launch date in June or Octobober. Plus LTE is implied especially with the IPad (2012). And I highly doubt they will leave it a 3.5 inches without sacrificing battery life and using LTE. 4 inches minimum or else I'm switching. Had an iPhone since the 3G and still have irritating experiences with the onscreen keyboard which I'm sure can be fixed with more real estate. I'm sure they can sacrifice some DPI by increasing the screen size but keeping the same resolution.
  • high horse
    high horse Posts: 11
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    i hate Android for the most part, but that Samsung Note is really enticing! i held it in a store and it doesn't seem to practical to talk on, but for everything else it seems great
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    I agree 4.3" is the perfect size. I use a Galaxy S2 (AT&T variant) and it's easy to handle. Next to my old 3GS and my friend's ip4 it's not "that much bigger" for the amount of real estate you get. Most of the larger screens (4.5"+) have a smaller bezel so the dimensions of the phone are about the same as a 4.3 but just more real estate towards the display.I agree with the other poster, I don't know how I handled a 3.5" for over 2 years it feels so tiny.
  • appel fan
    appel fan Posts: 5
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    i wish as well apple will come out with 4inch screen for the iphone it will be awsome. couse 3.5 inch display dosent make it for me ether but 4in and up should be the standerd i think
  • Keaey Hechem
    Keaey Hechem Posts: 1
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    Apple always and forever! All can go crazy about this and that and leave but not me. I fall in love with Apple since the ipod classic & still going strong. Android can always have a better hardware or software features but the feeling isnt the same.
  • IndyBoy
    IndyBoy Posts: 1
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    Got super excited when 4.6" rumor came out...was going to ditch Android for this but with 3.5 thanks
  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    Everybody has different favorites, I like the current size.
  • steven chow
    steven chow Posts: 13
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    According to my source, the next iPhone will be called "the new iPhone" with double the speed and better graphic. Camera will be 10 mp with 5 mp front facing. Same battery life, and redesign with gorilla glass. Connector will remain the same.
  • BlueDream
    BlueDream Posts: 15
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    the next iphone at least should be 3.8" ~ 4" display (keep retina), A5x processor, 1G RAM & LTE with improve battery life. If they want to keep their grip in smartphone world.
  • BlueDream
    BlueDream Posts: 15
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    the next iphone at least should be 3.8" ~ 4" display (keep retina), A5x processor, 1G RAM & LTE with improve battery life.
  • Clo004
    Clo004 Posts: 2
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    If we see a 4G LTE iPhone I wouldn't be surprised if it came with a bigger screen. A larger screen would mean more space for a bigger battery which I can only assume would be needed since LTE is still such a hog.
  • Dmagic1
    Dmagic1 Posts: 11
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    I feel the same. I'm still on the iphone 4, I tried the Note but it was too big. A 4.5" or so would be perfect.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    I agree with you. Changing the screen size now would make more sense due to the the need for more space to power the device with a lager battery. Larger dsp, same battery life, 4g, new design
  • Rho
    Rho Posts: 0
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    If the new iPhone looks like that then I'm sold! (Ok not really). Just tired of all the boring designs of Android phones. The rumoured Galaxy S III images look downright depressing.Btw Apple might want the screen to remain at 3.5" so that if you need something bigger for web browsing or videos you can go get the iPad. Great strategy, it's been working for them so far.
  • moe
    moe Posts: 158
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    Definitely a nice design in the posted pic!! Also, I wish the new iPhone has a bigger screen than 4". I'd definitely upgrade from my 4!
  • mabbent
    mabbent Posts: 40
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    The physical size of the phone is of greater importance then the screen size, if the screen can be enlarged without increasing the overall size of the iPhone, great! What would be the reason for increasing the sensor size of the camera, at this point the lens/glass is the limiting factor and I don't want a thicker phone. The only valid reason to change the sensor is if it's cheaper to go with a larger sensor. The front camera is really only useful for FaceTime and Skype, I've had no problem with quality of the feed on either. No need to increase the amount of data transmitted during video calling, expecialy once it's allowed on cellular networks. Not a fan of USB connectors, for those who use the phone while plugged in, the connector tends to brake to easily. Let's lobby for an improved user interface. My list of wants; Real multi-tasking, select which Apps do or don't multi-task, pull down menu to control all radios, better e-mail management and folders in folders.
  • Jdub
    Jdub Posts: 3
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    Time for the 4". Name it iPhone SJ. I'm in!
  • Antiphone
    Antiphone Posts: 0
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    3.5 inch screen? Only for an Ifag.
    EZFiXNY Posts: 19
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    If next iPhone is 3.5 in size I will not buy it as simple as that. Samsung here I come. Let's hope by then a model after Galaxy S III will be available ....Galaxy Nexsus 2 ? :D But I am hoping for 4.0 - 4.3 inch screen size ......
  • Wiilt
    Wiilt Posts: 104
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  • BlueDream
    BlueDream Posts: 15
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    same to me....will upgrade my 4S IF 4" ~ 4.3"
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    Just for the record apple is the trend setter in this market. Apple still reigns supreme apparently no matter how many tablets/music players/phone are produced by a set of companies. With apple being the sole company of i-devices it will continue that way till google (including the rest of the world) come up with something new and fresh, quite frankly i don't think their up to that task.