Apple Planning to Add VoIP Capabilities to iPhone, iPad?

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imageApple Planning to Add VoIP Capabilities to iPhone, iPad?

Folks at Light Reading have discovered job postings on Apple's website, which has revealed that Apple is actively looking for telephony software engineers to work on iOS.

Kevin Fitchard of GigaOM network believes that based on the job requirements, Apple is planning to add Voice-over-IP (VoIP) capabilities to the iPhone and iPad in the future.

Read the full story here


  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
    via Wordpress
    What's interesting is that T-Mobile, the only major operator in the US not offer the iPhone, has a VoIP service program. A friend of mine uses it when he visits family in the Philippines and works remotely. Apple's R&D department may see a growing demand from business users who travel internationally regularly that need to use such a cost saving feature to combat the rape-rates of using your phone internationally.
  • can
    can Posts: 1
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    It would be perfect, since Viber sometimes crashes in IOS...
  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    Apple should buy T-Mobile with some of its $100 billion that they have and make it exclusive for iPhone and iPads, only data plans
  • mabbent
    mabbent Posts: 40
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    My mom's Andriod based phone from T-Mobile has an App to switch to WiFi VoIP. She is able to receive incoming calls on her regular cellular number. Only down side is you have to manually switch between Cellular and VoIP, if Apple adds VoIP it would be nice to have options the select WFi networks to automatically switch over to. Yeah, auto switching between networks may be impossible, unless the carries get on board within the own hotspot system.
  • Trapp
    Trapp Posts: 109
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    Well isn't that already there called skype?
  • mabbent
    mabbent Posts: 40
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    Ok, but Skype can't accept calls to your iPhone number.
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    I think apple wants a world where we only pay for data and everything is done over our data connection it's the most logical way forward and the same should go for home phones over fibre-optic.We should only pay for the bandwidth we use and not by the minutes we use it's the fairest way after all that's how they buy/sell via wholesale bandwidth
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    You can forward your mobile number to your Skype number and configure your Skype caller ID to reflect your mobile number. Same thing with Google voice.The thing is that a majority of people don't want to depend on a 3rd party service to save money. People want a seamless integration. If I'm connected to a WAN I want my phone to switch over automatically and vice versa if I move away from a WAN. Of course, even if Apple want to add this function your carrier would have to support it.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Love the way job posting point to apples plans.
  • kraken
    kraken Posts: 36
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    We already have excellent voip options with Talkatone and Skype. I dread the day Apple enters this space, because it will mean that they pull these excellent alternative apps since they suddenly "compete" with Apple's own inferior products.Similar to the official Google voice apps, an Apple voip app would almost certainly still use your minutes. People are comparing it to iMessage, but while carriers are upset that they can't gauge on texts as easily, there were already many simple alternatives to text. Voice is where carriers still make the majority of their money, and they aren't going to give that up without a fight.
  • Rachel Shera
    Rachel Shera Posts: 1
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    If we are talking about the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch apps, I would like to mention FriendCaller VoIP here. I use it daily on my iPhone 4S and I m pretty much pleased. You might try as well. This is much comprehensive and packed in one location