Apple Offers Refunds to iPad 3 Customers in Australia Who Believe They Were Misled By "4G" Branding

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imageApple Offers Refunds to iPad 3 Customers in Australia Who Believe They Were Misled By "4G" Branding

As we reported earlier, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) was not happy with the way Apple and its carrier partners were using of the term "4G" in advertising the new iPad and planned to take action.

Read the full story here


  • WillyWonker
    WillyWonker Posts: 3
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    I dont think anyone is gonna return their new iPad for a refund so it's a win win situation for apple.
  • Dempa
    Dempa Posts: 33
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    I am surprised Apple didn't release another iPad version compatible with other 4G networks instead of the US/Can version. Like they did with the iPhone 4 Verizon. But hey, the second was delayed, maybe Apple will release an enhanced iPad later with EU-4G or something else :-). But wait, then they would get sued for false marketing if they did not offer free upgrades in affected countries, so no...
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    Their biggest stuff up is the fact that they don't mention enough that it still works on 3G ( and a lot faster) as well now everybody is only hearing that it does not work on the Australian networks.So most people will be thinking it only works on wifi.They stand to lose a lot of money here because of careless marketing
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    The next iPhone will have a chip that supports all frequencies and all network carriers world wide 2G,3G and 4G.It'll be the big selling point along side NFC.Also there will be "bump" like features to get people more excited about NFC
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    So 4G is only for US. They need to launch 3G only devices too at a cheaper price for Asian market.
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    The frequencys that the iPad is compatable with are currently used by analogue tv in australia. They will be used by Optus and vodaphone for LTE when avalible. Two carriers that are better priced in the market then Telstra. A small wait for a better carrier..... Where has that happened before ....
  • Kudige
    Kudige Posts: 2
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    They don't need to. The LTE version works like a regular 3G iPad on where it does not support the perticular LTE or in absence of a LTE network.
  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
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    They are better priced because they don't have any coverage!I had Optus for 7 years getting a top speed of 1000kbps but most of the time it was under 600kbps or didn't work at all.With Telstra I get up to 10,000kbps and at least 3000kbps min and it works everywhere even in underground carparks.If Optus does put up 4G it'll just be for showIf your gonna be a cheapo maybe you should go get a $40 2G android
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    I got the new iPad for no other reason then I was due to upgrade from iPad 1. I am with 3G Telstra for coverage and speed. I'm Simply giving more infomation to people, you make no good point apart from your rags on Optus, if you lived in a city 4g Optus would be fine for a table, if it droped out I would tether to my telstrai Phone & when I upgrade it later this year and can tether 4g Telstra as well I can still use the onboard gps chip that comes on the LTE board.
  • HumanCentiPad
    HumanCentiPad Posts: 43
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    That's not a knife..
  • zzzz
    zzzz Posts: 1
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    Optus is just waste of space in Australia together with Vodafone, tried them all and they are all crap...decided to pay extra for service like Telstra...don't want even think about going back to crappy services even if they offered me $20 a month 500GB.
  • Agent Walker
    Agent Walker Posts: 14
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    They JUST got approved for 4G in Australia... There is only ONE provider of 4G in australia and Apple doesn't have a deal with them. How long did it take them to get over to Verizon after launching with AT&T??? Same deal over there.
  • Agent Walker
    Agent Walker Posts: 14
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    1) Speculation2) there is no such singular chip that works with every provider in the world... They can come close BUT if they don't have a deal with a certain provider that offers 4G, it won't matter. ie how long it took Apple to get to Verizon. 3) are you talking about the "Bump" like features that premiered with Ice Cream Sandwich that nobody is using even though it's out now??? I doubt Apple will waste the time.
  • mustafa
    mustafa Posts: 19
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    is it fok the battery is shyt trust me