Google Generates Four Times More Revenue From Apple's iOS Than Android

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageGoogle Generates Four Times More Revenue From Apple's iOS Than Android

While Google has claimed that it activates a whopping 850,000 Android based devices everyday, the revenues it generates from Android seems to be less than one fourth of the revenues it generates from iOS devices.

Yup, you heard that right, ironically Google generates lot more revenue from iOS than Android.

This was revealed when Google made a pre-settlement offer to Oracle ahead of the expected patent and copyright infringement trial on April 16th for infringing Java related patents.

Read the full story here


  • Fattrain
    Fattrain Posts: 13
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    Goole in first sentence should be GOOGLE
  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    and how much do you guys generate from that annoying ad on the home page ?
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Well Google is more concerned about market share.
  • katsuboi21
    katsuboi21 Posts: 13
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    Well, as I discovered when I purchased an android based tablet, a lot of apps which cost money in the Apple Store, in the Android Market are completely free (Angry Birds, Angry Birds RIO, Skyfire, etc.). Everyone is out to make money, but Apple leaves out no opportunity to make a buck on anything it can.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    It's the developers choice if they wish to charge for a product or not and nothing to do with Apple! Sure, Angry Birds is free on Android but you have to put up with the ads!
  • Kao Saephan
    Kao Saephan Posts: 41
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    The prices for apps are set by the developers and not by Apple. The developers are likely offering free versions because paid versions just aren't selling. If they wanted to offer angry birds (or any app) for free on ios, there's nothing stopping them from doing it.If you've followed Apple's earnings, they're actually breaking even and profiting minimally from the app store. The bulk of their revenue is from hardware sales and because they own both the software and hardware, it's a higher margin for them. In comparison, android devices cost the same as ios devices so the argument that Apple products cost more just aren't as valid as they used to be. Apple also sells millions of ios devices every quarter so that quickly adds up.
  • JCT
    JCT Posts: 5
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    yes right now IOS devices sell for the same but they wont if the company pull there get contract get discount on phone like sprint is talking about.
  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
    via Wordpress
    Yeah, yeah, I realized that, however, not every free app in the android market has adds. Some, but not all.
  • ian
    ian Posts: 48
    via Wordpress
    Wow. Too funny. And how many different Android phones are there on how many different carriers? Just shows you who is KING.Btw, the Contact page on your site is not working. Something is wrong with the plugin (Gravity Forms). You might want to try Formidable Pro. That form plugin rocks.Also, where would I go to sign up as an affiliate to be able to promote the ZAGGFolio with the earbuds deal that you have advertised all over your site. Would love to put that on my site. Thanks!Keep doing what you're doing! I read your blog every morning.
  • Hmmmm?
    Hmmmm? Posts: 9
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    I really dislike posts like this. What is the point of this? What solid facts are there about this claim when Google has not commented on the article and have not disclosed how revenue has been calculated. If you are going to stick to "rumors" then just stick to Apple product rumors please. And I highly doubt they have only made this much on Android alone. It is too low
  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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    You fail to realize just how many iOS products are being sold everyday. Last week they just announced how many millions of iPad that were SOLD not shipped in the first week alone. I have yet to see and numbers that even come close to that in any tablet market. But the kicker is thats just one small percentage of the pie, theirs apple tv (not listed) thats also very profitable and then theirs the iPod touch (not listed) which alost makes those WITH andriod devices to expreince apples app and music store benifits while keeping their Sh*tty phones. Then there's apple electroic money printing machine thats called the iPhone. NVM the iPhone 4s but the 4/3Gs/3G is still being sold to countries and new networks that can't support HSPDA+ networks like South America, Africa, And asian countries at an alarming rate. I hate to say it but they might as well make the iPhone the official phone of human beings. Then comes leading GDP countries like US, UK, EU, CN, and even JP now .... dude iPhone is kicking ass in all of them. We're talking in the million. I'm sure google, samsung, and htc have their markets out there but its like using generic medicine .... sure is out there but who really uses it? :S Just for those haters who say i'm one of those apple fanboys .... far from it. The ONLY reason i have been getting apple products is because quite frankly they ARE the best on the market. Until that changes then i'll gladly dethrone this battery hogging phone from my pocket (iPhone 4s 64GB).
  • Soluble
    Soluble Posts: 4
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    Jason, your 'not listed products' are covered under the iOS products... Putting them in the 70% of revenue bracket.The other could be anything.. Even Patents which we see so much about -.-
  • ismail
    ismail Posts: 5
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    Actually its not up to the devs since Apple doesn't allow as much In-game ADs, thats why devs tend to post payed apps on App store
  • ismail
    ismail Posts: 5
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    Apple takes direct revenues for sales, unlike google which only earns a very small part of the revenues because its software only. the Hardware revenues go to companies like samsung and htc etc..You can't compare a hardware/software company to a software company. Its comparing apples to oranges. If thats the case then it would be ok to compare revenues from googles' search engine
  • Agent Walker
    Agent Walker Posts: 14
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    I don't get the relevance of this statement... Both are out to make money... Google is doing the same thing that Apple is doing...Just (Kinda) Different.