Apple Hit With Second Class Action Lawsuit Over Siri

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Hit With Second Class Action Lawsuit Over Siri

Apple has been hit with second class action lawsuit over Siri's poor performance.

Two weeks back Apple was sued by an iPhone 4S customer in New York for 'misleading and deceptive' Siri ads. 

The L. A. Times reports that the class action lawsuit filed in a U.S. Court by David Jones in California. Jones has accused Apple of overselling Siri's capabilities in the iPhone 4S commercials:

Read the full story here



  • Dude
    Dude Posts: 33
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    Agreed, bought a 4S a few weeks back, in Canada... let down. It takes a mean dictation, thats about it. But the Siri app did that, and not for $699. No location services in Canada was a major let down.
  • Christopher
    Christopher Posts: 34
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    This guy is clearly just trying to get money from nothing... I've had Siri from December, and for the most part it understands all I say, even with my Irish accent...
  • dman
    dman Posts: 20
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    Siri is useless if you live outside the USA.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    That sucks, if anything (don't even agree with that), he should get the difference between an iPhone 4s and an iPhone 4 without Siri, but of course the iPhone 4s has much more to offer than Siri when compared to iPhone 4...
  • ^_^
    ^_^ Posts: 4,429
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    most if not all stores offer 14 or 30 day returns. If he was truly that unhappy... enough so to file a lawsuit, he should have returned it. At most, the court should award him a small claims win and let him surrender the phone for a full refund. It works for most users, and I have done everything the ads show. So yea sometimes it goes to the internet to search ... it still understood what I wanted. Then again I have been using dragon for years and other voice recognition systems.. I understand the limits of how they work, and know to enunciate a little more clearly for certain syllables.
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    EVERYONE knows Siri is in Beta phase! It also cleary states in adverts that 'sequences may be shortened'I'm in the u.k, where Siri does very little, but i knew that when I bought it, I'm not going to try an sue apple because of it! Thats the problem when you have money, people always want a piece of it, for nothing!
  • AT&T rapes me
    AT&T rapes me Posts: 29
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    I'm using Siri right now and I find it quite useful most of the time. It usually does a pretty good job. However it does mess up sometime but for the most part it works pretty good
  • iJohn
    iJohn Posts: 41
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    But you're not an 'merican. You wouldn't understand our need to sue someone if life is hard.
  • wind mobile canada
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    I get comparable, if not better, results with EVE on android phone. Location works in Canada too...
  • Kumar
    Kumar Posts: 18
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    this is BS it works every time for me even with my INDIAN accent unless i'm in crowded place.
  • aka
    aka Posts: 16
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    it is a frigging phone at the end, it makes calls and send text messages. it is not a concierge from Amex titanium card. get a life, or die trying.sorry, had to take it out.
  • Mediascapenorth
    Mediascapenorth Posts: 43
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    Siri is much like having a average American actually answer your questions; it's slow, it doesn't understand accents and is blissful unaware of anything outside of the US.
  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    And ur the reason why the world is the way it is
  • Hmmmm?
    Hmmmm? Posts: 9
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    If you feel this way then what is your take on Apple suing Samsung because some of their products look similar? I am sure people can clearly see the Samsung logo on the device. Most iPhone/smartphone users do not even know what "beta" means. Did they publicly advertised that it was in a beta state besides in the keynote or in a disclaimer (which no one reads) on their website? And just wandering but does Siri require a data connection at all times in order to operate? Do I need data to send a text or create a reminder/appointment?
  • hmm
    hmm Posts: 13
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    It's useless within the USA as well, IMO
  • xero14
    xero14 Posts: 34
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    This is what's wrong with our country everyone is willing to sue for a dollar f this guy he better lose
  • Old Timer
    Old Timer Posts: 15
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    I'm an Americian and live in Ohio where accents shouldn't be an issue but I find that Siri doesn't understand roughly 60% to 70% of what I'm saying and ends up giving me some kind of off the wall answer that has nothing to do with the question that was asked. So I woul have to agree that no it doesn't function as discribed, at least not for me. I believe that Siri should have a learning function built into it so that you could train it to understand your specific speech patterns that would fix the problem I believe. There could also be a hardwear problem with the microphones on some phones that could be fixed with a balancer program and lastly it could be a problem in some cases due to inviornmentel condition or incorrect case design etc. I think Apple should definitely find the true issue and a fix for the situation and I also believe they would be liable for misrepresentation of functionality even throw its still a beta program due to the way the are using it to promote the product as a revolutionary IPhone. Just My Two centsI have been working on and around computers since the Comadore series and also love ai programs and voice recognition.
  • Mediascapenorth
    Mediascapenorth Posts: 43
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    It's still true Jim.
  • peter jansen
    peter jansen Posts: 3
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    if your accent is as bad as your spelling, I understand you problem. For starters, it was a 'Commodore' :-/
  • peter jansen
    peter jansen Posts: 3
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  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Reading the disclaimer is down to the purchaser, hence the saying 'always read the small print' Samsung/apple is a bit different, I understand why apple are suing, but at the same time, I do think it has got way out of hand, you only have to use a Samsung to know its inferior and that you should have bought apple! I don't know if Siri needs a data connection or not to be honest, I'm lucky enough to have never lost signal so far.
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    I thought Siri had a learning feature of some sort? Mine was useless for the first couple of days, but improved over time and understands me perfectly now.
  • Your a Genius
    Your a Genius Posts: 2
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    Why do people critic about other people spelling, then turn around and do the exactly same thing themselves? Realize that most people who post comments aren’t English professor so do expect that they make mistake here and there. Be understandable people and stick to the purpose of why you are here...
  • ^_^
    ^_^ Posts: 4,429
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    You do realize the majority of technology we have today is because of your so called "slow" americans? Your an ignorant elitist. Get your head out of your ass. More than likely you could even be happy your not forced to speak Japanese or German right now, because a so called "slow" american left his homeland to save yours. Have some freakin' respect.
  • Poor1
    Poor1 Posts: 31
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    I agree. All these lawsuits just have one purpose and that is to provide work for the teachers at Columbia, UN of Chicago, Harvard, NYU, Stanford, Yale, Cornell, UN of Pennsylvania, Northwestern, Duke, Georgetown and Berkeley. Its a whole entire business on its own
  • j meister
    j meister Posts: 11
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    "While Siri has received rave reviews and has single handedly helped Apple to sell millions of iPhones"??? - Siri single-handedly helped Apple sell millions of iPhones? I don't know anybody who bought one for Siri and I have yet to see any rave reviews (discounting fanboys). Most people bought one because it's Apple's newest thing and they have to have it.
  • so
    so Posts: 1
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    Who cares? Just get a refund and stop crying about it b-tch. So many bull sh-t people in this world, it makes me sick. What if you sold lemonade and said it tastes great and I thought it tasted less than par? I ain't going to sue you about it, I wouldn't even get a refund. I'd just throw it out or keep drinking. Damn pr-ck.
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    Loaned wouldn't cost you several hundred dollars either and you would buy another glass if you had one that was half full. Oh and my spelling stinks because I'm old hence old timer and have alot of trouble seeing. So yes I was hoping Siri would work.
  • WildBill9478
    WildBill9478 Posts: 12
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    I can see where the ads are a little deceptive. I noticed that on a few commercials Siri shows that it will basically just answer your questions or show you guitar notes for example, when in actuality, it just gives you a link to the web. Bet either way, I'm satisfied with it and if that person wasn't, they have the grace period to exchange it. So I don't see what the big deal is. Just another frivolous lawsuit (aka get rich quick scheme) in my opinion. I bet they won't come out any more than a couple or few hundred dollars ahead by the time it's all said and done anyway.
  • Moy
    Moy Posts: 56
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