Update on iOS 5.1 Jailbreak For Apple TV 3 And Apple TV 2

^_^ Posts: 4,429
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageUpdate on iOS 5.1 Jailbreak For Apple TV 3 And Apple TV 2

While we're eagerly waiting for the jailbreak community to release the untethered or tethered jailbreak for iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and the new iPad (iPad 3), the Chronic Dev team has given a status update on the jailbreak for Apple TV 2 and  the new Apple TV on iOS 5.1.

Chronic Dev team have provided the following details about the iOS 5.1 jailbreak for Apple TV 2:

Read the full story here



  • Wazzalisk
    Wazzalisk Posts: 8
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    what happened to the dream team? :(
  • haha
    haha Posts: 33
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    user on other forums giving them S**t and they now no longer want to be apart of a corrupt seen.. dont blame them,
  • Bonez
    Bonez Posts: 1
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    Than y take the time to jailbreak if it's not to share
  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    So Lame Stefan esser
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    Stefan Esser a.k.a i0n1c.... looks like we have another geohot.. i got it you cant have it ner ner ner. stick it up your butt then.
  • ilove
    ilove Posts: 19
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    I understand the issue with a tethered JB for Iphones, but how would a tethered JB for Appte TV3 be bad? I am super late on the Apple TV and was going to purchase one recently but found out there was only a full JB for apple TV2 only. Thanks
  • Moodi
    Moodi Posts: 74
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    Totally agree with you.Another ASSHOLE , why he publish it then.
  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    It's a bit stupid that you have to buy tweakes from cydia yet you have to stay on old firmware to keep them, mainly because now the jailbreak team doesn't want to release latest jailbreak, so you have to chooses either latest iOS or old iOS and keep your paid tweaks! The jailbreak team, has an obligation to release it as the amount of donations and also the people who brought stuff in cydia can't use themI can see the end of jail breaking coming real soon, I'm going to stop supporting these egotistical bullsh-tters and become a stock iOS usersIt's so boring waiting
  • sh-t team
    sh-t team Posts: 1
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    They took our money and ran! That was their dream.
  • Brandon Hash
    Brandon Hash Posts: 51
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    with a tethered apple tv you have to have your computer right next to your tv to do the tethered boot process then switch over to the hdmi cableonce you unplug the apple tv from the wall you have to run the tethered boot process again when you plug it back inin other words it just makes things a bit more of a pain in the ass
    LOOOL Posts: 1
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    I told you guys from the very first post about this that he wouldn't release it lol. He's a attention wh-re and a fa gg ot
  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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    Boy, you sure make it sound like they haven't released any jailbreaks!I'll tell you what, since you are in such a rush, take the jailbreak YOU made and shove it where the sun don't shine. So, they ran with the money just like every other time. That's why there are absolutely no jailbreaks now, right?Ass clown. Go to stock and stop complaining.
  • hehahe
    hehahe Posts: 1
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  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    How dare they not give us this jailbreak. And charge us......nothing? If u made a DONATION that's great but u didn't have to. I do not believe they would not release it if they had it. Maybe apple should allow the jailbreak just a thought ......
  • zak
    zak Posts: 22
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  • Olaf
    Olaf Posts: 66
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    Exactly Frank. For those complaining fools, make a donation AFTER the release of the jailbreak. Then you can't complain about not getting a jailbreak despite giving money. There's a bright idea.
  • ^_^
    ^_^ Posts: 4,429
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    Doubt he indeed had it .. agreed on the attention ****
  • genXhippie
    genXhippie Posts: 95
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    I'm concur w/ you, Frank.
  • ilove
    ilove Posts: 19
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    that make sence. Dead iphone = unpluged apple tv3 Thanks
  • genXhippie
    genXhippie Posts: 95
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    "...Stefan Esser a.k.a i0n1c who has discovered the untethered jailbreak for the new iPad (that would also work with other iOS devices such as iPhone 4S, iPad 2 etc) has clearly stated that he doesn't plan to release it,..."Well, why publicize it, if there no intent to release? It's just a tease, or what. :/
  • dee
    dee Posts: 56
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    Guys he found the loop hole and wanted to share and stick up his finger at us, the question is how real was the find or was it real ( I dont think so !), Most hackers will do what they do to show the world what they are capable of and share as it f**ks of all these large corporate companies that take the piss out of us
  • genXhippie
    genXhippie Posts: 95
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    They're working on it, dude. Give a chance for peace sake. You're speaking as if there is nothing to this jailbreaking, which is the farthest from the truth. Just chill, it will happen. ;)
  • Kimberly
    Kimberly Posts: 3
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    The purpose of keeping the exploits secret is to maintain open options if/when Apple fixes the exploit that allows a particular jailbreak. If they were to reveal the methods at this point (which would be monumentally stupid) we would be SOL for a jailbreak because Apple would quickly turn around a minor update, preventing us from exercising our right of first sale by taking control of our own devices.So stop bellyaching and BE PATIENT!
  • Mr Pato Loco 3
    Mr Pato Loco 3 Posts: 2
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    For everybOdy thats donated who put he gun to your head and said donate NOBODY you donated by choice not theirs they have released plenty of jailbreak and are not obligated to release. they do it to help us out. FOR FUN give or take; trust me if I knew how to jailbreak ill problaby sell I than to give away free **** I'm poor I still appreciate gettin a jailbreak . Where suppose to encourage not discourage I have a lot more but that's all I'm gonna say
  • Trapp
    Trapp Posts: 109
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    Well ipad 3 suxanyway so dont bother on spoiling jb for it Lets wait for next iphone, maybe it will work!
  • Whiterice
    Whiterice Posts: 1
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    You must not own one lol
  • Wazzalisk
    Wazzalisk Posts: 8
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    I know it'll come out sometime eventually. I'm just saying, this article made it sound as if the dream team isn't working together anymore.
  • trillpolo
    trillpolo Posts: 5
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    Any day now with the untethered iOS 5.1 for the 4S
  • Jailbreak atv3
    Jailbreak atv3 Posts: 3
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    Apple rob me of 100$ cuz my apple tv 3 sucks. Who ever does release the jailbreak becomes the champion cause it's the hardest challenge and should receive donations for sure and will be remember every time I power it on. Let the true hackers hack away and show the world you crack the hardest device of them all.good luck
  • genXhippie
    genXhippie Posts: 95
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    So what's the actual tweak name that toggles between 3G and 2G/EDGE, for non AT&T users ,that everyone is speaking about? I haven't been fortunate enough to find one thus far. Any help would be appreciated really. ;)