Survey: 82% of New iPad Users 'Very Satisfied'; Heating Issue is a Non-Issue

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imageSurvey: 82% of New iPad Users 'Very Satisfied'; Heating Issue is a Non-Issue

Research firm ChangeWave has just released results of iPad 3's initial customer satisfaction survey.

Here are some of the key points from ChangeWave’s new iPad customer satisfaction survey:

Read the full story here


  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
    via Wordpress
    I like how a "faster processor" is liked by a fifth of the users... If anything than it is a bit slower/stupider than my ipad 2, brobably because of 5.1....and seriously, when will apple fix the lag/delay of the 4 finger swipe left or right, I'm pretty dure the processor has the power for it...but thats probably because of the way ios is built up...still, they should rebuild it for the dual cores of ipad 2 and 3
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
    via Wordpress
    What about the rest 18%, are they Samsung users who bought the iPad to give negative ratings. Just kidding.
  • Mikes
    Mikes Posts: 5
    via Wordpress
    I 'upgraded' from an iPad 2 and am kind of dissatisfied. On the one hand I love the amazing quality of the screen, but the added weight and heat kind of annoy me. Also, maybe it's just me, but the battery doesn't seem to last quite as long :s They're small things, I know, but I miss my iPad 2 a little!