iPhone Users Twice As Likely To Use Wi-Fi Than Android Users

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageiPhone Users Twice As Likely To Use Wi-Fi Than Android Users

A new study by ComScore reveals that more than 50 percent of Android users in the U.S. rely solely on mobile networks for their Internet needs as compared to a third of iPhone users.

Read the full story here


  • Zack says
    Zack says Posts: 3
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    its probably because it takes so long to find the wifi settings on an android
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    Zack, simply pull down the notification bar and click wi-fi to turn it on / off. Sure takes a lot longer on a non-jailbroken iOS. I'm certain most Apple users (and most aren't rooted) will toggle it on once and just leave it on and forget it. When out in public they'll use 3G and when they get back home it'll just auto-connect (or auto-detect a new network when out in public).Android usually you'll see the swipe bar up top to toggle it.
  • jksahdjh
    jksahdjh Posts: 1
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    Agree with the second point. Iphone 3g is waaaayy too slow therefore we use WiFi more often.
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    After turning it on via the Notification bar, where do you see the available Wi-Fi networks?
  • Aus
    Aus Posts: 2
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    In Australia iPhones are available on plans with included data and calls, or you can buy an iPhone outright for $800 or whatever it is. On the other hand Android is available from $50 for a prepaid handset which comes with a month of usage usually.So, a lot of people who make Android use popular are on a very tight budget and don't have broadband and wifi available at home to use. And wifi hotspots in Australia are very rare.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    My android phone often will not detect my wifi, so I don't use it. That's probably a big reason why, unless it's just my phone.
  • Rounak
    Rounak Posts: 269
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    and you've done nothing about it? (speaking to manufacturer, getting it repaired)
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 164
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    No, I figured it was just an android problem. Guess not, huh?
  • Nosferatu
    Nosferatu Posts: 70
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    It pops up on the screen the available networks or you can set it just to give notification. Tap it and that same list comes up. With signal strength, level of encryption. It's pretty easy. :-)
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Android users usually have better internet plans!
  • rbg2
    rbg2 Posts: 9
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    I rarely use wifi on my Nexus because having wifi on kills the battery much more quickly. I'll usually only use it when I'm charging it. When I had an iPhone, I'd always leave wifi on.
  • Agent Walker
    Agent Walker Posts: 14
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  • Agent Walker
    Agent Walker Posts: 14
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    It's SIMPLE...and what I have been saying for about a YEAR now... MOST android users are just people looking for a phone and don't care what the OS is. They will lightly use their phone but have no interest in doing the things that REAL (and by "REAL" I mean people who utilize more than just the phone and angry birds features on their smart phone. Not just iPhone users.) smartphone users do that will take up more data. They will use it for a few quick things but won't RELY on it like heavy smartphone users because it's JUST a phone to them where Most iPhone users have made their phone the GO TO device in their arsenal for all things. This ALSO speaks to my theory of Google touting all those Android sales like they are people ACTIVELY going after Android when in reality, they are people just asking for a phone. All those activations and still no revenue, lower amount of money spent on apps, lower amount of apps downloaded, lower wifi consumption etc... You do the math. ~*~TO PREVENT FLAME WAR~*~ I like android and think it's fine. I just dont like how google boasts like all their sales are people choosing iPhone over android. It's more people just wanting a phone... in most cases...a Cheap phone. For an ACCURATE depiction of sales of Android VS iPhone..Look at the sales of the AWESOME android phones lie the Nexux and Razr and WAY TOO MANY TO NAME... Don't count the Droid WTF's and the cheap forgettable phones...
  • ozwald
    ozwald Posts: 3
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    What a load of BS.
  • Jhonny
    Jhonny Posts: 4
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    You don't have a 5 Ghz network? Set it to 2.6 Ghz or whatever, should work.
  • Jhonny
    Jhonny Posts: 4
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    You don’t have a 5 Ghz network? Set it to 2.6 Ghz or whatever, should work.
  • Jhonny
    Jhonny Posts: 4
    via Wordpress
    You don’t have a 5 Ghz network? Set it to 2.6 Ghz or whatever, should work now.
  • Agent Walker
    Agent Walker Posts: 14
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