Tim Cook Gets AT&T to Unlock Customer's iPhone

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageTim Cook Gets AT&T to Unlock Customer's iPhone

One of the problems of buying a subsidized iPhone from a carrier like AT&T is that even after completing the 2-year contract, they won't unlock your iPhone for free (or for a small fee) like in other countries.

It looks like the best way to unlock an AT&T iPhone is to email Apple's CEO Tim Cook as AT&T seems to make an exception when he requests for it on your behalf, according to a report on 9to5 Mac.

Read the full story here



  • Jap
    Jap Posts: 37
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    i feel sorry for tim cook now as he will prob be getting thousands of emails on the subject
  • Stan
    Stan Posts: 192
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    Why can't AT&T or other carriers sell unlocked iPhones with contracts?
  • uhh
    uhh Posts: 0
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    you can buy them unlock at the apple stores
  • Denis
    Denis Posts: 11
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    So, do you think we all need to send Tim trillion of email to unlock our iPhones? Why couldnt AT&T send they customers who already pass the 2yr contract an email with the instructions on how to unlock it?
  • iP4
    iP4 Posts: 33
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    Good, maybe him getting millions of e-mails will result in change of this policy. how is this phone any different from any other phone? i called ATT recently asking them for unlock and got the same run-around. i travel overseas and just need to use foreign carrier once in a while, so for now I'm jailbreaking and unlocking. i don't like preserving baseband as I'm sure there are improvements in a newer versions. Common ATT, I'm not going anywhere... i'll be getting new iPhone when it comes out.
  • iP4
    iP4 Posts: 33
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    Instruction for you is very simple: you have to connect to iTunes and sync.prior to that AT&T has to flag your IMEI so Apple would know which phone to unlock.AT&T has to work together with Apple to make it happen.
  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    email filter on >> forward all this **** to the assistant
  • aad
    aad Posts: 4
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    Yeah let's keep sending emails to this guy so they step up and do the right thing and unlock our phones after our contract expires!!! Fucking Apple/AT&T smh
  • Hmmm?
    Hmmm? Posts: 59
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    Not sure if this is still the case but if you were to restore an iPhone that was unlocked from a carrier then you will have to repeat the process of unlocking once again after the restore. Back in the 3Gs days that was what I was told by my carrier.
  • Erasmus
    Erasmus Posts: 12
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    It might take a class action lawsuit to get this resolved. I'm actually quite surprised that this hasn't happened yet. Plaintiff lawyers are you listening? ;-)
  • Picasa
    Picasa Posts: 1
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    I did send an email to Tim Cook. Lets see if anything happens....AT&T sucks !!!
  • Brandon Hash
    Brandon Hash Posts: 51
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    not everywhere in the US has an apple store :/the closest thing we have where I live is the small in-store apple store at best buy, and they don't do phones
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Maybe we should email Tim and ask him to contact AT&T to stop "consumer bullying", ie bandwidth throttling. Apple designed and negotiated the iPhone to orginally run on the AT&T network. Now that AT&T is too lazy to update their infrastructure they are "biting the hand that feeds them", the consumer. I wonder when we will have had enough, but that is another topic and thread. JS!!!
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    AT&T, and I assume other carriers, want to keep the customer after contract expiration or get new business from the new owner of the phone. Remember, these big companies believed they are entitled to the money they haven't gotten from you yet and will do what they can to get it.
  • Dan o
    Dan o Posts: 8
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    I have a 4S. When I bought it I asked for it to be unlocked. The store guy then took the iPhone box and scanned the barcode. 2 seconds later I got it back, unlocked. I live in Denmark.
  • Steven Ramondt
    Steven Ramondt Posts: 1
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    I moved to London in July of last year and still refuse to jail break my 4. I use it when I have a wireless connection when I can but can't stand the fact that I can't make the most of it even though I out right own the phone because I had to buy my way out of my contract with AT&T when I left the US. Good to hear that there could be a way out. I was an AT&T customer for years in the US but would go with an other carrier if I ever went back. Just the principle of the situation.
  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    Well they do on their website.... Which closer to you, located at any computer... Or download their store app from the app store. ;)
  • tipa
    tipa Posts: 2
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    I'm from Brazil and after many protests and complaints was in the government approved a project which requires operators to unlock any device immediately after purchase
  • Wiilt
    Wiilt Posts: 104
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    ditto. whats wrong with jailbreaking :p
  • Sghdfdhh
    Sghdfdhh Posts: 12
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    You have to reactivate it, but this amounts to putting in a SIM while connected to wifi or USB. It's really no bother.You also have to reactivate if you wipe ir.
  • Jennifer Dodge
    Jennifer Dodge Posts: 1
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    I have an iPhone 4 and want to jailbreak and unlock it for a trip to Europe so that I can use pay as you go SIM cards over there. I talked to someone today who said that the phone can't be unlocked because the software has been updated to IOS 5.01 and the modem software is 04.12.01. He said that the phone can only be unlocked if the modem software is 04.10.01 or lower. Is this true?
  • Jhonny
    Jhonny Posts: 4
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    You really are an idiot aren't you...Go online.... Life isn't that complicated store.apple.com
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    Not all devices and baseband unlocks are available.
  • iJohn
    iJohn Posts: 41
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    Anti-class-action lawsuit handled by the service contract.
  • uhh
    uhh Posts: 0
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    no that is not true. you can buy factory unlock iphones with iOS 5.1
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    No, it's not true. Follow the Jail Break Guides on this site.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    I can understand allowing them to lock the phone while you are still on contract, but I personally think that all phones should have to be automatically unlocked after the 2 year contract has expired, you pay the early termination fee or you are able to cancel the contract due to changes that AT&T makes.
  • phil it
    phil it Posts: 2
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    sprint will unlock your iphone 4S for you after six months if your bill is in good standing
  • tono
    tono Posts: 1
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    to jailbrake the phone do you need to keep the old at&t sim card in the phone
  • AC
    AC Posts: 43
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    they want more $$$$$ to be unlocked....