MyWi 5.5 For iOS 5.x Users Brings New Wi-Fi Sharing Feature, Faster Connection Speeds & More

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imageMyWi 5.5 For iOS 5.x Users Brings New Wi-Fi Sharing Feature, Faster Connection Speeds & More

Intelliborn - developers of popular jailbreak tweaks have recently released a new version of MyWi - the jailbreak tweak that turns your jailbroken iPhone into a Wi-Fi hotspot.

MyWi 5.5 has been completely rewritten for iOS 5.x to increase tethering speeds. It includes the following new features and improvements according to the change log:

Read the full story here



  • Kent
    Kent Posts: 6
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    Would be great....if I didn't have to still pay the tethering fee since they make no attempt to hide tethering usage.
  • PepNYC
    PepNYC Posts: 1
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    Ditto. AT&T already nailed me. One more time and I lose my unlimited plan.
  • Niggerfish
    Niggerfish Posts: 2
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    PDAnet for the win!
  • StevenB
    StevenB Posts: 4
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    I too used MiWi for about a year. AT&T sent me the "Your Tethering, you have to call us.." message. I removed it and have been using TetherMe for about 6 months. So far no more notices from AT&T.
  • StevenB
    StevenB Posts: 4
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    *edit* MyWi, not MiWi - sorry
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    If you are on an iPhone 4S, I would suggest you avoid the update and stay on the older version... I updated and now my phone is VERY laggy no matter what I do until I uninstall MyWi and reboot the phone. I emailed Intelliborn (makers of MyWi) and they responded:Hi Chris,We are aware of the issue and have been collecting syslogs to figure out this issue.Thank you for your interest in IntellibornSo I'm forced to uninstall it now and have no MyWi until it's been fixed :( Idk if it's a certain thing on my 4S that's causing it... but my iPad 2 has essentially the same tweaks so I doubt it's interference between it and another tweak.
  • Elim
    Elim Posts: 59
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    y pay? y pay? no good man. cydia still pay !! no good at all.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    ... my iPad 2 works fine after updating MyWi, so that is why I think it could be a problem with iPhone 4S compatibility.
  • Henning
    Henning Posts: 1
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    I can't believe it! This new release does not even install without fatal errors. Not to speak about the bugs in this software. MyWi On Demand does still not connect an iPad to an iPhone. What the heck did they test??? My Phone keeps crashing into save mode since I installed the update.This is both, the most expensive and the worst app in Cydia. Why does Saurik allow such bad software in his store? Why doesn't he allow for app reviews in Cydia? Because he earns money from this software, even if it doesn't work at all?
  • Sghdfdhh
    Sghdfdhh Posts: 12
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    If it's Intelliborn, chances are ita) won't work (my3g, myprofiles, the last mywi)b) will slow your system to a crawl even when it's not doing anything (myprofiles, the last mywi)c) never be finished to a state where it's actually usable (myprofiles, my3g)d) end up incompatible with/useless on the current iOS version, with either 'a fix coming soon' (my3g), or 'it wasn't profitable so we stopped maintaining it; thankyou for your money (myprofiles).I've had the misfortune of purchasing several of their products, and they've never worked as described. I regret that they ever got my money, and I hope that you'll not make the same mistake.
  • Sghdfdhh
    Sghdfdhh Posts: 12
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    AIUI, Intelliborn pay him to get on the front page.
  • al
    al Posts: 64
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    PDAnet has worked well with iphone 4S and no tethering message from ATT
  • Sghdfdhh
    Sghdfdhh Posts: 12
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    Don't give jailbreakers a bad name. If the app costs money, pay for it. If it's not worth the price, don't use it.Intelliborn's apps all have a trial period. Use it. Don't pay until you actually have to: if you pay for it and then find a problem, you're not getting your money back.
  • iPhone5
    iPhone5 Posts: 9
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    PDANet is free for non-ssl sites and can hide it from your carrier
  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    I too must agree that I haven't had happy experiences with Intelliborn products or their support. I've never understood why they get so much coverage when there are better and cheaper products that are largely ignored (in this case Thetherme or PDAnet). Same with Intelliscreen - LockInfo is so much better.
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    The new version definitely connects faster. I used to have to open the app to get iPad2 to connect to my iPhone 3GS but not anymore. The only problem I have now is that even though I set up WPA2 security and created a password the connection shows as unsecure on my iPad.
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    Don't you get that person? There are people in this world that think EVERYTHING should be free. They don't care about trial periods, they want it free. I see people like that all over these comments. FREE, FREE, I WANT IT FREE!!!
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    Using Cydia uninstall all the MyWi items then search MyWi and reinstall it. I did that and everything works great.
  • Fingers21
    Fingers21 Posts: 243
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    Can someone explain what this does that's different from apple's personal hotspot feature?
  • Charlie
    Charlie Posts: 41
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    Doesnt matter what MyWi has now. BOTTOM LINE IS ATT CAN DETECT MYWI usage. Intelliborn will refuse to comment about it nor change software to remedy this. Your a fool if you keep using this software. If you lose your unlimited data package your gonna be pissed.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Ok, I found out how to fix the lag issue... If you add the source it will allow you to update MyWi to 5.50.6 which fixes the lag! You can then remove the source and I assume that once a newer version is publicly available, it will have you download that instead of a new beta (possibly buggy) version since you will no longer be receiving data from the beta source.
  • iamLuqman
    iamLuqman Posts: 1
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    Tethering my phone was the reason I used to jailbreak my phone. And I used to use the stupid mywi. Useless! It defeat the purpose of paying 20box for. After using it for about a month, I got the "death txt" and email from AT&T. I'm unjailbroken ever since. And I got wifi at work & home, so it's useless & I wished I never bought that stupid app. I even emailed the f-ckers, I'm yet to get a response from them. Bad customer service.
  • Sghdfdhh
    Sghdfdhh Posts: 12
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    Personal Hotspot disables itself if your contract doesn't allow tethering.Other worthwhile features of mywi over Personal Hotspot:Infrastructure mode, so you can use it with a Wii (or similar finicky device)Can use WEP for tethering older devices like Nintendo DSCan tether devices to iPhone's wifi instead of 3g, so you only have to set up airport/cafe wifi on one device.Intelliborn has a poor track record with testing, reliability, support, and compatibility with new iOS versions. Use the whole length of the trial to see if problems will arise, and don't bank on continued functioning if you upgrade your iOS.
  • JT
    JT Posts: 60
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    This new update is worse than before. It deactivates my Bluetooth completely and slows up my iPhone 4 horribly. What a waste of money.
  • Codeblue009
    Codeblue009 Posts: 6
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    seriously true!...and then if the dev makes it free, these same people write comments again like:"would give app/hack 5 stars but IT HAS AD's so I give it 1star, unless they remove them"... i hate these kind of comments! its like how could u possibly complain, REALLY!
  • Kam
    Kam Posts: 4
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    I have the same issue on my iphone 4S and I was forced to uninstall MyWi too :(
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    So many complaints. Maybe you complainers time is so precious that you don't have 10 minutes to solve a problem. If you have time to complain you have time to troubleshoot. I had connectivity problems after the recent update. Solution: Uninstalled all MyWi items then reinstalled MyWi. First time out it worked as it's supposed to. Time used: 5 minutes. I have an Old Bootrom 3GS and my phone did not slow down with MyWi. It is easier to complain than to try and figure something out.
  • fas
    fas Posts: 2,297
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    That is quite alot but then you save in terms of montly net charges too.
  • dhvshc
    dhvshc Posts: 1
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    When I pay for the most expensive app on Cydia, I don't expect there to be a problem. Especially one that could have been caught by better testing of the installer.Is this unreasonable?
  • Sto
    Sto Posts: 1
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    Well actually DS (or 3DS) connection doesn't work with MyWi 5.5.If anyone here has a solution to provide me, please help !Sto