PSA: Apple Prompting Users to Set Up Security Questions on iOS Devices And in iTunes

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imagePSA: Apple Prompting Users to Set Up Security Questions on iOS Devices And in iTunes

The Next Web reports that Apple has started rolling out changes to improve the security of user accounts.

The Next Web reports that users signing up to their Apple accounts on iOS devices are being prompted to create or update security questions and also enter a backup or rescue email address.

Read the full story here


  • iOS5
    iOS5 Posts: 73
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    Tired of apple's BS.. I go through enough passwords for a
  • PasovecPapa
    PasovecPapa Posts: 8
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    Isn't it a little late for April jokes? If somebody gets through my not exactly trivial password, then some stupid questions certainly won't stop him. Personally, I consider all "security" questions like "mom's name" a brutal security risk. And setting a "second password" (and 3rd... and 4th) as "a1+B2#c3..." is a plain stupidity.
  • Choudhary
    Choudhary Posts: 3
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    Allready we have to fill in the Password every time an Applications Downloaded
  • Faisal
    Faisal Posts: 34
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    This is a good step, because resetting password is not easy, requires login to iForgot.
  • Ray Castic
    Ray Castic Posts: 4
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    What a bunch of unnecessary BS. If Apple will no longer be easy to do business with, then I will cease to be a loyal Apple customer. I absolutely hate this kind of crap when imposed by banks and others.I refuse to comply, and if that means that no more Apple products in my life, so be it; and I have been a Apple customer since 1984.I love Apple stuff, but maybe its time to move on. If Apple and I part ways, it will be over something like this.
  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    So rather than be a little bit more secure you would walk away from apple? Maybe someone gaining access to your account would change your mind. I hate the Bullshi*ers who just jump at the chance to rebel against things that are only going to help protect them in the long run. Grow a brain.
  • doc
    doc Posts: 7
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    Sorry John,But Apple's intention is always good, and it's for your own good (of course). Just like the government, "Really, we know what's best for you!". Semi-Quote from the anointed one in D.C.Apple wants to make sure that you are who you are, and of course, protect you from yourself and others. BS my friend! That's why I will also follow the example from "Ray". I am sick and tired of everyone, thinking that they know better.DoC, USMC SSgt., USAF, Capt. Ret., Ret. D.C., PGR, BACA.P.S. Sorry for all the correct spelling, I know a large number of you can't read.
  • Mia
    Mia Posts: 8
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    Can someone help me? I have been getting that, but it won't let me choose a question. It just says "Select" and I touch that, but nothing happens. Now I can't download any apps.
  • Ageoff
    Ageoff Posts: 1
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    I absolutely agree. My favorite car etc. is my private knowledge and I don't need to give it up to some bozo in a cubicle in China or God knows where. I like me iPod touch and new iPad but not that much.
  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    **** apple. really. just **** em.
  • Stephen Waterbury
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    i had decided to go more fully Apple, have been touting Apple and iPads and ICloud to anyone who would listen, and now I have encountered the necessity of responding to mostly stupid questions. I do not have a least favorite teacher, and if Apple wants only to do business with people who have a least favorite teacher, that will not include me At whatever level this was cleared, the person who cleared it should be terminated immediately. The stupidity is evident. I have purchased seven iPods , four iPads, an iPhone and two desktops (both sizes), but tonight, as I am unable to download a simple alarm clock app because most of the required questions have no meaning to me, I am left wondering. What is going on at Apple? When did morons take over this wonderful company?
  • Chewbyka
    Chewbyka Posts: 1
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    I agree - Asking me to divulge personal information, accessible to who knows who in the future - Phk offInfuriated and now studying how to jailbrea my iDevices. Once broken I will cancell my iTunes accountApple C-Suite fail!
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    My only problem is at the absurd security questions being asked and the fact that they just not mean anything to everyone. Only one of those questions, can I answer (and remember). It is very obvious a stupid person picked these questions, and a stupider-er person allowed it to happen. I've been avoiding apps lately because of this very thing. I WON'T REMEMBER THE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS OF WHICH I DO NOT HAVE THE ANSWERS.
  • Russell
    Russell Posts: 7
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    Apple you are kidding right. I am 67 years old and no way can I remember answers to any of the first group of questions. This means the remaining two groups of questions can't be answered and I can no longer update existing apps or download new ones, no point keeping my iPhone now!. Why on Gods earth wouldnt you allow your customers to choose their own questions Your direction is clearly targeted to younger people therefore I for one and my friends will now dump your products entirely. Apple you are fools. Steve would turn in his grave.
  • Russell
    Russell Posts: 7
    via Wordpress
    you are kidding right. I am 67 years old and no way can I remember answers to any of the first group of questions. This means the remaining two groups of questions can't be answered and I can no longer update existing apps or download new ones, no point keeping my iPhone now!. Why on Gods earth wouldnt you allow your customers to choose their own questions Your direction is clearly targeted to younger people therefore I for one and my friends will now dump your products entirely. Apple you are fools. Steve would turn in his grave.
  • Russell
    Russell Posts: 7
    via Wordpress
    Apple you are kidding right. Im 67 years old no way can I remember answers to any of the first group of questions. This means the remaining two groups of questions can't be answered and I can no longer update existing apps or download new ones, no point keeping my iPhone now!. Why wouldnt you allow your customers to choose their own questions You're clearly targeted to younger people therefore I for one and my friends will now dump your products entirely. Steve would turn in his grave.
  • KittyKam
    KittyKam Posts: 1
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    Thanks apple I was worried at first then I was so happy to know I wasn't being put into a scam
  • Elkabongabee
    Elkabongabee Posts: 1
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    Think of others like the older generation you selfish ****.
  • C Bartlett
    C Bartlett Posts: 1
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    This is ridiculous! I didn't have a second email address to enter for "rescue" email so I entered my husband's. He is now locked out of his own Apple acct! Stupid!
  • Fee
    Fee Posts: 1
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    Absolute BS, can't download the simplest free app, least favorite school teacher indeed....pathetic how sad. Was just about to upgrade my iPhone gonna go for an android now instead. Will be selling our shares in apple, hope it's not too late!
  • Tony reeves
    Tony reeves Posts: 1
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    I have been getting the three question security screen while trying to download an app but the question fields do not appear. And so I come to a dead end. Does anyone else have this problem and is there a way around it. Any help would be appreciated.
  • geodazed
    geodazed Posts: 1
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    Count me in as a new "former" apple user, and I have been a customer since 1983 with my Apple 2e.
  • Bama
    Bama Posts: 1
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    I keep entering my questions and awnsers in but it still won't stop asking and not letting me download anything
  • rebecca
    rebecca Posts: 7
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    I have been unable to download any apps since because I have the same problem as Bama, Is there any help for this?
  • rebecca
    rebecca Posts: 7
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    I have been unable to download any apps since because I have the same problem as Bama, Is there any help for this?