Apple Responds to DOJ: Accusation of Collusion is Simply Not True

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageApple Responds to DOJ: Accusation of Collusion is Simply Not True

Apple has responded to U.S. Department of Justice antitrust lawsuit, which has accused Apple and publishers for fixing prices of e-books on the iBookstore.

Apple has issued the following statement to AllThingsD:

Read the full story here


  • Faisal
    Faisal Posts: 34
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    There you go again, yawn alert.
  • Fcuk
    Fcuk Posts: 3
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    Yawn alert seeing your sh*t comments on every single iphonehackx post. Get a life man a shut up. You've never anything interesting to say. Go buy an android.
  • Hmmm?
    Hmmm? Posts: 59
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    I for one believe they are guilty. They probably didnt want to compete with Amazon on price so they instead set up the Agent Model. This model just benefited them and the publishers while the actual authors didn't even receive more with the higher prices. And not sure how their model fostered innovation and competition. Prices for ebook are about the same regardless of which retailer sells them now. So they actually raised the prices which is not exactly great for the consumers.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Hmm....If Walmart were to say to Hasbro we will sell your game, but you can't sell it cheaper anywhere else, including directly to the consumer, would we not scream about antitrust laws being violated?The same holds true here, Apple said you cannot sell an eBook cheaper anywhere else, this is a clear cut violation of antitrust laws being violated.Here is how it should work, Hasbro goes to Walmart and says we will sell you our game for $5.00 and we recommend you sell it for $10.00, but you get to set the price you sell it for and we will sell it to others as we see fit.The same should be true for eBooks, the publisher should go to Apple, Amazon, whomever and say we will sell your our book for $5.00 and it is up to you to set the retail price, but we recommend $10.00.So, I fail to see how Apple did not act illegally here.
  • Fasial is a moron
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    Agree with u man lol I just been too lazy to say something. Fucking sick of this idiot and his useless comments. It's like he's trying to find a gay lover
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    That happens all the time, and no it's not illegal. Why would I as a store owner want to buy your product to sell in my store of you could just turn around and undercut me?
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    That happens all the time, and no it's not illegal. Why would I as a store owner want to buy your product to sell in my store if you could just turn around and undercut me?
  • Kao Saephan
    Kao Saephan Posts: 41
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    Without knowing the full details, it's unfair to call Apple guilty here. They haven't lost in court yet. Apple isn't saying that authors can't sell their books elsewhere for cheaper. Apple is saying if they do sell it cheaper elsewhere, Apple reserves the right to reduce their price to match it and keep their 30% cut.As for Amazon, they were selling ebooks at below cost (at a loss) in an effort to put other retailers out of business. How long do you guys really expect Amazon to continue selling ebooks at a loss? Reality check: Until their competitors are out of business. Once Amazon becomes the only seller, they control the price and believe me, it won't be under cost. What Apple did was put a stop to that. There's nothing illegal with Apple's model and the DOJ will have a hard time trying to prove it in court.
  • Hmmm?
    Hmmm? Posts: 59
    via Wordpress
    Put a stop to Amazon for raising the prices later on by raising the prices now? And from what I understand they had the largest share by far before Apple stepped in. And I don't think Amazon was selling the books below cost, most likely below MSRP. The publishers are definitely guilty and that's why three already settled out of court. Apple, who I believe are guilty, might successfully defend themselves. I understand this is an Apple fan site but they are no different from any other company. And in order to continue their growth don't be surprised if they decide not to play fair (which I believe they don't already in some instances)