7.85-inch iPad Mini Mockup

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image7.85-inch iPad Mini Mockup

Ever since Apple launched the iPad in 2010, there have been rumors that Apple will launch a smaller and cheaper iPad mini.

Last week, John Gruber of Daring Fireball, who has a good track record when it comes to Apple related news, added yet more weight to the rumors claiming that Apple does have a 7.85-inch iPad in their labs during his Talk Show podcast with Dan Benjamin.

Read the full story here


  • Xaffier
    Xaffier Posts: 9
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    Why would APPLE do that? Haven't we heard rumors of every single iDevice that will get a little brother?Yet we all know APPLE by now, it ain't happening.3GS and iPad2 are existing devices to cater for the lower incomeNew devices cost money, if it is to cater for the lower income it won't make sense. It has to revolutionize the market. APPLE is based on that.If i am wrong and yet comes a smaller iPad then i think Steve will "come" and clean the mess.Newer, cooler, smarter. is the APPLE green or red in heaven?
  • Aux
    Aux Posts: 1
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  • Diane
    Diane Posts: 5
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    I would love to have a smaller version iPad. I sold my iPad 2 because it was too big and heavy to hold for long periods of time.
  • belphegor
    belphegor Posts: 1
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    I agree ooooooh that's true
  • Trapp
    Trapp Posts: 109
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    Actually rendered graphic is totally from other planet. 1 ipad overheats so putting 2 one on another is like placing Chernobyl plant nextdoor to Fukushima. Of course if You want to fry eggs its perfect. Hmmm two thumbs up to smaller ipad. Pls add full calling ability this time or its droid tab otherwise
  • Pirus
    Pirus Posts: 4
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    "sold my iPad 2 because it was too big and have to hold for long periods of time"Hold old are you, 3, 4 ?Are you sure that it was iPad 2 ?I think the idea of a smaller iPad it's ok.Would I buy one ? probably not.