Splashtop brings Windows 8 Metro UI Experience to iPad

^_^ Posts: 4,429
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageSplashtop brings Windows 8 Metro UI Experience to iPad

There is still some time to go before the first Windows 8 based tablets are introduced, but if you want to find out how Windows 8 Metro interface looks and feels on a tablet then there is now an app for that.

Splashtop - developers of popular remote desktop app, has released a new iPad app called Win8 Metro Testbed that allows users to remote control Windows 8 (Consumer Preview)  on the iPad using native Windows 8 Metro touch gestures such as:

Read the full story here


  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
    via Wordpress
    I can't imagine how am I going to be able to use such Windows after the good days of Windows XP and Windows 7. The Windows 8 interface looks like TOYS, full with coloured boxes and squares. Is this evolution!!! Just because the world is going mobile these days it doesn't mean you have to change the Windows to a mobile-like platform! This is the most ridiculous and horrible Windows version that Microsoft will ever release, even more horrible than Windows Vista!
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
    via Wordpress
    I guess my next computer upgrade is going to be a switch from PC to the MAC. I can't stand this crap anymore!
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
    via Wordpress
    I had the developer release of windows 8 on my pc for a total of 20 minutes. 10 mins of that looking around and deciding it sucks the other 10 mins were spent trying to figure out how to shut the thing down. It's awfull.
  • Fernando
    Fernando Posts: 12
    via Wordpress
    ha ha ha!!!!!you're an obvious troll......
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
    via Wordpress
    Obvious troll?? Do you even know what a troll is? I didn't swear or insult anyone just gave an honest opinion win8 is sh*t. Seriously it took 10 mins to figure out how to turn the damn thing off. No start menu just a cluttered phone style interface that doesn't work on a desktop pc. I'm going to be skipping win 8 completely and sticking to 7.
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 134
    via Wordpress
    Nope nothing trolly here mate. Just an opinion.Try 4chan.
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
    via Wordpress
    It took you ten minutes to figure out how to shut it down? Noobism at its best...
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
    via Wordpress
    I guess you haven't been following the Mac scene much either. Both Windows and Mac are going down the toilet ever since both MS and Apple keep showing their desire to lock down the hell out of their OSes and make them ugly. No matter where you go, you'll see the same crap.
  • Korum
    Korum Posts: 15
    via Wordpress
    Wow some serious n00bs on here. You can bypass the metro UI on win 8 with one click and then it's the usual windows feel - Much like win7 but a lot faster.
  • HumanCentiPad
    HumanCentiPad Posts: 43
    via Wordpress
    Wondering if you can have split screen, desktop to metro using extended desktop display settings.
  • iOS5
    iOS5 Posts: 73
    via Wordpress
    Here goes the apple fanboys. If apple where to come up with this interface with all this colors I bet it will be embraced without a blink. Yes I love apple products and I use them daily but I use windows too and love it. Windows 8 sounds like fun and I have been using it on my Mac for a while and honestly it's fun. As a dev I work with both OSX and windows and I really don't see what people are really crying about. All things being equal, there isn't that much difference from the two for regular users besides security feature, which 80% of users are anyway. You have the right to voice your opinion but it says a lot about your knowledge on operating systems.
  • BloodShed
    BloodShed Posts: 13
    via Wordpress
    You can tell from the post hierarchy that he was replying to Zed. Though, it was funny to see someone get so defensive about being called a "troll".No wonder it took you 10 minutes to shut down Windows 8.
  • StevenB
    StevenB Posts: 4
    via Wordpress
    I run Win8 on my laptop for work. I have 3 monitors connected and use the laptop screen. Metro only runs on one monitor while the others have the desktop. I find that for my use (I'm a System Admin) I hardly ever get to use the Metro UI.
  • Zed Sefi
    Zed Sefi Posts: 143
    via Wordpress
    That I did not know about! Thanks for the info :)