WinterBoard: Popular Jailbreak App That Allows You to Customize iPhone Gets Major Update

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imageWinterBoard: Popular Jailbreak App That Allows You to Customize iPhone Gets Major Update

Jay Freeman aka saurik - founder of Cydia is on a roll, he has not only released an update for Mobile Substrate, he has also released a major update for WinterBoard - one of the most popular jailbreak apps to customize the look and feel of your jailbroken iPhone.

If had noticed any SpringBoard lag after using WinterBoard then you will be glad to know that the issue has been fixed in this update.

As per the change log WinterBoard 0.9.3905 includes the following changes and improvements:

Read the full story here


  • Kaz
    Kaz Posts: 22
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    I updated and now my phone just freezes at the lockscreen... WTF?!! I think I am going to have to completely restore it now..
  • Jimmy
    Jimmy Posts: 80
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    Couldnt you just reboot while holding the up volume button and remove winterboard? Wasn't that the point of the update to mobile substrate? Just saying that rather than complain maybe you should do a little work! Some reading my man!
  • gdhxdhc
    gdhxdhc Posts: 4
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    Also try SSHing in, and apt-get removing winterboard.
  • Mr Pato Loco
    Mr Pato Loco Posts: 2
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    Let's hope he downloaded it other wise back to square 1 adding all your tweaks and stuff to bad there isn't a back up for tweaks
  • gdhxdhc
    gdhxdhc Posts: 4
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    I know Mr Freeman is busy, but surely he can find time to write some decent documentation.Winterboard is like ALSA: fantastically powerful, but almost completely undocumented, leaving most of its users wasting most of its functionality, due only to being unaware of it.inb4 saurik owes you nothing: he's had a cut off everything I've bought on Cydia.
  • Lil dude
    Lil dude Posts: 2
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    After update I noticed a few of my tweaks no longer work. My carrier tweak along with my theme's icons. Worked fine before update. I tried reinstalling and replacing but neither worked. Curious if this happened to anyone else.
  • gdhxdhc
    gdhxdhc Posts: 4
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    There are several: pkgbackup is one.I think its UI is horrifyingly muddled and nonsensical (there's a setting in the page that boils down to "set this to yes if you want pkgbackup to work", and its progress reporting is awful, and it will happily reinstall stuff that's not compatible with the running iOS version), but it can be made to work, and is easier than doing it by hand.
  • gdhxdhc
    gdhxdhc Posts: 4
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    Prolly the SummerBoard Mode switch.Try switching it on, and see if this fixes things. If so, best long-term solution is to re-write the affected themes in WinterBoard.
  • Lil dude
    Lil dude Posts: 2
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    Summerboard is on. Still nothing tried turning off and back on. I also noticed I had an alternate volume HUD tweak which no longer works as well.
  • Mediascapenorth
    Mediascapenorth Posts: 43
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    Farts in your bum bum!
  • Lelu
    Lelu Posts: 2
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    Thanks Jay for CyDialer
  • Cambre
    Cambre Posts: 6
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    So it was Winterboard that caused the SpringBoard Scroll Lag. I have been going crazy about this. Everything is nice and smooth since this update and I no longer have to wait up to 10 seconds (sometimes more) to type into Springboard search.
  • Christian
    Christian Posts: 102
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    I have the acidity theme. After updating with summer on or off three of my icons aren't themed any more. Only clock mail and message icons are normall now. All of my other icons or apps are still themed under the acidity theme. Tried all kinds of things and nothing makes a diff. Frustrating to say the least.
  • Paul
    Paul Posts: 239
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    If you installed the mobile substrate update from yesterday, hold the volume up button while rebooting. Your phone should reboot to safe mode then you can go into cydia uninstall winterboard. No need to restore.
  • ATDT
    ATDT Posts: 1
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    Imagine IOS5 theme with this winter board update caused the time on status bar to disappear. Must be a winter board issue as the time was there before
  • Kwistofoo
    Kwistofoo Posts: 1
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    Ditto. Anyone have a fix for this?
  • Fl4t
    Fl4t Posts: 2
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    Yep same thing happened with me. Using iApplesauce, the time in the status bar disappeared. For some reason if I go into Cydia the time will re-appear but as soon as I go back to the home screen the time will disappear again. Changing to a different theme will bring it back. Anyone know how to fix this?
  • Fl4t
    Fl4t Posts: 2
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    Found a fix!!***ALWAYS BACKUP FILE(S) USED****"I found a solution, SSH into your device go to Library\Themes\NameOfTheme.theme. Open the main info.plist and delete the part that says TimeStylecolor: transparent; text-shadow: transparent 0px 0px 0px it might look a little different than this. When that's deleted save the file and respring. Your time should show up. Hope this works!"I used iExplorer on my desktop instead of SSH and it worked just as well. Brought my time and date back I found this fix on modmyi at luck,Dan
  • lucas
    lucas Posts: 18
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    i just jailbroke my 4th gen ipod 64g and my winterboard works but my icons do not change. is this caused by the update?