FastLock: Jailbreak Tweak Adds Shortcuts to Lock Screen

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imageFastLock: Jailbreak Tweak Adds Shortcuts to Lock Screen

FastLock is a new jailbreak tweak that adds some useful shortcuts to your iPhone's lock screen.

As you can see from the screenshots below, FastLock adds shortcuts that allow you to quickly:

* Place a call
* Send a message
* Send an email
* Send a Tweet
* Add a Contact
* Add a note
* Set an alarm or timer
* Take a photo

You need to double press on the Home button to see the shortcuts while on the lock screen and then simply tap on the appropriate shortcut.

Read the full story here


  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
    via Wordpress
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
    via Wordpress
    I don't know what sort of person needs to have something there in front of them so they can do it about 3 seconds faster. The sorts of people who jailbreak their iPhone in the first place have probably just broke out of jail themselves!! >see what i did there?!< So ipso facto they probably have enough time in their under-active day to unlock the the phone the way it was designed to be unlocked and the hit the message app icon! Slow down guys, enjoy the world. Peace :P
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
    via Wordpress
    This would be really cool if they were to make it configurable so you can chose to exclude Twitter for example if you don't use Twitter. Also, why do you need to double press the home button to make it come up? That's lame, there should be an option to make it always appear.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
    via Wordpress
    You're first comment is right, this does only save you 3 seconds... but most people do simple tasks like these 100 times a day, the time you'll end up saving adds up FAST.As for the rest of your post, why are you on a jailbreaking website if that's how you feel? I'm not going to tell you how wrong you are, that's just a waste of time, but why are you on this website in the first place?
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
    via Wordpress
    I agree to the first part and my second part was a generalisation i guess; i'm a jailbreaker myself! So many useful tools and apps that make the whole iPhone experience even more enjoyable and useful.Have a deep breath, spread some peace :P x
  • Elvis
    Elvis Posts: 39
    via Wordpress
    I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to jailbreak The only thing I can thank of is they don't know how to jailbreak.
  • Joey mac
    Joey mac Posts: 15
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    nice jailbreak tweak, i will try this out for sure. i don't know anyone who has an iPhone that is not jailbroken. guess we all just got out of jail and live on the dark side. people who know nothing about jailbreaking are always the one's who talk sh!t on a jailbreak site... crazy.. Go order the IOS hacker handbook
  • BCSC
    BCSC Posts: 49
    via Wordpress
    If you really want to do things like this, just buy an Android. Everything I read about jailbreaking tweaks is just a way to make an iPhone have the functionality of an Android. Too bad Google cant patent sue the jailbreak community the way Apple sues everyone else. See the irony there?
  • BCSC
    BCSC Posts: 49
    via Wordpress
    maybe you could just recoin jailbreaking to androiding