Apple Giving Away Free Snow Leopard DVD to Push MobileMe Users to Migrate to iCloud

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imageApple Giving Away Free Snow Leopard DVD to Push MobileMe Users to Migrate to iCloud

Back in October 2011, Apple launched iCloud – its new cloud based services, that allows users to store music, photos, apps, calendars, and documents and pushes them wirelessly to all your devices.

Apple had rewritten the core services provided by MobileMe to work seamlessly with iCloud and had informed MobileMe customers that they had until June 30th, 2012 to migrate their MobileMe account to iCloud.

Read the full story here


  • sridhar
    sridhar Posts: 2
    via Wordpress
    thanks for this update. this is really useful information.
  • Trapp
    Trapp Posts: 109
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    Wtf DEADLINE?! So when is the deadline to move from icloud to some future invention of Apples? 6 months? Or sooner i guess... Buy Lion cos we r bout to realase snow lion so You can pay for upgrading twice Geeeeez Thx godfor Google
  • brent
    brent Posts: 20
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    1. they are giving this upgrade away for free... and it was $29.99... are you really complaining about a company giving an OS upgrade away for free?2. the next version of OSX will be called "Mountain Lion", you must not be paying attention.Snow leopard was a pretty big leap from leopard because of 64 bit support and GCD which helps apps deal with multiple processors. If you can upgrade to Snow Leopard I would jump on this.
  • Eduardo
    Eduardo Posts: 21
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    They warned people a year ago, duh. Yeah stick to your chromebook...
  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    snow lion? really...
  • ian
    ian Posts: 48
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    I am pretty cross actually. Obviously I was told that I needed to upgrade to Lion or lose my calendar and mail synching to my iPhone etc. Now I've done this, I can't upgrade my iPhone its version 3 and my powerbook G4, which is still perfectly ok can't be upgraded either. Thanks Apple! I've used Macs since os8. Now pretty hacked off. It seems when companies get big and powerful they ignore their clients and are only interested in making more money... So now I need a new phone and new laptop. Maybe I'll just get an online calendar from someone else!
  • David Philip
    David Philip Posts: 1
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    Trapp, I can see your point, and making a mistake about a name, to me, is not a big deal; you meant the OS after OSX Lion. We all got it. It's a shame to obfuscate what you're saying in pedantry.For people who have Snow Leopard already, they have to migrate to Lion a month before Mountain Lion's release. The economy is not too hot. Why couldn't Apple just make Mountain Lion's release coincide with the iCloud migration? (And why should Trapp be clapping his hands about some giveaway that doesn't benefit him, and is designed by Apple for Apple to make more money? They're giving away an obsolete operating system so that people will be able to pay them for a usable upgrade!) The whole forced migration to Lion a month before Mountain Lion's release is sloppy at best, a dk-move at not-best.I was waiting for the release of the next iPhone--I was going to buy it unlocked for travel, but because they pushed its release to October, I bent over and... bought a 4S with a contract, so I can't use that for business abroad because it's locked for another two years, just so I could have a phone that can still run email. I tend to migrate every other OS, and here again, I've got to bend over and... buy a product right before it's obsolete. I could just just say 'forget about Mountain Lion for a while'... but I'm thinking I might say, 'forget about Apple; their loyalty is to making every last stinking dollar they can--not to their customers."
  • Martin
    Martin Posts: 53
    via Wordpress
    I have run two websites from mobileme since I had a mac some years ago. Now I can't, I don't understand why because no-one has actually come out and explained properly why there is a big change to icloud. I dont mind because I will use another media for my web hosting. iweb is no obsolete, not a very good move i thought, why make something redundant when it works.