Next Generation iPhone Home Button Leaked?



  • Tazzclass
    Tazzclass Posts: 5
    via Wordpress
    Hey **** head, maybe I bought all the products not from third parties but from apple themselves long before any change was thought of. The current 30 pin works great with no issues. I know why you change it, Apple stock goes up because hard working Americans have to go out and buy new products if they want to have a new phone. I know that is how America works but doesn't mean I have to like it. For another thing I'm not posting this for your opinion as it means nothing to me so feel free to shut the hell up.
  • Elvis
    Elvis Posts: 39
    via Wordpress
    Who gives a crap what the home button looks like some people need to get a life.
  • Tazzclass
    Tazzclass Posts: 5
    via Wordpress
    Wow. Carefully your lips don't get chapped with all that butt kissing!
  • Mcdouble1992
    Mcdouble1992 Posts: 0
    via Wordpress
    Maybe this is a way for them to put some kind of led light behind the home button for notifications from texts and that kind of thing, seeing as that's a complaint from other users switching over from other devices.
  • Steve Underhill
    Steve Underhill Posts: 13
    via Wordpress
    sais the man who just clicked on and potentially read an artical about possibly the new button from an iPhone 5