Apple on Agency Pricing Model: We Can't Treat Publishers Any Differently Than We Treat App Developer

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imageApple on Agency Pricing Model: We Can't Treat Publishers Any Differently Than We Treat App Developers

Apple's 30% revenue share policy is universal, which may be their first line of defense in their ongoing settlement with the Department of Justice regarding controversial iBook pricing.

If you're not yet familiar with Apple's fight with the Department of Justice, you can either read here for the full details or can tune in below for the gist:

Read the full story here


  • Hmmm?
    Hmmm? Posts: 59
    via Wordpress
    Do they honestly believe Amazon could have become a monopoly in the e-book market? Maybe in e-book readers but definitely not in e-books. How much infrastructure is really needed to provide e-books? And Apple's argument has some logic but they included the clause that they get the lowest price so there argument goes out the window. They may have not exactly colluded with the publishers but they knew what would result with the Agency model. And for that they will probably be found not guilty although I believe they are. The higher prices should have benefited the Authors but I highly doubt they gain anything from this, which is a shame.