Apple Saves Billions in Taxes Playing by The Rules - Should We Blame Apple or The System?

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imageApple Saves Billions in Taxes Playing by The Rules - Should We Blame Apple or The System?

Over the weekend, The New York Times published a lengthy, but fascinating article as part of its "iEconomy" series, about how Apple saved billions of dollars in taxes in the US.

New York Times' Charles Duhigg and David Kocieniewski point out though the methods used by Apple are legal to reduce its worldwide tax bill by billions of dollars each year.

Read the full story here


  • your daddy
    your daddy Posts: 7
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    They earned it They'd just charge more for their products if the taxes go up
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    Its not just system, its they Multimillion Dollar companies that hired lobbyists to change the system in their favor.
  • Fonzie
    Fonzie Posts: 9
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    Wow, I realize this is an iPhone website and everything Apple does is the bestest ever! But this is taking fanboyism to a whole new level. I'm sure Apple is the sweetest company run by the most ethical executives in the world. They would never spend millions on lawyers, accountants and lobbyists to save billions. While it appears they are not breaking any rules, you can't possibly be defending one of the world's largest companies for tax evasion practices. And to be fair, I'm not singling out Apple. This is a major problem in our country. And I'm not saying they don't deserve to make money, but paying a fair share to the USA instead of backdoor moves via other countries is exactly why we're in the shape we're in. While it sounds like a lot of money, a few extra billion in taxes to these companies is not going to change the lives of the people reaping the savings.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    I know its just semantics, but the corporations are part of the "system". They're definitely in bed with the government, but that's the way of the world I guess.
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    If Apple pays more taxes, prices go up, so we end up paying for it anyway. Come on, let's think, we would actually be better off with a simple flat sales tax on everything and abandon the idea of income tax completely.
  • Ryan
    Ryan Posts: 260
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    Flat tax means the rich get rich at the expense of the middle class
  • Brett
    Brett Posts: 104
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    Lower prices from Apple to the customer. They should pass on the savings.
  • Meee
    Meee Posts: 1
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    Problem is... most rich pay a lower net tax bracket then the middle class right now. The rich have the money to pay someone to invest it, move it, hide it, transfer it, so that they pay less tax on it. Most of us in the middle class can't do that, and/or don't have the resources to invest and move money around. The majority of the rest of the world lives paycheck to paycheck. Just saying, a flat tax could stop them from scamming the system.
  • Hmmm?
    Hmmm? Posts: 59
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    Thank you for your comment. I can appreciate Apple products and what the company has done but in no way are they saints. Don't understand why customers jump to their defense like it was a family member under attack. They scrutinize Apple because of their popularity and they are clearly in a position to make a difference. And just because other companies do it doesn't mean it's correct/right. And by not participating in "tax evasion" they would be at a disadvantage? That is nonsense especially with Apple's profit margins from the get go. Even if you are a huge fan of any Company why do people put them on a pedestal? They are just like any other company.
  • kmanvan
    kmanvan Posts: 11
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    lol *YEAH RIGHT*!we ARE talking about Apple here.
  • iJohn
    iJohn Posts: 41
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    Makes you want to earn more money so you fit in that lower tax bracket doesn't it? See how lower tax rates on higher income encourages capitalism?
  • Louis
    Louis Posts: 180
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    It's not Apple, It's not the system. To use the word blame is to say something is wrong. There is nothing wrong with Apple using all the rules to keep the Federal government from stealing all their money. YES, TAXES ARE STOLEN MONEY!!!
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Umm, no, it means those that work hard get to keep the money that they earned. If everyone is paying the same percentage of their income on tax, then everyone is simply being treated equally. I fail to see how this is unfair to anyone...$5 of $100 is the same percentage as $50 of $1000.Why should the person who made a $100 only pay $1 or 1% and the person who made $1000 pay $500 or 50%?Doesn't make any sense to punish people for being successful. Yes, there will be some people that make more than others, but that is the natural course of life and if you don't like what you are making, get out there, get more education, work harder, etc. and make more money. That is the way things are supposed to work, you should be rewarded for doing well.
  • PicturePete
    PicturePete Posts: 6
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    Amazon do the same in the UK they paid no UK corporation tax on 3.3bn turnover!! The UK operation avoids tax as the ownership of the main business was transferred to a Luxembourg company in 2006