Apple's iOS Chief Scott Forstall Sells 95% of His Company Shares Worth $38.7 Million

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imageApple's iOS Chief Scott Forstall Sells 95% of His Company Shares Worth $38.7 Million

Fortune reports that Scott Forstall - Apple's Senior Vice President of iOS software has just sold 95% of his company shares.

Based on the SEC filing, Forstall - considered by many as CEO-in-waiting, sold 64,151 shares worth $38.7 million last Friday.

Fortune reports:

Read the full story here


  • Chex
    Chex Posts: 2
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    I thought it was odd that Forstall wasn't at the new IPad announcement. Now this. Maybe he is on the way out?
  • RLBalt
    RLBalt Posts: 16
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    Good point. Hmmm....
  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 54
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    Good. Time for Jony Ive to lead.
  • Will
    Will Posts: 104
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    There is this guy named Tim Cook who is actually the leader.And has actually been leading for the past several years backstage and only recently been onstage now that Steve Jobs is gone.That's why for Apple, it's been business as usual and it's progress hasn't changed.And WHO in their RIGHT mind would give up potentially $250 million dollars???By cashing in (and paying taxes) on those shares already divested, it's obvious he wants to enjoy some of perks that a $700,000 annual salary doesn't already get you.
  • olumadu
    olumadu Posts: 2
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    He smells something we all can't - "insider info!" Meaning the boat is about to tank. Apple is no longer holds monopoly over these gadgets, that is NOW clear.
  • Pacomac
    Pacomac Posts: 145
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    Yes right... You'd be dangerous in the wrong hands!
  • Antonia
    Antonia Posts: 29
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    honestly he looks like a geek that got lucky. don't get me wrong, i wish i was that geek. but all his talks are lame, lacks self confidence... also i am not diluting his contribution, but meh... that other dude, director of hardware or whatever, seems much cooler AND WAY More excited about iOS stuff..
  • Hayley
    Hayley Posts: 2
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    I agree. Lucky geek who now has so much leverage and a pocket full of fresh Apple money.. damn