Pebble Smartwatch Will be Integrated With RunKeeper at Launch

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imagePebble Smartwatch Will be Integrated With RunKeeper at Launch

When we first wrote about Pebble three weeks back - the sleek smartwatch that connects to iPhone and Android, it had received a backing for more than $650,000 from 4850+ backers.

But in the last three weeks, it has created history by becoming the most funded Kickstarter project ever and has received more than $8 million in funding from more than 53,500+ backers.

Read the full story here


  • Intrepid
    Intrepid Posts: 9
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    I can think of so many apps I would like integrated with the watch so I'll just mention few: a camera app that will permit secret photos, a voice recorder, a gps sensor built inside the watch, alarm clock that will speak and vibrate. Sky is the limit
  • v ratnayake
    v ratnayake Posts: 2
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    I would very much like stop watch/ alarm on it.
  • Zack says
    Zack says Posts: 3
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    what happens after the last days that past on kick starter with it?
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    I'd like to see watch with the same features that's less expensive than $115. Until then, I think I'll sit this one out.
  • Jake
    Jake Posts: 62
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    Nothing they will be for sale on August but for a much higher price.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    I'd like to see watch with the same features that's less expensive than $115. Until then, I think I'll sit this one out. Seems like the price of accessories designed to interact with the iphone are always excessive.A good example of this are all the overly priced cheap speakers with docks minus radio, cd, tape deck, and sometimes no control buttons. Add a dock and the price more than doubles; hate to see what they'll charge for wifi or bluetooth connectivity accessories.
  • Clark Bent
    Clark Bent Posts: 1
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    Confused by the hype.My iPhone is already big enough. I certainly don't want to wear an additional watch/device on my runs. This watch requires you to have your iPhone with you (because it lacks 3G).Unless this watch has its own mp3 player, GPS and camera I don't see what the fuss is. Basically this watch needs its own 3G which isn't going to happen. Apple will make a proper watch before this becomes an iPhone.
  • v ratnayake
    v ratnayake Posts: 2
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    A heart rate monitor buit in would be very nice indeed. I know the watch is bit expensive(relative) but someone has to pay for the R&D. I think it is great and useful item, if you have an iphone and into fitness.
  • So What
    So What Posts: 10
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    It has been done before 'i'm watch' but it is not water prove like 'Pebble'.
  • HawkRocker78
    HawkRocker78 Posts: 2
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    I wasn't going to reply but now after reading everyone's posts, I feel like I should. This is a copy of the motarola actv. It has everything that everyone has commented on. It is a costly device but works smoothly with any android phone and includes the mp3 player and gps with maps. It isn't however independent of your phone but works simlessly and receives texts and phone calls with heart rate monitor. This pebble is nice but almost seems like a copycat that's behind a few steps. I'm sure apple is working on there own iPod nano that will connect with your iPhone and do it all soon.
  • BlueDream
    BlueDream Posts: 15
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  • Duh
    Duh Posts: 13
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    I'd LOVE for it to tell the TIME!
  • Stanley
    Stanley Posts: 17
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    Apple better buy this company quick so they can integrate that technology into the nano because that would be sick!
  • TheRealMoe
    TheRealMoe Posts: 22
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    i'm watch is cooler
  • Opple
    Opple Posts: 1
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    This is a great idea for the new iPod nano, make it a watch where you can read iPhones messages, calls, whether, notifications, time, Facebook. Ect... By connecting it by Bluetooth.
  • Mat
    Mat Posts: 15
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    Pebble doesn't support SMS for iPhone if you didn't already know. Only Android supports that.
  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    I know, that's why I'm holding off to see if  will do that, I already have an iPad, iPod touch and iPhone, all of them the latest models.