Samsung Unveils Galaxy S III to Take on iPhone

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imageSamsung Unveils Galaxy S III to Take on iPhone

Samsung has unveiled their next generation Android-based Galaxy S smartphone at a media event in London to take on Apple's iPhone 4S, dubbed Galaxy S III.

Galaxy S III includes a 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED display at 720p resolution, 8-megapixel rear facing camera and 1.9-megapixel front-facing camera, 16 or 32GB of storage with microSD expansion, Bluetooth 4.0 support, GPS with GLONASS reception, high-throughput 40MHz 802.11n Wi-Fi, NFC, and a bigger battery.

Read the full story here



  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    While I like the samsunf galaxy in general, this is an ugly phone.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    can't wait to upgrade my gs2
  • Guan
    Guan Posts: 11
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    Remnds me of the pebble styling of the palm pre handsets and it doesn't look anything like an iPhone which is a plus.
  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I love the fact you can still take the back cover off. just goes to show it's still a cheap, chinese imitation of the real deal.
  • Guan
    Guan Posts: 11
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    The title of this article is wrong. This phone stands head and shoulders above the 4s and not just in size. The title should be "Galaxy S III lays down the gauntlet for the iPhone 5". Apple have 5 months to better the S III, bring it on!!
  • Android and iPhone user
    via Wordpress
    Im sorry but Samsung need to sort out there other devices before generating a new one I own a Samsung galaxy tab which I only got 3 months ago and I cant believe I am still having to wait for ics for it. Every one else has it so why have Samsung promised it and not released it.
  • jae
    jae Posts: 35
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    A small but important feature is native ability to launch apps by voice. I know you can with SIRI with JB. Looks like Samsung got a lot of things right. Can't wait for Apple's response this fall.
  • Fonzie
    Fonzie Posts: 9
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    Out of curiosity, where exactly is your "real deal" phone made?
  • Reed
    Reed Posts: 3
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    WRONG! It would be so nice to have expandable memory and removable battery. They are doing it right, this highlights a Major iphone limitation. If you don't think so then try and replace your battery in under an hour with no experience.
  • Vu
    Vu Posts: 2
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    The iphone 4 design wise.. I reckon it still beats the samsung galaxy s III. Looks to cheap.. i rather have the original galaxy s II then this
  • Iphartsmuch
    Iphartsmuch Posts: 1
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    Specs look impressiveHowever style wise it looks like theOld HTC touch WM6 phoneFrom 4 or 5 years ago
  • Yo Mama!
    Yo Mama! Posts: 30
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    4.8 inches..! Wow.. My hands are to big for iPhone, I can't even Text. I wish apple make an iPhone at least 4 inches, my fingers almost cover half of the tinny screen.. (iPhone)
  • Trav
    Trav Posts: 4
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    Samsung vs Apple.. I love it! The competition is Great! It is bringing out the inovations that *WE*, as comsumers are benefitting from.. A WIN WIN for all..
  • Key
    Key Posts: 202
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    who at samsung said this phone was to take on the iPhone ?? how do you know they didn't release it to take on the new Droid ?? don't be so cocky with all these rumors....
  • Hmmm?
    Hmmm? Posts: 59
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    Not exactly blown away by the unveiling. If they had a design like the One X and non-pentile display then there would have been no question this would be my next phone. If the next iPhone is not announced in June then I will probably go with this unless the One XL with its SD card support makes it way to my carrier. Can't wait for the next iPhone to be launched in late Oct and then a couple months for jailbreak and then finally a couple weeks to iron out the bugs for both the jailbreak and the cydia apps and tweaks. I seriously can't do with an iPhone that is not jailbroken. I am much more productive with it. Activator alone is enough for me to jailbreak.
  • bomboy
    bomboy Posts: 2
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    of all the comments, you did it right! amen to you brother...
  • Poor1
    Poor1 Posts: 31
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    lets hope they release the s3 with windows phone 8 very soon so i can sell all my iphones on ebay. iOS is so outdated when it comes to UI and graphics.
  • KillerPubes
    KillerPubes Posts: 50
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    I've no interest really in Samsung but I do like the fact they've moved away from iPhone lookalikes with this design. Something always bugged me about making their phone so similar looking to Apple's. I've a little more respect for them now.
  • pac
    pac Posts: 15
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    Okay, so... a quad core phone vs. a dual core phone. Big thinkers on the competition front.
  • Sparky
    Sparky Posts: 17
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    Ok good try Samsung... I am not going to ditch my iPhone 4 for now.Apple the ball is in your court. What can you guys do for iPhone 5.
  • Shirley Snook
    Shirley Snook Posts: 2
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    So I can run all my iPhone apps on it right? No? Hmm
  • AppleCider
    AppleCider Posts: 18
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    I know that Samsung is trying not to get their ass sued for having rounded corners etc etc but this design sucks. Looks like a phone that would have been around 5years back. Some of the mock artists can do a better job designing this phone. The S2 looks much better. Come on Samsung, you're not playing the game very well!
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
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    +1 Agreed, competition is always good for the consumer.
  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    the Samsung galaxy s 3 is amazing phone better then the Iphone 4s i am amaze Samsung didn't call the s3 ''Ikiller''
  • cozze
    cozze Posts: 5
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    Haha everytime a company comes out with a nice phone this site always says they are trying to take on the iphone. Actually i think they are just trying to market there device, oh and Samsung would have everything to loose if they took out the iphone bc apple uses Samsung parts on the iphone. This site has. become the CNN for iphone news
  • cozze
    cozze Posts: 5
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    they don't release upgradeds right away for devices bc they have hundred of of mobile devices to worry about. Apple has three!
  • Zweten
    Zweten Posts: 3
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    Yes indeed, and i like it for this, i love it , thanks
  • gif
    gif Posts: 5
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    so true, this site was amazing 2 years ago, but now its all about rumor this rumor that, a photo of a little plastic piece from future iphone 5 could be this, could be that part rumors etc etcthis site is like TMZ of iphone world
  • Elim
    Elim Posts: 59
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    hey man, you need a lappy with full touch screen..... :)
  • Android and iPhone user
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    On my last cout they had 6 3 iPads and 3 iPhones and that is my point they have to many so now we have to wait for updates while most other android devices already have it