pod2g: iPhone 4 Running iOS 5.1 is Now Untethered



  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Like i said an unlock is still more important. How much extra is it to buy an unlocked iPhone? I think like an extra $500.
  • ChinaMan
    ChinaMan Posts: 12
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    How much more does it cost to buy a jailbroken phone? Priceless... that's right you can't buy something that doesn't exist yet... dumb ****!
  • xero14
    xero14 Posts: 34
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    The real thing to hope for is that this exploit doesn't give the others away to apple. He's going to release this so let's all hope we get to save at least one for next update. Nice job either way let the games continue.
  • iOS hunter
    iOS hunter Posts: 12
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    Im on 5.1 4s. Stock out the box. I take a tether one before I take a untether right now. I hope he doesn't release the untether until iOS 6. I would wait for them to release a untether for ios 6. If apple patched the untether in ios 6 then release the untether for ios 5.1.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    You won't be able to jailbreak your iOS 5.1 once iOS 6 is released, because since iOS 5 Apple stopped signing updates for older versions. If you update your iOS, you can ONLY install the latest version (that is for A5 devices...)
  • Jyetam
    Jyetam Posts: 1
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    Einstein of hacking world, ASLR is tough but you are tougher, good job, I know you enjoy doing it so boooyaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! And lots of thanks, you'll make many people happy even those who don't even support or know you.
  • jsxbhxc
    jsxbhxc Posts: 6
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    How much extra for a jailbroken one?No-one owes you an unlock, they're boring, and the only way you'll ever see another one is by paying someone to develop one.Which you won't do, because carrier unlocking is cheaper than that, and available right now.Personally, I'd be glad if no-one ever released another unlock: they very quickly end up being monetised by dodgy shops that prey on stupid people, overcharging them hand-over-fist for work that wasn't theirs to begin with, and frequently misrepresenting their dodgy unlock that won't survive a restore as a proper carrier unlock.
  • RiCo
    RiCo Posts: 51
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    Vote pod2g for president
  • jackie
    jackie Posts: 8
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    Mine was jail broken, but I upgraded my 4s to 5.1 and my mouth fell off at the battery life. Worth it, but I'm dying to Take this phones second virginity with a new jailbreak. Pod2g you are incredible for the work you do for this community! Seriously, without you iPhones would be boring. But with you, they are AWESOME.
  • osxster
    osxster Posts: 1
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    I agree, I would rather him wait for iOS 6 as well. As far as I am concerned, iOS 5.1 is a wasted jailbreak and a waste of exploits. There are only so many vulnerabilities in iOS to exploit. Even if the iOS 5.1 jailbreak comes out, I am never going to install it and will be waiting for iOS 6. I have jailbroken 5.01 and built up a nice suite of apps from Cydia, but you have to do that all again every time you jailbreak. It is not worth my time to jailbreak 5.1 when there are so little new features other than a 4G icon when I am on an HSPA+ network.So I am waiting for iOS 6, I hope pod2g does too. You never know if this will be our last jailbreak, I'd rather wait until there is something new in the OS especially since iOS6 is just around the corner.
  • javatechnic
    javatechnic Posts: 8
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    it's not on 4s yet even tethered...
  • Umar Riyadh
    Umar Riyadh Posts: 6
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    Dear Pod2G,You are cruel if you hold this. Free it release it - we will elect you as the president of US.
  • Rip
    Rip Posts: 38
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    Actually, if you are out of your contract with AT&T they will unlock it for you. Just FYI
  • fuck u kris
    fuck u kris Posts: 2
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    Haha president? Yeah right like pod2g you should all jailbreak your own devices and stop bitching
  • kbatrph
    kbatrph Posts: 14
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    You must like to jb your phone every time you turn it off and on???
  • ifonix
    ifonix Posts: 76
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    thanx for the grate work and effort.i'm happy with 5.0 JB and as comrades commented here, be patient and wait for 6.0wance again thanx for the hard work!
  • fuck u ifonix
    fuck u ifonix Posts: 1
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    Shut up fag how about us that have 5.1
  • Ralph
    Ralph Posts: 18
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    Waiting for iOS 6? That would be a disaster for our company.We are developing applications for our client to control and monitor high complex industrial machines. Those applications run only on jailbroken iPad3s (New iPad) and can't get approval by Apple. With every week delay until JB for iOS 5.1 comes out, we loose money. We knew the risk to develop for jailbroken iPads. But no choice because everything is so complex and complicated. Basically, we are so dependent on jailbreakers like pod2g. We don't blame anybody, but would appreciate a jailbreak for iPad3 (tethered or untethered) or even the possibility to downgrade the iPad3 to iOS 5.0.1.
  • vern
    vern Posts: 2
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  • Richard M. Mañalac
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    I would like to ask if it is possible that the jailbreak 5.1 would be an untetehered JB for iphone 3gs new bootrom? TIA!
  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    Have you put your money where your post is and given financial support to the jailbreakers ?
  • Kim
    Kim Posts: 29
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    wow!!! i cant wait... thanks man. IKAW NA!
  • MattyG262
    MattyG262 Posts: 1
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    does pod2g accept donations?
  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    Can it jailbreak the Ipad 3 5.1 ?
  • Mrman
    Mrman Posts: 10
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    Okay, why isnt he releasing it? Wtf is going on? This news came 3 days ago (he probably even did it the day before), so what the hell is happening? I'm getting really unpatient. If your gonna take so long releasing it, pod2g, you might as well not tell us anyrhibg before u have. Because now you are really busting my balls (!) for making me wait, and revisit this site for news that is never coming! And soon iOS 6 will be here....aah man, i shouldve never bought the new iPad. It's not like there is anything to do when there isnt a goddamn jailbreak out! AND IT DOESNT HELP WHEN THE SO-CALLED HACKERS, ALREADY MONTHS LATE, GIVE OUT NEWS BOUT JAILBRAK WHEN THEY ARE NOT RELEASING. AND NOW MY EXAMS ARE COMING UP, SO I WONT HAVE ANY FRIGGIN TIME TO DO ANYTHING, AND RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT iOS 6 is released ( am I gonna anticipate a jailbreak "news" of this version around September, with the release coming a month after?). Thx alot pod2g. Thx for nothin.Now, if you'll excuse me; i'll go hang myself.
  • Phebar
    Phebar Posts: 9
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    Lol MRman you just make my day much better;0) It will come in 1 or 2 weeks, i Can feel it weeee!!!!!
  • thenightrider
    thenightrider Posts: 1
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    I so desperately need this JB hopefully it will be out soon. Pretty please!Good work dude love it
  • La Menthe
    La Menthe Posts: 1
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    1-2 weeks? F**ck me!I agree wit MRman, this is getting ridiculous...
  • D
    D Posts: 50
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    A lot of good points, but I definitely don't want a buggy jb. So until we all learn to do ourselves were going to have to wait. And quit harassing him, it sure doesn't help.
  • D
    D Posts: 50
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    A lot of good points, but I definitely don't want a buggy jailbreak. So until we all learn to do ourselves were going to have to wait. And quit harassing him, it sure doesn't help.