iPad Accounts For 95% of Tablet-Based Web Traffic

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via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageiPad Accounts For 95% of Tablet-Based Web Traffic

Most of tablet-based web traffic is still originating from Apple's iPad, according to data from Chitika.

Last year, iPad had grabbed 97% of tablet-based web traffic.

According to newly published stats by Chitika Insights - the research arm of Chitika ad network, iPad accounts for almost 95% of all tablet-based web traffic.

Read the full story here


  • Kiwiholden
    Kiwiholden Posts: 189
    via Wordpress
    Does this take in the no name $200 tablets at all? There's so many out there now
  • Trick
    Trick Posts: 11
    via Wordpress
    Yeah. If you do the math they're probably the other 2.05%.
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
    via Wordpress
    If that's the case carriers should start offering unlimited data plans to all Android tablets since they're only using a 5th of the total data consumed. They're always looking for new ways to create revenue and its staring them right in the face. No worries, android users use a minimal amount of data. No worries right?
  • Grime
    Grime Posts: 216
    via Wordpress
    I Implied, but never really said it. Offering unlimited data plans to Android users would likely entice consumers to by more Android devices and overpriced data plans that they probably never use. A perfect match for money hungry carriers. Can't see why they haven't thought of this already.
  • stu
    stu Posts: 48
    via Wordpress
    iPad had a jump on the market since they kind of invented this whole tablet thing. Has aneone checked out the lineup of what else is out there? wont be long before others catch up.
  • iJohn
    iJohn Posts: 41
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    You mean like the non iPod mp3 players have caught up in that market?
  • RobDupre
    RobDupre Posts: 2
    via Wordpress
    So this web traffic statistic, this is non WIFI traffic I assume?Doesn't it seem amazingly high to anyone else... going on the market share i appreciate that there is over 1 iPad for each and all other tablets put together, but what are the rest of these people using their tablets for??