iBGStar Turns Your iPhone into a Blood Glucose Meter

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imageiBGStar Turns Your iPhone into a Blood Glucose Meter

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the iBGStar Meter - a blood glucose monitoring system that works with the iPhone and iPod touch.

As the first and only blood glucose meter to be used in conjunction with the iPhone and the iPod Touch, the iBGStar  allows users diagnosed with diabetes to track, record and manage important information on-the-go.

Read the full story here


  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    I have one of these in England, I am type 1 diabetic and it is fantastic! This has revolutionised taking you blood glucose level, before we had to write in a book but now all automatically logged and can email direct to your doctor so they can better see where your going wrong!I think this is fantastic that now the iPhone can do so much more and even possible save my life!And the reason they have only released for iPhone not android is because the iPhone is a standerd across all models, I.e. iPod iPhone iPad and is the most common phone in the worldTop stuff!
  • Lahey
    Lahey Posts: 32
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    This is a no-buy in my view until the new connector is deployed. Dev costs will be negligible for Sanofi compared to the time, hassle and expense of FDA clearance once again. Their competitors do not lack a lobby after all.
  • Paul Grullon
    Paul Grullon Posts: 1
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    I would like to point out that we are not solutioning the biggest of all problems in the diabetic reading device. The Blood Puncture. Try Reading the blood without puncturing the patient and you will have a winner.
  • Tony
    Tony Posts: 145
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    Can I ask about testing strips?Do you need to pay for them or are they available on prescription?
  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Actually, the biggest problem is the cost of test strips....they are expensive and really, there is no reason for them to be so high. Many manufacturers will give these machines away for free, simply because they know how much you will spend on their proprietary test strips.One way around this would be if the FDA would regulate test strips to have one standard strip that works in all machines, then generics could come out and make the playing field level.
  • Bille
    Bille Posts: 4
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    Fortunately here in the uk the strips are provided by the NHS, I used to have a Bauer meter and brought this meter for £48 and they changed prescription for strips to use with this machine
  • r0bErT4u
    r0bErT4u Posts: 4
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    Actually there are other Glucose Testers/Monitors that sync up to iPhone/iPad/iPod ... this one uses infrared, so no more finger pricks ... http://cybiocare.com/product/specifications
  • Jap
    Jap Posts: 37
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    apparently they are working on this, there talking about a earring that clips on, a pair of contact lenses that change colour, and something like that goes on your finger and checks your oxigen level (all to do with suger beet, so they can see the suger level in the plant without damaging it), they did have the tattoo but thats just like a urine strip, only telling you if your low, correct or high.i did have a continouas blood monitoring system fitted the other week, but these are expensive, but a nice way of monitoringyou never know tho
  • Jap
    Jap Posts: 37
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    they charged for a perscription? surely as a diabetic you are exempt from perscription charges? thats the first form the docs had me fill out when i was diagnosed
  • Jap
    Jap Posts: 37
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    sorry read it wrong lol, i read charged instead of changed, my bad