Rumor: Apple Television Looks Like a Big Thunderbolt Display; To Include Siri, FaceTime, AirPlay

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imageRumor: Apple Television Looks Like a Big Thunderbolt Display; To Include Siri, FaceTime, AirPlay

Ever since an excerpt from Steve Jobs biography revealed that he felt that he had finally cracked integrated Television sets, the chatter about Apple possibly releasing television sets has got louder.

It has been speculated that Apple will launch the television set, which could include Siri for extensive voice control rather than the conventional remote control later this year.

Read the full story here


  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Posts: 199
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    Its going to be pretty expensive!
  • george
    george Posts: 88
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    If the price is right heck yea, well and if it has iOS and can be jail broken and I can load XBMC on it.. epic win
  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    I have been waiting for it for more than two years. My 42" plasma tv is getting older each day and I will not upgrade before Apple comes out with a TV. Of course if it turns out no tv will come I will buy another one. But one thing is for sure... It must be jailbroken. I look forward to see if Apple will launch one more revolution like with the iPod.
  • Aaron
    Aaron Posts: 137
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    I don't think it'll be that expensive as like the iPad when it was first rumored to be $1,000 starting price and it was only $499 for the 16GB. I bet apple will make another revolutionary product at a reasonable price. Go Apple!!!
  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    This is a huge piece of door stopper if jailbreak fails.
  • Hmmm?
    Hmmm? Posts: 59
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    I still don't understand how this can be a huge success. People replace their televisions what, every 5 Years at best? I think they should just update the Apple TV to support apps and it will be more successful than it is at the moment. If they do come out with an Apple Television then I believe it is going to be a hobby just like the Apple TV box.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    $499 for a 16GB tablet is a reasonable price? Enjoy throwing unnecessary money at Apple for a TV that will only allow you to buy content from their video store.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    There are plenty of devices that you can put XBMC on now and you are not locked into paying Apple's exorbitant markup on the display.
  • Dan o
    Dan o Posts: 8
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    $499 was the price for the first iPad. At that time it WAS a good price because most people would think it would be more expensive then that. Now instead of making it a lot cheaper they are upgrading it and selling it for the same price. But older models gets cheaper like iPad 2.
  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
    via Wordpress
    Those prices are still ridiculous for a tablet. Apple takes advantage of the fact that they have fanboys (no offense but you are clearly one) who will pay anything and then they still control the store for anything spent within the device. Apple would still be wildly successful if they sold iPads for $50 because of what they would take as their piece in the app store/itunes.